Chapter 25

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      The higher ups all arrived the next day. It caused a lot of whispers in the hallways, and a lot of people side stepping the important figures. You didn't want to look bad in front of them.

       "Hey, Dario, is your Father here?" Victoria asked.

     "He got here last night," Dario said. "He's probably in Elridge's office."

       We were all in the library. We as is in me, Dario, Victoria, Humphrey, the twins, Magius, Faye, Felicity, Sapphire, and Adrijana. Of course I was pissed that Adrijana was here, but ever since the higher ups were here she hadn't left Dario's side. Presumably playing the part of his fiancé. Gag. I snapped the pencil I was golding in half and Victoria gave me a curious look.

      We all didn't mean to meet here. It just kinda happened. I was here first with Victoria, then Humphrey came in looking for her. Then the twins came in looking for Dario, found us and stayed. Then Sapphire came in looking for the twins and found them. Then Dario came in with Adrijana(gross) looking for Magius. Then finally Magius came in with Faye and Felicity because he heard Dario was looking for him. So, here we all were. The original crew.   

       "Of course he's in Elridge's office," Humphrey said.

       "Isn't you father here as well?" Victoria asked him.

     "Yeah, but probably not in Elridge's office."

      "My father is here as well," Magius said. "He's already spoken to me about making sure most of the witches and wizards stay to fight."

    "Our parents are here too," The demon twins said. "They're driving us nuts."

      "My mother is here too," Adrijana muttered. "Bitch keeps asking me when I'm getting married."

      No one had anything to say to that. Sapphire piped up to quickly to change the subject, which was actually quite nice of her and very unusual. "My Father couldn't come. Some crisis happened between him and the king of the Arctic ocean."

     "What crisis could possibly happen in the ocean?" Felicity asked.

      "Um, fish shortage, poisoned kelp, mermaid wars with sharks, those kind of things," Sapphire said examining her nails like fights with sharks were completely fucking normal.

      "Anyway," Victoria said looking at Sapphire like she was a bad disease. "Is Elridge going to announce what he is planning today?"

      "Yeah. I believe my Father said Elridge would be speaking to all of us at dinner," Magius said.

      "I wonder what he's going to say," I said.

     "Probably something like you're gonna stay and fight or get the hell out," Humphrey said.

    "The sad thing is, I can actually picture him saying that," Dario said.

     Faye flew up from the table and landed on Dario's shoulder then sat down. "I'm not so sure Elridge will even give us the option to stay and fight, not all of us I mean."

    "Why would you think that? Don't they want a lot of us to stay and fight?" Victoria asked.

     "Well, knowing Elridge, he doesn't want to put a lot of us in danger. So, he may only give the elites the option to stay and fight, and then send everyone else home for their own safety."

     "Oh. That does seem like something Elridge would do," I said.

    "I guess we'll find out," Adrijana said standing up and stretching. "It's almost time for dinner."

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