Chapter 6

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       I woke up to find my roommates all sitting on Zoey's bed talking quietly. I sat up and stretched.

      "Morning sleeping Beauty!" Zoey called when she saw that I was awake. I looked at the clock to see it was 4 in the afternoon. Normally I don't get up at this late. I usually get up at around two, but last night I stayed up until 7 in the morning reading.

      "Did you have sweet dreams?" Lilia asked.

     "No, I slept like a rock. So, there was no dreaming for me."

     "That's too bad," Lilia said sounding truly disappointed, like she was the one who didn't get to dream last night.

      "Man, I wish I was a mythical creature so I could have night classes like you," Blair said.

      "It is kind of great," I said. "But I don't think you'd like my classes very much."

       "Are you kidding? Anything is better than Etiquette," Blair said.


      "I don't have Etiquette anymore either!" Zoey said happily. "I got that shit over with last year!"

      "Oh yeah, I forgot third years don't have to take it anymore," Lilia said.

     "Lucky," Blair said glaring at Zoey.

     "Just be thankful none of you have to deal with Potion Burns," I said holding up my hand.

      "What burns? I don't see anything," Zoey said looking at me like I was nuts.

      I looked at my hand to see the burn was gone. Well would you look at that. I guess it's good to know my Angel body was working like it was supposed to.


       I was back in the Spells classroom sitting next to Victoria. The classroom was set up like a small lecture hall so the rows of seats went up. Faye sat on the other side of me, but since she was a fairy she sat on the table, not the chair.

     "Good afternoon, Class," Professor Matthews said coming in. His graying hair made him look tired. "Second year is one of my favorite years to teach, you know why?"

    None of us answered. We all figured it was a rhetorical question. Of course, I don't think any of us actually knew the answer anyway.

    "Because I get to teach you elemental magic. Do any of you have any experience with elemental magic?"

    "She does!" Faye said pointing at me. I looked down sharply at her. Was that necessary?

     "Miss Huntress?" Professor Matthews said looking at me intrigued. "Is this true?"

     "Yes," I said.

     "How many elements can you use magic with?"

     "All of them."

     Whispers broke out and Matthews raised his eyebrows at me. "Really? That's quite rare. How many elements are there, Leonard?"

    "Four," Leo, who was sitting on the other side of Victoria, said.

     "And what are they, Victoria?"

     Victoria grumbled under her breath. She hated being called on. "Water, Earth, Fire, and Air."

     "Good. Now is usually when I give a demonstration. However, if Miss Huntress is capable of performing all four types of elemental magic, then maybe she will give us a demonstration."

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