Chapter 19

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     I heard a noise a few feet away and it startled me awake. Dario was also awake. I sat up and looked in the direction of the noise.

    "You heard that too?" Dario asked.

    "Yeah, sounded like footsteps," I said.

    "Must be him," Dario said standing up.

    "How long were we asleep for?" I asked also standing up.

     "Just a couple hours."

     We both circled around our area waiting for someone, or something, to show up. I turned to see a dark figure behind me and screamed.

    "There you are," Dario said completely ignoring my panic. Good to know he cared.

      "Long time no see, Dario," The guy said stepping into the clearing where he came into focus. He had red eyes and dark hair. Demon. He was a demon. 

      "That's probably because Demons don't associate with vampires. What's up with that?"

    "It's not my doing I can tell you that," The guy said. He looked over at me. "Who are you?"
     I went to answer but Dario cut him off.
"She's a friend of mine. You know why you're here. Get talking."

     "She's the angel isn't she?"

    "She's standing right here and yes she is and she has a name," I said irritated.

     "Yes. I know your name," The guy said. "You're Elizabeth Huntress. You don't look very special to me."

      "You're pissing me off, Lilith," Dario hissed.

      "Sorry you're highness," The guy, Lilith apparently, said. "But bringing her wasn't smart. They're hunting her. Well and you, but angels are easier to track."

     "That may be, but I guarantee you, I wouldn't be easy to catch."

     Lilith smiled at me. "Oh you're a feisty one, okay, I'll tell you what you want to know. Obviously you've probably figured out by now that a group of demons assisted by some witches are revolting against the vampires and angels."

     "Yeah, but why?" I asked.

    Lilitih shrugged. "Old habits die hard. Some demons still believe that they should be in charge, not vampires or Angels. The demons loathe the angels because the first angel is the reason they aren't in charge anymore."

     "Its not like I did it," I mumbled.

     "No, but since you're an angel you're supposedly the most powerful creature in existence. So, other mythical creatures will listen to you. One day you're going to be the leader of our hidden society, and that's not what the demons want."

     "What do the demons want?" Dario asked. "I mean say they take us down, what do they get from it?"

     "Uh, that's an easy one. They get to rule our world. Then they'll probably take over the humans too."

     "Why does every evil person or group want to take over the world? Why can't they want puppies or something?" I asked.

    "Well, then that wouldn't make them evil," Dario said smiling at me. He looked back over at Lilith. "Anything else? Like what are they planning to do next?"

    "They want to take down the best of the best first. Take down the king and his loyal subjects will fall. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about," Lilith said.

      "Elridge," Dario and I said at the same time.

      "Exactly. But they might as well take out others in the process. Get rid of the young blood," Lilith said looking at me.

   I took a step back and Dario stepped in front of me. "You never told me what side you're on, Lilith."

     "Good question. But either way I wouldn't be so stupid as to attack her head on. I know how powerful she is."

     "You still didn't tell us what side your on," I said stepping up so I was standing next to Dario instead of behind him. I couldn't shield him if I was behind him.

     "That's not what you should be worrying about. However, you should be worrying about protecting that school of yours. I realize Elridge is a strong guy, but he's just one creature."

    Dario's eyes widened. "They're going to attack the school?"

    "Oh shit," I said. What about the Ruby Class?

    I heard a noise behind me and whipped around. Dario kept his eyes on Lilith. I looked around but didn't see anything.

    "What was that?" Dario asked.

    "It seems that our time is up," Lilith said. "And as for what side I'm on-"

     Before Lilith finished his sentence, there was a flash of light and then I passed out.


      I woke up to find myself lying on the ground in the woods. I sat up like a rocket looking around. What the hell happened? What the hell was the point of that flash of light? Was I dead? No, I don't think so. Unless I was a ghost, am I a ghost? Okay no, now I'm just over reacting.

    I stood up to get a feel of my surroundings. Dario wasn't here. I couldn't sense him either. Then I realized I couldn't sense anything. It was like I was human again.

    "What the hell?!" I said out loud. I started looking around frantically. My sense of smell wasn't working, my night vision wasn't working, I couldn't hear anything. Was I human again?

   "Hey, hey hey, calm down," Dario said running up to me. Where did he come from? He placed his hands on my shoulders. "You're okay, your high senses just don't work right now."

     "What are you talking about? And where were you?"

    "I woke up before you so I took a look around. And the reason you can't sense anything is because Lilith cast an untraceable spell in this area, causing our senses to be useless."

    "So that bastard was on the demons side," I said.

    Dario shook his head. "No. He saved us. That noise we heard was probably another demon. By casting that spell in these woods, we are also untraceable. So, whoever is hunting us, probably won't be able to find us."

     "Wait a second, how did he cast a spell if he was a demon?"

    "The spell is a potion. He bought it. The spells activated on command, but the first thing you have to do is sprinkle the potion in a circle around the area you want to be untraceable."

    "He did all of that for us?"

    "He is an old friend of the family."

    "You didn't tell me that. Why were you so worried about him being against us then?"

      Dario shrugged. "He's always been kinda creepy."

    I laughed. "That makes sense." I looked up at the moon and the stars. It was still pretty out. "I guess we should go tell Elridge what we know. That they're planning to attack the school."

     "We should, but we have a problem."


      "I don't know how to get back to the school. I can't pick up the mythical creatures scent or get a feel for it."

     "Because of the untraceable spell?"


     "So you can't get us back?"

     "Nope. And unless you memorized how we got here, you're not getting us back either. We are going to have to wait until the spell wears off."

      "When will that be?"

      "It depends on how strong the spell was. It could be weeks."

     Oh shit. Looks like we're stuck here.

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