Chapter 10

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      Everyone in the school now knew about the graffiti that had been sprayed onto the wall. Well, everyone except the Ruby Class. But, of course, I did tell my roommates and Lazarus. And during my lunch on Wednesday, Lazarus came to see me.

    "Elizabeth!" Lazarus called coming outside.

     I jumped up and hugged him. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

     "I ran into Victoria. She said I could find you out here."

     "But why are you out so late?"

    "Because I wanted to talk to you. I don't get to see you much anymore. I miss you."

      "Yeah, I miss you too," I said.

     "Do you know anything else about the graffiti?"

      "No," I said sitting back down on the bench. "There's obviously rumors going around about the whole thing, but I don't know if I should believe any of them."

      Lazarus sat down next to me. I scooted close to him because I was cold. "What does Dario and Elridge think?" Lazarus asked putting his arm around me.

     "Dario's looking into it and I don't know about Elridge. I see him next class so I'll have to ask him."

    "This sucks."

    "You think?"

    "I mean my birthday is this weekend and-"

     "Stop," I said cutting him off and pulling
away from him.  "You know I don't want to talk about your birthday."

     "I know. I'm sorry. It's just I don't want you being stressed."

      "I would've been stressed for your birthday either way."

     "Yeah but this causes more stress," He said pulling me back closer to him.

    "I know," I said resting my head on his shoulder. "But I'll be fine."


     I don't knock when I go into Elridge's office anymore. I just kinda walk in like I own the place. So, today when I walked in and he was on the phone, I got one of his famous glares.

     "Yes I know your son is looking into it. I wanted to know if you knew anything," Elridge said.

      I sat down quietly. Was he talking about the graffiti?

     "Yes, well maybe there was more to it then just the students graffiting the walls. Or maybe it wasn't even a student. In which case I need to know how they got past my defenses."

      I heard a voice over the phone but couldn't pick out any words. Whoever it was, he sounded irritated.

      "I'm doing the best I can. I have a school to run you know," Elridge said annoyed. "Yeah. Thanks anyway. I'll probably see you soon. Bye."

        "Who was that?" I asked as Elridge hung up the phone.

      "I'm pretty sure that falls under none of your business. But I guess if you really want to know it's not that big of a deal. It was Mr. Calorio. Also, can you please knock before you come in?"

     "Dario's father?" I asked ignoring the knocking comment.

     "Yep that's him."

     I heard Elridge say something about the guys son looking into the graffiti incident. I figured that had to be Dario. I wonder if he's found anything. "And did he know anything about the graffiti?"

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