Chapter 3

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       Hours later, a different limo pulled up to Gemstone Academy. I practically leapt out of the limo when the driver opened the door. I danced on the balls of my feet as he got my suitcase out of the trunk. The driver barely placed it on the ground before I grabbed it.

      "Bye! Thanks!" I said to the driver as I headed for the front steps.

     The driver laughed at me. "Have a good year!" He called. He was actually the same guy who drove me here last year. I think his name was Steve.

     I paused at the top of the stairs to admire the castle in front of me. "It's been awhile," I whispered to myself.

      "Is that you Huntress?" Elridge called from the doorway of the school. Krail stood next to him.

      "It's me!" I said walking over to them.

     "How was your summer?" Krail asked.

    I shrugged. "Could've been better."

    "You ready to be in my class this year?" Elridge asked with his golden eyes sparkling at me. He seemed different somehow. It took me a minute to figure out it was because his hair was longer and in a ponytail instead of a braid. I think I liked it better this way.

      "As ready as I'll ever be," I said.

     "I'm going to miss you in my class," Krail said, but I wasn't really listening to him. I was too busy staring at the young vampire who had come to stand next to Elridge.

       Dario stood about a foot above Elridge. He was so tall and Elridge was so short. His eyes were blue instead of purple because he was where humans could see him, and purple eyes would be a tad suspicious.

       Dario smiled mischievously at me as he leaned down and whispered something to Elridge. 

    Elridge nodded. "I forgot about that, thank you, Dario." He looked over at me. "I'll see you later."

      I nodded and looked over to Dario. He was still watching me. He stared at me until he turned and followed Elridge into the castle.

      I turned to Krail who was now laughing. "Teenagers crack me up. You two just stared at each other. He's just a guy you know. You could've said hi."

     My face turned beat red. "I don't know what you're talking about."

     "Of course you don't," Krail said still laughing, then he waved a hand, dismissing me. "Anyway, your room is the same room as last year.

    "Thanks," I said.

    I grabbed my suitcase and hauled it into the castle.  I took the familiar halls back to my room on the third floor.  My room, room 312, was at the end of the hallway.

      I got to the door and sighed. I was finally here! I reached out and opened the door.

     "Elizabeth!!" Three different voices shouted. Zoey, Lilia, and Blair all jumped up to hug me.

      "Hi guys!" I said hugging all of them and grinning. "How were your guy's summer?"

      "Mine could've been better," Blair said sitting on her bed.

       "Same," Zoey said also sitting on her bed.

     "Mine was good!" Lilia said sitting down next to me on my bed. "I got to travel a lot!"

     "Really? Lucky!!" I said.

     "I was trapped in my castle all summer," Blair mumbled.

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