Chapter 17

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      "You're going with Dario?" Victoria asked. "Does he know?"

    "Yeah, Elridge said he'd tell him I have to go with him."

      Victoria and I were working together in potion's class. We were making a burn ointment potion. Well, we were supposed to be. We kind of were half assing it. We weren't really measuring any of our ingredients. We were just throwing stuff into the cauldron and hoping for the best.

   "Clearly Elridge ships you guys," Victoria said.

     "What are you talking about?" I asked tossing frog legs into the cauldron. "I don't think Elridge ships people, and is this potion supposed to be this thick?"

      "He's literally sending you guys on a trip alone. Seems like he wants something to happen. And I have no idea what does the book say?"

    I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. It's a trip to get information about demons. Not a fuckin dating trip. And it says it should be thick but frothy. What the fuck does that mean? Is that possible?"

    "Maybe Elridge wants it to be both. A trip for information and a dating trip! Thick but frothy? Wow, this is nothing like that," Victoria said looking down into the cauldron. "So, did you tell Lazarus any of this?"

   "No! I still plan on marrying him, thank you. I will tell him I'm going with Dante to get info. But I don't know how I wanna tell him yet."

    "You still plan on marrying him?" Victoria asked stirring the potion. "Even after the whole wing love thing?"

    "Yeah! I already said I would marry him!Oh and who even knows if that wing thing is true!"

     "Humphrey and I know it," Victoria mumbled as our professor came over with a judging look on his face.

    "Tsk tsk girls, the potion is supposed to be green, not brown."

     "Oops," Victoria said.

     "Oh so it's brown! I'm color blind," I said.

    "That isn't funny, Elizabeth," He said. Well. I thought it was pretty funny. Clearly so did Victoria since she was laughing. "Maybe you girls should do less talking and pay more attention to your ingredients."

    The professor walked away and both Victoria and I made fun of him behind his back.

    "What a crock," I said.

    "Hey, you be careful when you go with Dario. It may not be safe," Victoria said.

    "I'll be with Dario. I'm not too worried."

    "That's true. You make sure you stay close to him. Like really close. Like touching close." I smacked her and she jumped back. "Ow!"

    "Stop saying stuff like that!"

      "Well sorry! I'm just trying to get my OTP together!"

      Ugh. Sometimes she was such a pain.


    I told Lazarus to meet me in the courtyard. I wasn't sure how he was going to react to me telling him I was leaving the castle with Dario. Would he be jealous? Probably.  Well too bad.

     Lazarus was by our bench talking to Blair. Hm. That's weird. I made my way over to them and smiled. "Hey, guys."

    "Hey," They both said. Lazarus didn't really look at me. Uh oh. What was wrong with him?

     "I'll leave you two alone," Blair said standing up. She looked between the two of us then walked away. I waited until she was back inside then sat onto the bench next to Lazarus.  

      "What were you doing talking to Blair?" I asked.

      "She came out while I was waiting for you. So she came over and said hi. Is there a problem with that?"

     "No, I was just wondering." It was unlike Lazarus to be sassy with me. Actually, it was unlike Lazarus to be sassy at all. It wasn't usually in his nature. There must be something really bugging him "So, I'm leaving the school with Dario to help him get information about the demons," I said.

    "Really? Why are you going with him? Did he ask you to go with you?" Lazarus asked.

    "No, actually Elridge wants me to go with him"

   "A professor sending two teenagers out alone? That doesn't seem like a smart thing to do."

      "Nothing is going to happen between us. So, don't be worried about that."

     Lazarus scoffed. "Right."

     "Don't be jealous," I said pushing him lightly trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work. Hm. Lazarus still wasn't looking at me.

     "Are you okay?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

       "I heard Dario's parents talking to mine about how you got your wings."  Oh shit. Damn his parents for not being more careful. Lazarus sat up and faced me so my hand fell from his shoulder. "So, is it true?"

     "Is what true?" I asked playing dumb.

    "Do you love Dario?"

    I debated how I should answer then finally settled for the truth. "I don't know. I guess I'm going to find out."

     "That's not the answer I wanted. How do you feel about me then?"

    "I don't know!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "Clearly I care about you both!"

     "But you're marrying me. You already made that promise to me and our countries."

     "Don't talk to me like I'm stupid," I said. "I already know that."

      "Then what is there to figure out? At least I love you. Can you say the same about Dario? He was just about to marry someone else you know."

      "I know damn well," I snapped. "Stop being a jealous little shit. If you really care about me, you'll let me figure this out."

    "So you're going on this trip with Dario to see if he loves you? And as your fiancé I should just be okay with this?!"

     "I really don't give a shit if you're okay with this. I'm not going with him to cheat on you. I'm going because Elridge asked me to. I'd like to be able to stop whatever the demons are planning."

     "Right," Lazarus said standing up. "But whatever you do outside of this school, make sure you don'r regret it. And don't come crying to me."

     "Fine!" I yelled after Lazarus' retreating back.

    Great. After all of this I probably just lost my fiancé too. My life was great. I was so irritated that I caused one of the windows looking out over the courtyard to shatter.


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