Chapter 9

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   I sat in my bed with Blair sitting behind me  doing my hair. The Halloween party was tonight so my roommates were helping me get ready. I was going to the party as a devil, you know because I'm an Angel. Victoria thought it would be hilarious.

     Zoey sat in front of me doing my makeup. Lilia laid out the little red dress I was going to wear on my bed along with my black heels and devil horns.

      "Hey, you alright?" Lilia asked me.

      "Yeah, why?"

      "Because you seem kinda quiet."

      "I guess I'm just a little nervous about tonight."

     "It'll be fine. I'm sure your party planning skills are spectacular," Zoey said putting a little bit of blush on my cheeks.

     "No, that's not it," I said. "I just have a bad feeling, like I'm really anxious about something, but I don't know what. It's hard to explain."

     "Well, try to forget about it. You're going to a fuckin party and you're going to have fun," Blair commanded.

    I like how Blair threatened me to have fun. Like that would work.

     "You're all ready babe," Zoey said standing up.

     "Your hair is ready too," Blair said. She patted my back indicating I could get up and I flinched.

    "What's wrong?" Lilia asked concerned. "Did Blair hit you too hard?"

      "What?! I barely touched her!" Blair said defensively.

    "No, it's nothing," I said. "My back has just been sore recently. I don't know why."

     I got up off of my bed and changed into my dress. It came to my mid thigh. I put on the devil horns and the heels.

     "Damn you look good," Zoey said.

    "I look like a hooker."

    "Nah," Blair said waving me off. "I wear outfits like that all of the time."

      "That does not give me confidence."

     "What are you saying?"

     "She just called you a hooker, dumbass," Zoey said.

      And while they were bickering I slipped out of the door.


       Victoria and I stood by the drinks table while people started to flood in. Victoria was dressed as an Egyptian goddess. She wore a long black dress with gold accents. She also had her hair colored black and wore gold beads around her head.

     The ballroom we were using for our party turned out well. I let Victoria do all of the decorating because she was good at that sort of thing. There were cobwebs everywhere and Victoria couldn't help but set up fog machines. I contributed the Skeletons hanging up because I loved skeletons. I named all of them too because I'm just that weird. There were also little plastic frogs and spiders on the table.

     "Damn you ladies look fine tonight," Humphrey said walking up to us. He was dressed as an Egyptian Pharaoh. And in case you were wondering, yes, it was Victoria's idea. See, now they really looked like a couple. Who were they trying to fool?

     "I always look good," I said.

     "Sure you do."

     "Hello," Krail said coming up to us. "So far so good. You guys will probably pass this project."

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