Chapter 26

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      I stood on the fourth floor in an empty classroom with my eyes closed. I was trying to produce that white light I had last year when the witches attacked me. Elridge said that there was a way to do it, but I hadn't figured it out yet.

     "You're trying too hard," Elridge said.

     I opened my eyes to look at him, he wasn't even facing me. He was gazing out the open classroom window, where the back lawn of the school could be seen. Concern was written on his face.

      "Are you sure it's possible to produce that white light on command?" I asked.

     Elridge didn't answer me. He lifted his hand palm up. A bright ball of white light appeared. When he closed his palm, it disappeared. I sighed. Obviously it was possible.

     "Show off," I muttered closing my eyes again. C'mon white light, I can do this. Nope. Nothing. Damn it.

       "What do you think of the name Cailey?" Elridge asked.

     "What?" I asked opening my eyes again.

     "Cailey. If the baby is a girl. Honestly, if it's a boy then Jane has to name it, because I don't have any good boy names."

    "Seriously? That's what you're thinking about right now? You do know demons are coming to attack our school, right?"

    Elridge glanced at me for a second then looked back out the window. "No point in stressing over the inevitable. Besides, it's never too early to think of baby names."

    I stared at Elridge. His hair was down today, and this time it wasn't knotted. Since the window was open a soft breeze blew through the open window blowing his hair back. His eyes sparkled with the thought of naming his unborn child. And not for the first time, I was very jealous of Jane. Elridge was absolutely amazing.

      I walked over to the window to stand next to him. In the lawn below were mythical creatures being trained in combat. In the distance you could see merpeople training in the lake. I spotted Humphrey's father instructing Victoria below. I could kind of hear him from here, I loved my senses. He was saying something about how she should never drop her arms in a hand to hand fight. Victoria nodded in understanding. She seemed really pleased that Humphrey's father was taking an interest in her. At least her future with Humphrey looked good.

     "I personally like the name Elizabeth for a baby girl," I said not taking my eyes off of Victoria.

     Elridge scoffed. "I am not naming my baby girl after you."

     "How come?"

      "You're not that special."

      "Rude. And I am a bit special, I mean, I am an Angel. And I am the future leader of the mythical creatures."

      "Speaking of being the future leader, you don't have to worry about that any time soon. I promise I'm not gonna die," Elridge said.

     "That's good news. I forgot that you and Dario had spoken about that. I love knowing you guys talk about me," I said sarcastically.

     "You are Dario's favorite thing to talk about."

     "I'm sure."

     "Seriously, Elizabeth. You'll have plenty of more training until you have to do my job, but maybe not as long as you think."

      "What do you mean?" I asked now worried.

     "As you know, I'm not even technically supposed to be an Angel. You're apart of the Angel line, not me."

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