Chapter 27!

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       "What do we do?" I asked trying not to panic.

       "You know what to do," Elridge said lifting his hands and snapping his fingers. A breeze swept by me and I heard Elridge's voice, but he wasn't speaking. "Get ready," His voice said.

      "What was that?" I asked.

      "That was my version of an alarm. It went through the entire castle. You need to go now."
      "Elridge, remember your promise," I said.


     "Elridge." I refused to leave until he confirmed it again.

     He sighed. "I'm not going to die."

    "Good," I said turning to leave.

     "You're not allowed to die either," Elridge called out after me.

    "Well duh," I said leaving his office.

     I expected the castle to be chaotic, with everyone running around frantically. But instead I walked through pretty silent halls.  I passed a couple of calm vampires and demons going to their designated locations for the attack. It's a good thing we practiced this shit over and over.

    I made it to the third floor corridor looking out over the front lawn. Dario was already standing there gazing out into the distance.

     "Hello, My Angel," He said without looking at me. "It's starting."

    "I'm scared," I said.

     Dario reached his hand out to me and I took it without a second thought. He squeezed it trying to reassure me. It only worked a little.

       A crack of thunder went off and I looked around confused. There wasn't a rain cloud i sight.

    "Shit," Dario said looking up. Cracks started to form in the ceiling and the walls around us. Uh oh.

    "This isn't going to be good, is it?" I said looking around.

    "No, we have to get out of here. Now. The school is going to collapse."

     "What?! The whole thing?"

     "Maybe, let's go!"

      The walls around us started to crack even more. Then small stones from the ceiling started to fall just as we made it to the nearest staircase. We made it to the second floor and Dario shoved me out of the way just in time to a avoid a large piece of rubble.

    "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked. The ceiling in front of us had now started to crumble as well.

     "Fuck. You can't fly yet can you?" Dario asked spinning in a circle while trying to avoid the crumbling wall.

      "No, but to be fair I haven't really tried," I yelled at him over the noise.

     A large piece fell from the ceiling and almost crushed Dario.

    "Dario!" I shouted. I looked to the window. If we didn't get out of here, we were going to get crushed.

    Trying not to think too much about what I was going to attempt to do, I snapped my fingers and shattered the window in front of me.  I grabbed Dario and dragged him over to the edge.

     "What the hell are you doing?!" Dario yelled.
   "Hopefully saving our asses," I said jumping out the window with Dario in my arms.  

    Gravity took a hold of us right away. And the ground got closer and closer. Gravel from the crumbling castle was all around us as well. I had my wings out, but they weren't doing anything. I tried to get them to do something, but they just hung there uselessly. Fuck me, we were going to die. At least I was with Dario.

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