Chapter 23

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     I was standing on the third floor by the window that looked out over the front lawn of Gemstone Academy. Ruby Class students stood waiting to be picked up. It has been a couple hours since my roommates and Lazarus left.

     I sensed his presence before he spoke. "What's the matter, my Angel?" Dario asked. The twins were with him as well. Looks like they were leaving Magius alone now that Dario was back. "An Angel should never wear such a sad face."

     "Sorry. My roommates and Lazarus left so I guess I'm a little sad. But I'll be okay," I said with a smile that didn't reach my eyes. Oh and not to mention the whole worrying about being attacked by demons thing.

     "They had to go. They're safe now," Dario said.

     "What are they going to do about them missing class?" I asked.

      "Who cares?" The twins asked at the same time.

        "I care," I said. "My friends are in the Ruby class."

        "I'm sure Elridge and Krail will figure it out. Don't worry your pretty little head," Dario said.

     "What do you think Elridge is going to tell them?" I asked nodding down at the Ruby Class students. "They're not gonna buy the emergency excuse much longer. Parents are going to want specific details."

     "I like the killer bugs rumor," Alessandro said.

      "Yeah, maybe that'll work," Argento said.

      I rolled my eyes at them and went back to looking out the window. Killer bugs. Right. No one would buy that. Everyone would want to know what kind of bugs they were and what kind of disease they carried and blah blah blah.

     "It's Elridge's problem. He'll think of something I'm sure. He'll just stick with the emergency thing for as long as he can," Dario said.

      "So, the demons are after Elridge right? What happens if something bad happens to him? Who takes over the mythical creatures?" I asked.

      Dario looked at me surprised. "Well, you would. You are an Angel after all."

     "Me? Are you nuts? I can't run an entire mythical world!"

      "Didn't you want your own country?"

     "Yes. A country. One. Not an entire group of mythical beings! What about your Father? He seems perfectly capable."

      "Mr. Calorio is a traditional man," Argento said.

     "He would never be in charge with an Angel alive," Alessandro said.

     "It just isn't done," They both said at the same time.

      "I couldn't possibly lead you all. Not by myself."

     "You wouldn't be by yourself. My father would help you. I'll help you too," Dario said lifting my chin up with his index finger. "And you'll have Lazarus," I couldn't help but notice how disgusted he sounded when he said Lazarus' name.

      "Let's just hope nothing happens to Elridge then," I said.

      "I doubt anything will happen to him. He'll live out if spite," Dario said smiling at me.
    I smiled back at him. He was probably right about that one.

     I looked down out the window again. There were only about a handful of Ruby Class students left now. The sun was starting to set. That meant classes would start soon. I think it's total bullshit that the Diamond Class students still have to go to class. Like, how unfair is that?

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