Chapter 22

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       I was woken up by the sounds of people moving in the hallway. Not quietly either, there was banging around and the sound of angry talking. What the hell was going on?

     I jumped out of bed and threw some clothes on. I whipped the door open and came face first with my roommates. "What's happening?" I asked. I noticed the hall was filled with Ruby class students and their suitcases.

    "No idea. We were told to pack our shit and get out," Zoey said.

     "Seriously? Damn Elridge moves fast," I said.

    "Elizabeth, what's going on?" Blair asked.

     I sighed and grabbed Lilia's wrist pulling her into our room. Blair and Zoey followed.

     "So you weren't told anything?" I asked. "You were just told to pack and get out?"

     "Yeah pretty much," Zoey said.

     "Krail told us that this was an emergency and we had to leave. That was it," Blair said.

     "So, what's actually going on, Elizabeth?" Lilia asked.

     "Well. I'd assume Elridge has decided that the Ruby Class needs to leave for their own safety," I said.

     "But why?"

    "Because when I was in the woods with Dario, we found out that the demons are planning on attacking the school. But we don't know when."

    All three of them stared at me for a minute. "Are you serious?" Zoey asked.

     "Sadly yes."

    "That's horrible!" Lilia said. "What are you going to do then?"

     "Um. I'm gonna have to stay here and fight," I said.

     "I guess us Ruby Class students would be pretty useless in a fight against mythical creatures," Blair said.

     "Yeah. I'm gonna miss you guys though," I said. What was I going to do when they were gone? It was going to be pretty lonely when in this room. But the Ruby's class safety was most important. Wait a second...

     "Lazarus!" I yelled jumping up. "Shit I forgot he's in Ruby class! Don't leave without saying goodbye to me!"

     I ran out of the room before any of them could reply. I headed up a flight of stairs to were Lazarus' hall was. It was busy up here too, with everyone getting all of their stuff together. I heard people talking about why they thought they had to leave too. One guy said he thought it was because a water pipe burst and the whole school was going to flood. Yeah that would suck. Another guy said the school was infected with killer bugs and we could all die from a disease they carry. Um. Gross.

      Lazarus' room was at the end of the hall by the bathroom just like my room. The door was open. Lazarus and his roommate, Enzo, were in there packing their stuff.

     Enzo saw me first. "Elizabeth, I haven't seen you in awhile," He said in his thick french accent. "How are you?"

      "I'm not too bad, Enzo, how about you?"

     "I'd be better if I knew why we had to leave."

    Lazarus finally turned around and looked at me. "I'm guessing you know why," He said.

     "Why would I know why?" I asked glancing at Enzo.

     "Enzo, can you give us a minute?" Lazarus asked.

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