Chapter 20

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       I quickly realized how bad it was that we were stuck in these woods. Dario suggested that we stay where we are because wandering around will do no good. There's no point in getting ourselves more lost. Also, since we can't be tracked, if someone is looking for us its best to stay where we are. 

      Another thing I was starting to worry about was Dario's hunger. We were already out here for our second night and he hasn't eaten since before we left. He can't hunt properly. I couldn't either. I've been looking around for traces of deer, but haven't found anything. I haven't even heard a damn squirrel. Also, I was pretty frickin hungry too. I only have had some berries from a bush I found. Thank goodness they weren't poisonous. Or else I'd already be dead.

     One big thing I was worried about was I was afraid the demons were going to attack the school before we could go warn Elridge. In which case two of the most powerful mythical creatures won't be there to help fight. And we won't be able to get the poor Ruby Class students out in time. They were in huge danger right now.

    So, in simple terms, we are fucked.

   At the moment I was leaning against a tree looking up at the sky. The sun was setting. I popped another berry into my mouth as I caused the wind to pick up. That way I could listen to the leaves rustle. I hated it when it was quiet.

    I wonder where Dario went. I think he went to try and hunt again. It was quickly getting dark though. Shit I better go see if I can find him. He never goes too far.

     As soon as I stood up to look for Dario he stumbled into the clearing, like he was drunk. He leaned up against a nearby tree his one arm holding his stomach like if he let go his intestines would fall out. His breath was ragged and he wouldn't look up at me.

    I took a tentative step forward. "Dario? Are you okay?"

     Dario still didn't look at me when he shook his head no. He was shaking pretty bad now.

      "What's wrong?" I asked taking a couple of steps closer.

     Dario finally looked up at me. His purple eyes were shining like that night when he bit me. Oh. He was starving. That's what his problem was.

     "Get away from me, please," Dario said his voice wavering.

     "No, I'm not leaving you," I said firmly. I held out my arm to him. "C'mon, Dario, you're starving."

     I could see Dario's fear when he looked at my arm. What was he afraid of? I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Dario shook his head again. "No."

      "It's okay," I whispered.

     Dario looked me in the eyes. I saw his decision in a split second. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him then pushed me up against the tree. I felt the pinch of his fangs in my neck, but after that, there wasn't any pain. Dario was right, it was only his lips on my neck. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

      About a minute later Dario raised his head. I was a little dizzy but besides that I was fine. I looked at Dario and saw there were tears streaming down his face. Holy shit he was crying. Why was he crying?! I couldn't deal with crying.

    "I really wish I wouldn't have done that," Dario said.

      "Why? What's wrong?"

     "I lied to you. About your blood. I had a feeling that when I first tasted your blood I liked it because I liked you. I even told my parents about it. My mother seemed to think it was sweet, but my father told me to get the thought out of my head. That I only liked the taste because you were an Angel."

    He was crying harder now, but I hung onto his every word.

     "I made a promise a long time ago to marry Adrijana, so that all of the vampires would finally be united," Dario said. "My Father reminded me of that. And awhile ago we had a feeling that the demons were planning something, but we didn't know what. He said that if I were to break off the wedding with Adrijana to be with you, that would be the final straw for the demons, because the only species they hate more than us is the Angels. So when they attacked my wedding, I did the complete opposite of what they wanted me to do, it was a message for me to marry Adrijana, but I called off the wedding instead. My father was pissed."

      Now Dario was sobbing. I've never seen a guy cry like that before. I mean, I've seen my brother cry when he was younger, but that's when he was younger. I had no clue what to do, especially since this was about me.

     "So I put the idea of me possibly liking you out of my head," Dario continued. "I told myself my father was right, that it was just because you were an Angel that I liked your blood so much. Also because you're going to marry Lazarus, you're not even available. And I still have to marry Adrijana. But with that drink I just had, I can't lie to myself or to you anymore. I crave your blood. And always will. Because I love you."

      We were silent for a minute. I felt horrible because Dario just poured his heart out to me and I said nothing. I was actually trying to figure out what I wanted to say. Dario had finally stopped crying. He looked at me with his sad purple eyes, and then I knew what I had to say.

    "Okay, it's my turn," I said. "When I first met you, I was drawn to you, but I didn't know why. The more time I spent with you, the more I liked you. But I kept telling myself you didn't like me, especially after I found out you were going to marry Adrijana. And then there was Lazarus, I thought I liked him. I even convinced myself I loved him when you were going to be married back in December. But then I saved you with my wings, and Elridge opened my eyes to the truth. He said the only way wings can develop early is if you desperately need them, to save the one you love. So yeah, I love you too. But I can't have you, because we both made promises to others we have to keep."

    Now it was my turn to cry. I covered my face with my hands and leaned my head back against the tree. I thought getting that off of my chest would make me feel better, but instead it made me realize how bad our situation was.

      Dario took my hands in his and removed them from my face. Then he wiped the tears from my face. "You're so beautiful," He said leaning closer to me.

    "What are you doing?" I whispered.

    "What I should've done in that library the night before my wedding."

      His lips met mine and my whole body rejoiced. This was nothing like kissing Lazarus, this was way better. My blood was still on his lips but I was able to ignore it easily.

    "Is this a good idea?" I asked when Dario pulled away from me slightly.

    "We don't have to worry about promises while we are in these woods," He said picking me up and pushing me against the tree. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he kissed me again. Now I didn't want to leave these woods.

    "There you are," A voice said making Dario jump and lose his grip on me. I stumbled to the ground and quickly stood up. A guy emerged into the clearing. I recognized him immediately.

     "Humphrey?" I said.

     Humphrey looked between the two of us. "Were you two just...?"

    Neither of us answered and Humphrey laughed. "Well, its about damn time."


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