Chapter 12

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      A lot happened after I accepted Lazarus' proposal. The first thing was making my way around the ballroom and having everyone congratulate me, which was not fun. I hated having to say thank you so many times. I never found Dario, I think he left.

    The next thing was Lazarus and I agreed to get married sometime in June. His family wanted us married as soon as possible, but my family thought it would be better to actually take the time to plan the wedding. Lazarus and I agreed with my family, so June it was!

     I returned to school Monday and got to tell my roommates about my choice.

     "Wow, so you're really engaged?" Lilia asked. "That's so cool! I'm so happy for you!"

     "Well it's good to know you have one issue solved. Now all you have to worry about is that graffiti!" Zoey said.

    "Thank you, for that grim reminder, Zoey," I said.

    "You're welcome."

    "When's the wedding?" Lilia asked.

    "It'll be sometime in June, but we don't have a specific date picked out yet."

     "Oh, Summer weddings are the best! You should have it outside!"

      "No!" Zoey said. "Then there will be bugs!"

    "So you're really going to marry Lazarus?" Blair asked while Lilia and Zoey continued to argue.

     "Yep," I said. I noticed that Blair seemed to be the only one in disbelief. She seemed upset for some reason.

     "What about Dario?"

     "What about him?"

     Blair shook her head. "Never mind. I'm going to go for a walk." She stood from her bed and left the room.

    Blair's comment reminded me of Victoria. When Victoria congratulated me she also said something about Dario. I had to remind her that she said she wanted me to do what I wanted, so she had no right to be mad at me.

    Well whatever. Victoria and Blair may not like it, but I'm going to marry Lazarus. So there.


      In Spells we were still doing elemental magic. This week we were working with fire, and of course I was bored. I was able to light my candle in a second. All I had to do was snap my fingers.

     I looked over at Victoria to find her absentmindedly snapping her fingers. Was she even trying? Probably not.

     "Are you mad at me for accepting Lazarus' proposal?" I asked her, sick of her mopeyness.

     "No," Victoria said snapping her fingers again. "I just think it should be you and Dario. I mean, you yourself said Dario left after you made the announcement. Seems like he was upset with your decision as well."

     "Well, maybe he literally had to leave because he had more important things to do."

     "Have you talked to him?"

     "No. And no, I'm not going to ask him about that. That would be an awkward conversation."

    Victoria shrugged. "Do what you want. But I'm your best friend and sometimes I know you better than yourself. And I think you've made a mistake." She snapped her fingers again and this time I did see a small spark. Anger was legit flaring up inside of her.

     "Well then," I said. "This is the first time I don't care what you think."


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