Chapter 4

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      Faye led me to the other side of the castle where the Diamond Class Dining room was on the end of the hall. I remember when I thought this side of the hallway was actually the Teacher's Hall. Silly me.

     "Damn, this is going to be a long walk for me everyday," I said.

     "Well, you're the one who wanted to room with your old roommates," Faye said.

     "Yeah, I know," I said. I didn't regret my decision either. I loved my roommates. I wouldn't want to room with anyone else.

       The Diamond Class dining room wasn't much different then the Ruby Class one. It didn't seem to be any bigger, the teacher's table was in the same place and the other tables were the same size. The only difference I noticed was the wood tables were darker than the other ones. There were already a lot mythical creatures in here. I looked around for someone I recognized.

    "Victoria is over there," Faye said pointing.

    I looked up and found Victoria. She was sitting with three other people I didn't recognize, two girls and a guy. Victoria spotted me and smiled, while waving me over.

      "Hey, Victoria," I said sitting down next to her. Faye sat on my shoulder.

       "Hey," She turned to the rest of the people at the table. "Guys this is, Elizabeth Huntress."
    "The Angel," The one guy said.

    "Yes, and it's not nice to refer to someone as 'The Angel'" Faye snapped at him.

     "Sorry," He said. "My name is Leonard, my friends call me Leo. I'm a second year wizard."

     "And I'm Yolanda," The girl with the dark hair and dark skin said. "I'm a second year demon."

     "And I'm Jenna. I'm also a second year demon." She had black hair with purple tips. She kinda reminded me of Zoey a little bit, except she wasn't as bis as Zoey. I don't think I've ever seen another girl as bulky as Zoey before.

     "Nice to meet you all," I said. "Where's Humphrey?" I asked Victoria.

    "Over there, with some other werewolves," Victoria said pointing across the dining room. I spotted him sitting in between two other guys.

       "Do the werewolves have to eat together?" I asked.

     "They don't have too, but they do," Faye said. "It's a tradition. You have to eat with your pack."

    "Yeah, here, let me give you the lay down of the dining room," Victoria said. "So, you know werewolves always eat together because of tradition. Mermaids all eat together too, although mermaids do it because they're vain. They think eating with others will make their food taste bad. They usually eat in the lake, except for big occasions."

     "Like today, they need their schedules," Leo said nodding over to a table in the back corner. I saw a professor standing there handing out schedules. I noticed Sapphire was sitting over there. She was sitting next to a guy with blue hair. Did all merpeople have colored hair? It looked like it.

     "Right. Vampires, demons, fairies, pixies, witches and wizards sit wherever they want. Unless you're a pureblood vampire. All pureblood vampires sit together," Victoria said pointing to a table in the middle of the room. I noticed a lot of exquisite looking people, but I didn't see Dario, and I knew for a fact he was a pureblood.

    "Where's Dario?" I asked.

    Victoria chuckled and gave me a knowing look. Then she pointed to a table at the very front of the room in the middle. "Dario is what we call a Star of Africa, which is what the biggest diamond in the world is named. He sits with the other Star's of Africa. The other pureblood royals in the class. Most of them are vampires and demons. But there's a few other species as well."

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