Chapter 8

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      "Alright guys, I've got an assignment for you. Get into groups of two to three," Headmaster Krail said.

    "Dibs!!" Victoria yelled grabbing my arm.  "I guess you can be with us too," She said to Humphrey.

     "So glad I'm an afterthought," Humphrey said rolling his eyes.

      "Do you want to be in our group or not?" I asked.

     "Of course. Why would I turn down being in a group with two beautiful girls like you?"

      "Aw you're too sweet."

     "Pop quiz!" Krail exclaimed interrupting the class' individual discussions. "What did you learn in etiquette class last year?"

    "Absolutely fucking nothing," I muttered and Victoria held in a laugh. Humphrey, however snorted.

     "So Rubies have to take Etiquette too?" He asked.

     "Yeah, complete waste of time."

      "Yes I know it was your guys favorite class ever," Krail said shooting our group a look.
"Anyway, you have to use some of what you learned for your next group assignment."

      "Is it going to be cooking? Because I can make some badass pasta," Humphrey said making the whole class laugh. Although, the way Humphrey was looking at Victoria it seemed that he only cared that he made Victoria laugh.

     "No, it's not going to be cooking," Krail said. "Each of your groups will have to each plan a party. Because every ruler needs to know how to plan a party. The planning and success of your party will count towards your grade. I'll give you the rest of the class period to discuss ideas with your group. Anything goes, as long as it's appropriate. In other words, no stripper parties."

      "Damn," Humphrey muttered.

      "We should throw a Halloween party," Victoria said.

      "Oh good idea!" I said. "Halloween is coming up."

      "Okay. But we're mythical creatures. What are we supposed to dress up as?" Humphrey asked.

     "Um, humans?" I suggested.

     "Your imaginations are lame," Victoria said. "You can dress up however you want."

      "Okay, then I guess we can do a Halloween party. It will be pretty easy," Humphrey said.

     "When is Halloween anyway?" Victoria asked.

     "It's on a Saturday."

     "Oh how very convenient, we can just have the party on Halloween," I said.

   "That gives us two weeks to plan this bitch," Humphrey said.

    "We should go shopping this weekend for decorations," Victoria said.

     "Okay sounds good," I said. "What are we gonna serve for food?"

     "Candy. Duh," Humphrey said.

     "We don't need to serve anything else for like a meal or anything?"



    That Saturday, Victoria, Humphrey, and I were allowed to leave the castle to go shopping for our party. A limo took us to the city Bainsworth. I had never been to this city before. Actually, I haven't been anywhere in Mutualan except Gemstone Academy. It looked like a pretty decent place.

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