Chapter 15

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     I stayed in my room all day for fear of seeing Dario before the wedding. I was afraid he'd bring up last night and tell me it was a mistake. I was also afraid he would just ignore it and not say anything. And I was afraid it may happen again and not be stopped. I myself should have stopped him. I was engaged to Lazarus after all. Lazarus! Oh shit I forgot he'd be here today, being Dario's cousin and all. Should I tell him? No. That would be bad. That would just stir up unnecessary bullshit. I did still wanted to marry Lazarus.

     Shortly before the wedding, someone knocked on my door. I opened it to reveal Victoria and Humphrey. The demon twins were also with her.

    "Hey Bestie! Ready to get this hell over with?!"

     "Maybe we should all-"

     "Stand up and object to the wedding?"
Alessandro said finishing Argento's sentence.

    "That's a good way to get on Mr. Calorio's bad side," Humphrey said. "And I'm pretty sure no one wants to be on Mr. Calorio's bad side."

     I sure as hell didn't want to be on that man's bad side. "Okay, I guess we should head downstairs," I said.

     My friends and I made our way to the ballroom. Once there, Humphrey and the demon twins split from us because they were a part of the wedding party. Actually, I think Humphrey is the best man.

      "The wedding is supposed go start in 20 minutes," Victoria grumbled when we walked into the ballroom. A lot of people were already here.

      "Look on the bright side, Humphrey looked damn fine dressed up," I said making my way over to Lazarus. I noticed Victoria was blushing furiously. I laughed to myself. She was head over heels for him.

    Lazarus stood when we approached him and hugged me. "How are you today?"

    "Um, I'm okay," I said trying not to think about last night. I escaped his arms and looked around the room. I had a pit in my stomach and I think it was more than just the guilt I felt. It was similar to that bad feeling I had on the night of the Halloween party. Well shit.

    I looked around the ballroom until I spotted who I was looking for. I made my way over to Elridge and his wife. His little girl, Lucy, was sitting in his lap. And the young boy was on the other side of his mother.

     "Elridge?" I said approaching him.

     Elridge looked away from Jane and up at me. "Oh, hey, Elizabeth." He must've noticed the look on my face because his expression changed to concern. "What's wrong?"

      "Um. Can I talk to you in the hall?"

      "Yeah, sure," Elridge handed Lucy to his wife then kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be right back."

      Elridge followed me into the hall where we stood a little bit of ways away from the door.

    "If you have a plan to stop the wedding leave me out of it," Elridge said.

     "What? Why would I...? Never mind. I've got a bad feeling. What about you?"

     "A bad feeling? What do you mean a bad feeling?"

     "It's the same feeling I had on Halloween. So, I was wondering if you had it too."

     Elridge opened his mouth to answer but stopped. He was looking at someone over my shoulder. I turned around to see he was looking at the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I knew immediately that she had to be Dario's mother. She had long hair that fell to her waist in enchanting waves. It was the same blonde as Dario's. Her eyes were also the same color as Dario's. That bright purple that could mesmerize anyone. Her face was slim liken the rest of her, but you could tell she was strong. She was wearing a beautiful purple ballgown that matched her eyes. And just like Dario had said, his father was following behind her.

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