Chapter 14

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      I did get to go home for the first half of Christmas break. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty relaxing. Lazarus came to visit for a couple of days and then went home on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with his own family.

     On the day after Christmas I sat in a limo on my way to Dario's Mansion. His rehearsal dinner was tonight. Yay. I was so looking forward to it.


       After sitting in the limo for frickin ever, it pulled up to a gothic styled mansion. Obviously I wasn't too impressed because I live in a damn castle, but I could tell it was a nice place.

      After I got out of the limo, I climbed the stone stairs up to the front door. I went to knock, but before I could the door opened and Faye was fluttering in my face.

    "Elizabeth!!" She yelled. "I was wondering when you'd finally get here! Humphrey got here a few minutes before you and Magius got here about an hour ago."

    "Oh, that's cool."  I wished Victoria was here, but she wouldn't be here until tomorrow for the actual wedding. "What time is the dinner again?"

     "It's at seven. Oh, and I think the Demon twins will be here soon along with Sapphire."

     "Sapphire?" I said wrinkling my nose at the thought of the bitchy mermaid.

    "Yes, she's a friend of Adrijana's."

    That made way too much sense.

    "So, you're the Angel Elizabeth, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

     I looked up to see where the voice was coming from. A man stood on the stairs coming down from the loft in the entrance way. I could tell he was a vampire. And I assumed he was Dario's father. He had the same build as him, but he was older.

     "I'm Mr. Calorio. I'm Dario's father," Mr. Calorio said.

     "It's nice to meet you."

     "I've heard good things about you. Elridge tells me you're very intelligent and you're very talented."

     "Elridge may think too highly of me, Sir," I said.

      "Oh, but it's not just Elridge. I'm a very important man, Elizabeth. I hear about everything."

     Well. Wasn't this guy just all high and mighty. I should've known. He is the famous Mr. Calorio. Pretty much the leader of the mythical creatures.

     "Well, at least they aren't saying bad things about me," I said.

     Mr. Calorio smiled. "Right. Faye, will you please show her to her room?"

      "Yes sir," She said. "C'mon Elizabeth!"

     Faye flew ahead of me and I followed her. She lead me up the stairs opposite of the ones Mr. Calorio was standing on. She was chattering on but I wasn't paying much attention. I was admiring the architecture of this place. The loft was like a square balcony overlooking the entrance way below. And all around the balcony were doors leading to who knows what. Faye opened the one door leading to a hallway. My room was at the very end of it.

     "Here we are!" Faye said.

     "Thanks, Faye, I'll see you at dinner," I said.

      "Yep!" She flew off and left me alone in the room.

     The room was of course large with dark furniture. There was a wooden four poster bed. Black leather chairs and couches sat around a fireplace and TV. I was just about to go over and sit on one of those couches when I heard voices in the hall. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to see who it was.

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