Chapter 33: The Party Plan

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It had been a while since I had crossed paths with certain people. I honestly forgot about them, since I hadn't had trouble with them lately. But it seemed like my little relaxation time had been over. If I would even call it that.

Walking through the hallways at the beginning of break period was non other than Ashton Kriss with his little posse. Mitchell, Thomas and Brandon. My blood felt like it turned to ice.

Every time I saw one of them, I dodged and ran the other way.

Now there was nowhere to run. They had already sighted me. Just my luck!

    I had even been trying to avoid Brandon the most because he was the one trying to blackmail me. Most times he saw me and gave me wicked grins and then he left me with my skin pricking like cockroaches were climbing it.

The four boys walked like they were kings of the school. Play boys. It was written on their forehead. Ever since that incident in the detention class, it seemed like Ashton had been avoiding me, not the other way around. Though I had been thrilled about it.

It had been weeks since I saw his face and honestly I couldn't be more glad.

That former new girl, whom I knew as Pearl Leslie, latched unto the arms of Mitchell and smiled happily, a genuine smile.

Oh, how that smile will turn to a tear filled frown very soon.

I wouldn't trust Mitchell if I were her.

   Then again, I wasn't her. Who knew what lies Mitchell and fed the poor girl?

What about Scarlet?

There you go again Hannah! Stop it!

I hardened my face and attempted to walk past them. I did that successfully before Brandon decided to spin around and slap my ass. My mouth clamped shut, not willing attention, I walked away like nothing happened.

They'd probably pin me as an attention seeking mutt anyway.

I stepped into the cafeteria with my head hung low. I went I picked up a trail of food, which surprisingly smelt good, and then proceeded in using my eyes to scan for the boys.


Well, it looked like they already found me.

My eyes spotted Alexis, whose arm was in the air, motioning for me to come over. It surprised me how bright and happy he could get then switch to gloomy and quiet some moments after. Either way, he was an interesting person.

A smile slapped my face the moment I sat with them. "How are you guys?" I asked.

"Ugghhh, awful. I'm failing English!" Alexis wailed.

How could one fail English?

"Its not my fault! The damn language is hard!"

"But you've improved in speaking" I pointed out.

    "Damn right I have" he muttered, "Hay demasiados idiomas en este maldito mundo que les digo, demasiadas! Quiero decir... ¿por Qué?! Lo peor es probablemente el CHINO. Cómo en el mundo puede alguien aprender que(There are too many languages in this damn world I tell you, too many! I mean... Why?! The worst is probably CHINESE. How in the world will someone learn that?) "

We blinked at him.

"Uhm, Alexis... English"

"Yeah... " I chuckled, " I take French. Not Spanish"

Jordan sipped his drink, "I take Spanish. Because someone here tends to rant a lot in his native tongue and some of us can hardly comprehend."

"vete a la mierda hombre(Fuck you man)" Alexis started laughing, knowing fully well that Jordan understood what he said.

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