Chapter 5

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      Victoria was right, Professor Hele was a bitch. She literally just walked into class and handed out an assignment without teaching a thing. And if we didn't know how to do it she told us to just use our lousy brains. What a pathetic excuse for a teacher.  By the way, my lousy brain was terrible at any kind of math. So, I just failed my first assignment of the year! Good start, Elizabeth.

     My next class was spells. The professor for this class was named Professor Matthews. He seemed to be a pretty cool dude. Although, I could not yet say if he was a food teacher or not because we didn't really do anything today. All we did was review from last year. Of course, I wasn't actually here last year so it wasn't really review. They mostly did levitation spells last year, which I could thankfully do so I was all good.

     The next day my first class was English, which was taught by Professor Charlene, who taught English last hear when I was in the Ruby Class. I didn't know this, but apparently she was actually a witch. I guess you really do learn something new everyday.

     After that was Tracking. It turns out I have this class with werewolves and vampires. Thank goodness Humphrey was in tis class with me because then I had someone I knew. The class was about learning to use our senses and tracking things. It actually sounded quite interesting. Although, I was afraid I'd be terrible at this class.

    Wednesday morning I had Swimming. I had a feeling this was going to be my least favorite class. I had it with mermaids and they all seemed to be pretty bitchy. However, the male mermen were gorgeous. So, I guess this class would't be too bad. Since we would be swimming and the men had to be shirtless. Hell, Victoria would love to be in this class.  She was going to be so jealous.

      After swimming, Faye caught me in the hallway. "Hey, Faye, what's up?"

     "Hey, I was asked to escort you to Angel Anatomy."

     "Do I need an escort?" I asked.

     "Do you know where you're going?"

      Damn. She got me there.

     I followed Faye up a couple flights of stairs(which she didn't have to climb because she was flying) and down a long hallway. I think I know where she was taking me. These hallways seemed awfully familiar.

     "Here we are!" Faye said stopping outside of a large double door.

     Yep. I was right. She took me to Elridge's office. I had Angel Anatomy in Elridge's office?

     "Thanks, Faye," I said eyeing the doors confused. Seriously, I had class here?

     "No problem," She said flying off.

     I knocked on the office door and waited.
      About a minute later Elridge opened the door. "Good afternoon, Miss Huntress," He said.

     "Good afternoon," I said. "So, I have Angel Anatomy with you? By myself?"

      "Well, you're the only Angel, so yes."

      Elridge sat behind his desk and I sat in one of the chairs across from him. His hair was braided again, and I couldn't help but wonder what it looked like down. I bet it looked frickin fabulous.

     "You're qualified to teach Angel Anatomy?"

      "Yes. I've studied Angels for years," Eldridge answered simply.

      "Oh good," I said.

     Elridge leaned forward and rested his elbows on his desk. "How are your classes going?" He asked.

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