Chapter 16

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      Humphrey and Victoria were holding hands. It was like, a historic day for me. Ever since Dario's non wedding a week ago they've been attached at the hip. I asked Victoria how it happened and she said she didn't know.
Whatever. My real life OTP was cannon. HA.

   I had just gotten back to school and met with Victoria and Humphrey in the dining hall. I noticed there was an air of nervousness throughout the room.  No doubt it was because of what happened at Dario's wedding.

     After Victoria woke up at the wedding we all went back to my room. Humphrey told me Demons and a few wizards and witches had attacked them too. Although, he said they seemed to be mostly after the vampires, and Dario's relatives. It made what Magius told me suspect that demons really did want to get their place back on top. But why the witches? Just because I was curious I asked Victoria if she had a bad feeling about the wedding and she said no. Humphrey informed me that witches don't have intuition. But didn't Elridge have a bad feeling before the Halloween party? Hm.

     Besides Humphrey and Victoria finally getting together, nothing good has happened since the wedding. Mostly because tension between the demons and the rest of the mythical creatures has skyrocketed. I couldn't walk around the halls without witnessing an argument.

     One time I heard a group of mermaids in the hall talking about how if the demons kept going to school here they were going to leave. They obviously couldn't trust them. That was one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's not like all demons did this.

     Another instance was also in the hallway. I happened to be walking by and heard a vampire mutter "traitor" to a demon in passing. The demon snapped and went to hit the guy. They were ripped apart by Elridge who then demanded they come to his office.

    The demons no longer sat with everyone else in the dining room, they sat by themselves. Even the demons who were Star's of Africa sat with only demons. Except for the twins, they seemed to be the only demons immune to this bullshit. Probably because they were so close to Dario. I didn't see them ever leaving his side, EVER.

     "This is ridiculous," I said to Dario. I was sitting with him and the twins in the courtyard. It was one of those days where it was randomly nice outside even though it was early February. "It's like a fuckin civil war here."

    "I'm pretty sure that's what the demons want," Dario said.

      "Except the demon students,"

     "Aren't really retaliating," Alessandro said finishing Argento's sentence.

     "I don't blame the students for this at all. But they're scared. They don't know what's going on," I said.

    "So no new info, Dario?" Argento asked.

    "No, sorry, I truly am working on it though. I should know something in the next few days."

    "As long as you're trying," Alessandro said.

      "You know what surprised me about the wedding thing? How Elridge totally sassed your father and then actually commanded him to do something, and your father listened."

     Dario smiled. "My father always does what Elridge asks him too."

     "Really? Why?"

     "Let me tell you a little secret. Everyone thinks my father is in charge of the mythical creatures, but in reality its Elridge pulling the strings."

      "Are you serious?"

     "Dead," Argento said.

     "Serious," Alessandro said.

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