Chapter 21

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      "Hump, thank goodness you found us," Dario said going to hug him.

     "No problem man, I always gotta go looking for my troubled older cousin," Hump said hugging him back. There was a huge grin on his face and I could also see relief. I never realized how close Humphrey was to Dario until now. It made me really happy for some reason.

    "Wait, how did you find us?" I asked.

    "Untraceable spells don't work on some werewolves. Luckily Hump is one of them," Dario said.

     "Yeah. Elridge sent me out to look for you a few hours ago. So, it actually didn't take me that long to find you," Humphrey said.

     "Well, good job bud, good to know your nose is useful for something."

     "Yeah, anyway, we should get back, Elridge is worried."

     Dario and I exchanged a look. I had a feeling that he was thinking the same thing I was. I didn't want to go back. What the hell was I supposed to tell Lazarus? Oh, and there was the whole demons are going to attack us thing. I really didn't want to deal with that shit.

     "So, do I get the best man at your guy's wedding? Because I support this. Like the other almost wedding was just practice. I can be a great best man for this wedding. And I know I'll like the maid of honor," Humphrey said winking at me and I blushed furiously. At least him dating Victoria made perfect sense. They both frickin shipped us together.

     "No!" Dario said quickly. "You can't tell anyone what you saw. We weren't doing anything."

     Humphrey put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, man, whatever. In that case I'm sorry I interrupted. If I would've known that was your first and last time I would've left the two of you alone."

    "How have things been at the school?" I asked changing the subject before I died of embarrassment or Dario exploded.

     Humphrey started to walk the way he came and Dario and I followed him. "Same as it has been. The demons are still separating themselves from everyone. The demon twins haven't left Magius' side since you left. I think they're afraid of getting into a fight or something. And you're not there to protect them so Magius is next best."

     "I love those twins," Dario said. "Even though they're little shits they never want to cause harm."

      "Poor Magius though," I said. "He's taking Dario's shit now."

    "Magius has been dealing with Dario's shit for a long time now. So it's not like it's new," Humphrey said.

    Hm. Dario's lucky he's got so many friends that love him. And worships the ground he walks on. I wish I had a group of people that did my bidding.

     My walking speed was getting slower. I wonder what time it was. I was exhausted. Of course that was because I haven't slept for the past few days.

    "You okay, Angel?" Dario asked.

    "I'm just really tired," I said.

   "We're almost there," Humphrey said.

   Sure enough a few minutes later we came to the edge of the woods. Gemstone Academy looked cold and dark. Creepy. The whole demon thing seemed to have put an invisible ominous cloud over the school. I saw Elridge and Victoria standing by the back door.

     I went to run to Victoria when Dario grabbed my shoulder and held me back. "Bite marks," He whispered in my ear.

     I nodded and fixed my hair so it covered the side of my neck where the bite marks were. I really didn't want to deal with Elridge's judging looks if he saw those. And Victoria would most definitely make a big deal out of the whole thing.

     As soon as I got close to Victoria she ran and hugged me. "Thank God!" She yelled. "I was so worried!"

    I laughed and hugged her back. "Well I'm not dead so all is good."

    "I'm not dead either in case you were concerned," Humphrey said.

     Victoria smiled and pulled away from me. "I knew you'd be fine."

     Humphrey leaned down and kissed her quick. "You could at least act a little

     "Welcome back you two," Elridge said to Dario and me. "Elizabeth, you look like shit."

    "Thank you, I feel like shit," I said.

    "Well then you can go get some rest. Humphrey and Victoria can accompany you up to your room. Dario will come with me and tell me what you guys found out in the woods."

     "Sounds like a good idea to me," I said yawning.

    We all went inside and went our separate ways. I couldn't help but look back at Dario walking away with Elridge. Did I really kiss that boy in those woods? Or was I just dreaming?

    "Victoria, you will never guess what I caught Elizabeth and Dario doing in the woods," Humphrey said wrapping his arm around Victoria.

     Victoria looked up at him looking curious? "What?"

     "They were making out hardcore."

      Nope. It wasn't a dream.

    Victoria looked to me so quick I'm surprised she didn't break her neck. "Really!?!  Holy shit, Elizabeth! This is fantastic! How was it? Was it good? When did it happen? My OTP is cannon!!"

     "Would you shut the hell up!!" I said. "Your OTP isn't cannon. It's not going to happen again."

     "What?! Why???"

    "Because Dario and I know we can't be together and that's that."

     Victoria and Humphrey shared a look then Victoria sighed. "Whatever. You will give me details later though, right?"

     "Sure, Victoria, why not?" I said sarcastically.

    We arrived at my room and I went to open the door.

    "Wait a second," Humphrey said making me pause. "Dario loves you. We all know that. I really don't think he would give up on you that easily."

    "Sorry, but he has. I'll see you guys later." I went into my room and closed the door before either of them could say anything else.

    Two seconds later my roommates attacked me with hugs. They scared the shit outta me and I almost fell over.

    "Elizabeth!" They all yelled.

    "We were so worried!" Lilia said and they all pulled away from me.

    "Yeah what the hell? What happened? You weren't supposed to be gone for two days," Blair said.

     "Did something bad happen?" Zoey asked.

    "No, well not really," I said. "Look guys I'm really tired. I'll have to talk to you guys later."
    "That's understandable. You really should get some rest," Lilia said.

    I got into my bed a laid down. This was so much better than the ground in the woods. Compared to that, this mattress was Heaven.

      "Can you at least tell us if the trip was a success?" Zoey asked.

     "We found out what we needed to know," I said as I yawned again. I was mentally begging them to leave me the hell alone.

    "Was it good or bad news?" Blair asked.

    "Guys! Leave her alone!" Lilia said. "Can't you see she's exhausted?"

    Yes, thank you Lilia. You're an angel I love you so frickin much.

    After that they all shut up and I drifted off to sleep.


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