Chapter 1

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      I sat behind a table with four items placed on it. A candle, a bowl of water, a rock, and a pinwheel. Okay, so, let's try this again.

     First, Earth. I looked at the rock and raised my hand. The rock lifted from the table in time with my hand. I smiled then lowered my hand, placing the rock back on the table.

    Next, water. I placed my hand in the water scooping some up in my hand. With my other hand I started making a motion like I was making a snowball, but instead a water ball appeared. The ball of water lifted out of my hand and plopped back down into the bowl.

     I looked to the candle next. I took a deep breath and then snapped my fingers. The candle lit up with a bright orange yellow flame. I smiled with pleasure. Fire was my favorite.

     Finally there was air. I lifted my finger and started twirling it in a circular motion. A breeze picked up in the room and the pinwheel in front of me started to spin. I stopped twirling my finger and the breeze stopped, but not before blowing out the candle I just lit. Now the items in front of me sat just as they were before, untouched.

     "That was impressive," Lazarus said from behind me.

      "Seriously, a lot of witches and wizards can't even do that," Victoria said.

     I forgot that they were both in here watching me. They've both been with me a lot this summer actually.  Vicotoria was helping me learn about the spells they teach during first year at Diamond Class, which was helpful because I missed the first year. Lazarus was just here because he liked being around me. He's barely been home all summer.

     Lazarus has been my fiancé for years now. He's always liked me and he has always expected to marry me, even though I have never really had romantic feelings toward him. Last year I rocked his world, and not in the good sick way you're all thinking of. I mean I told him I may not have to marry him, if I can become queen of my own country.

     Last year my parents sent me to Gemstone Academy. It was a school that trained royals (or just rich people) how to run their countries. Seriously there's a class actually called How To Run a Country. Bomb class by the way.

     Anywho, I was in the Ruby class last year. The Ruby class are the normal royals. This year, I'll be in the Diamond Class, which is the night class filled with mythical creatures.

     I met a vampire named Dario last year and he turned my world upside down. He introduced me to the world of mythical creatures, filled with witches, wizards, demons(who aren't actually from Hell), vampires, werewolves, fairies, pixies, and mermaids. And me, the only Angel in existence. I have the powers of all mythical creatures. Cool right?

       Speaking of Dario, I've only seen him once this Summer. It was back in June. He came to visit me to see if any of my Angel powers had progressed. I had only learned a couple of spells then from Victoria. That's also when I learned about elemental magic, Dario said I should give it a shot. So, I asked Victoria about it and she explained what she knew and then I gave it a shot.

    "Can you do any elemental magic?" I asked Victoria.

    She shook her head. "We don't start learning about it until second year, so you're ahead of the game."

       "That's my girl," Lazarus said leaning down the kiss the top of my head.

     I smiled up at him. I was actually really glad that he's been here pretty much all summer. It's good to have company during this learning to be an Angel crap, which, by the way, is way harder than learning to be a queen.

      I've learned other things this summer other than witch spells. Like my senses are frickin awesome. I can sense who is in the same area I am in and I can sense when bad things are going to happen. Like I got a weird feeling right before we learned that Tori the Tramp, my younger sister, had snuck off with her boyfriend.

     Another thing I've noticed that's different is my sense of smell is AMAZING, just like a werewolf's. I can smell what is cooking in the kitchen from my room. And the kitchen is all the way on the other side of the castle two floors below me. Yep, so the down side of that is if something smells bad, my sense of smell automatically becomes my kryptonite.

     Besides making unfair deals, Demons are also known for their spectacular fighting ability. I haven't been able to test that yet, and I really hope I never have to. I have noticed that I am strong. Last week I got pissed at Tori the Tramp for taking some of my clothes without asking. So after I got done yelling at her I stormed out of her room and slammed her door, and ended up breaking the door. Well that pissed Tori off. My parents weren't too thrilled about it either.

      I also have to ability to turn into a mermaid. So when I get wet I sprout a frickin tail. Yeah, that scared the shit out of me when I went to shower one day and collapsed because my legs turned into a tail. Showering was officially a pain in the ass.

      I'm kinda bummed about one thing, I don't have my wings. I don't know when I'm supposed to get them, but I can't wait. Flying is the main thing I was looking forward to being able to do.

      As for the white light I produced on the night the witches and wizards kidnapped me, it hasn't happened since. I've tried to do it at will and have failed every time. I guess I can only do it when I'm in danger. Same thing with my skin turning hot and burning people.

      "You're gonna be all set for school starting in a week," Victoria said.

      "I'm still nervous," I said.

      "I'm sure you'll be fine," Lazarus said. "And I can't wait to see you again."

       I stood up and faced him. "Are you leaving?"

     "Yeah my plane leaves soon. I promised my family I'd spend the last week before school with them."

     "Okay," I said hugging him. "I'll see you in a week."

    "Yep," He said pulling away from me. "Bye, Victoria."

     "Bye!" Victoria called. As soon as Lazarus left the room she turned to me. "Have you heard from Dario?" 

      "No.  And just for the next time you ask that, no. And again, no! I haven't heard from him since June."

     "It just seems so weird. I was so sure he likes you."

     "Because your the Dario expert?"

     "No! Humphrey is, he thinks Dario likes you too."

       I rolled my eyes. "Well, clearly he doesn't."

     "Okay so then what about you? Do you like him?"

     "I don't see why that matters."

     "Because it looks to me like you're leading Lazarus on even though you like someone else!"

     "I'm not leading him on!" I said defensively. I like Lazarus!"

    "Really? So you're going to marry him?"

    "I don't know! I said throwing my arms in the air.

     "Well, better decide fast. He turns 18 on November 8th."

     "I know that."  Of course I knew that. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Lazarus needed to know if I'd marry him by then. And I still wasn't sure if I wanted to. Especially because of.....

      "Do you like Dario?"

    That. Especially because if that.

      "If you know the answer to that why do you keep asking me?" I asked annoyed. "It's my problem don't worry about it."

     "Because I'm your best friend. Stuff like this concerns me too."

    "Oh really? So are you and Humphrey going to date?"

     Victoria glared at me. "You know what
you're right. It is your life. You do you."

     Haha. I win.

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