Chapter 2

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       I got done shoving the last of my clothes into my suitcase and stood up sighing. This was my last night home before going back to Gemstone Academy. I was really excited to get back and see my friends.

    My roommates, Lilia, Blair, and Zoey, came to see me once this summer back in July, so I missed them like crazy. Even though I was in the Diamond Class this year, I was still going to get to room with them. Which was good because that way I will still get to see them. Also, this way I don't have to do the whole meet and greet thing with new roommates from the Diamond Class.

       The smell of burgers wafted up to my room. Mmm. Dinner time. Having a fantastic sense of smell was really helpful.

      I left my room and started down the hall towards the kitchen. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't turn around because I knew who it was and she wasn't worth my time.

     "Heeey, Elizabeth!" Tori the Tramp called running to catch up with me. "How are you today?"

     "Fabulous," I said in a neutral tone. "You?"

      "I'm great, knowing you're going to be leaving tomorrow. Hey, since you won't be here, can I wear some of your clothes?"


     "Why not?"

      "Because I don't want your filthy body wearing my clothes!" I exclaimed. I heard a new pair of footsteps coming from the hall to the right. "James."

      "What?" Tori asked.

       Sure enough James stepped into the hallway we were in. "Elizabeth, it's really freaky how you do that."

     I shrugged. "I find it handy."

    "Right. Are you looking forward to starting school tomorrow?" James asked.

     "Definitely. I'm looking forward to leaving you losers behind and getting some queen training in."

    Tori the Tramp chuckled. "You still think you have a shot at that?"

     "Why wouldn't I?"

     "Well, because you're off at some school training while James is here actually helping to run the country. He has a better chance, don't you think?"

      I had never thought about it that way. I guess I just figured training was training. And I hated to admit that Tori the Tramp might be right.

      "You should probably start shopping for a wedding dress too. I heard mom tell James the other day she wants you to marry Lazarus, so it doesn't sound like she wants you to be queen."

      I stopped and rounded on James. "Is that true??"

    "Well- she didn't exactly say it like that," James said.

      "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" I yelled starting to go back in the direction I came from.

      "Where are you going?" James called after me.

     "To talk to Mother, duh!"

      Mother should be in her room. Her and Father never went to dinner until later. Sure enough, I found them both in their room going over paperwork.

     "Good evening, Elizabeth, what can we help you with tonight?" My father asked.

      "I just wanted to talk to you guys about me being queen," I said.

     My parents exchanged a look. "What about it?" My mother asked.

     "You never intended for me to be queen , did you?  You just sent me to that school to give me hope."

Gemstone Academy: Diamond ClassWhere stories live. Discover now