Chapter 5

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Jayden's POV

After cleaning out my car, giving Kaden a bath, cooking both Kadience and Kaden soup and then laying Kaden down for a nap a nigga was still pissed. How dare her sick ass throw up all over my Louie loafers. I just bought em yesterday too and she knew I was excited as hell to wear them and then she gone puke on my shit. Two times! I was so damn pissed. I took a shower, made sure Kadience and Kaden was good before heading over to the mall to buy me some more shoes.

After buying my shoes I went to chick fil a in the mall and got me sum to eat. I sat down at a table because it was gone take a minute for my food to get done. I looked up and saw Katia smiling and laughing in some nigga face and it wasn't Jason's. I couldn't really see what he looked like but I knew for a fact that was Tia. What the fuck?! I thought to myself. Me and Jason close as fuck, we tell each other everything and I mean everything. I went to my messages and re-read them just to see if he had said anything about him and Katia breaking up and just what I thought he didn't mention a damn thing.
I got up and headed over to their table. I slid in the booth beside Katia and stole one of her fries before stuffing it in my mouth. "Wassuh?" I asked Katia not even acknowledging the nigga she was with.
"Wassuh Jayden?" I turned and focused my attention on the dude she was with. It was Rico, Rico from the trap. The fuck she doing with him? I thought to myself.
"What's good my nigga? Long time no talk." I said dapping him up. To be honest I don't even know Rico on a personal level. We don't chill, kick it, share blunts, play video games none of that shit. There's only three niggas I did that shit. Jason, Malik and Jalin cause they my day one's.
"Yea I know. Niggas been busy. Hold on." He said taking his phone out his pocket.
I done did a lot of shit just to live this here lifestyle
We came straight from the bottom, to the top, my lifestyle

I heard the ringtone from his phone playing. I looked over at Katia and gave her a little smirk before stealing another one of her fries. She give me the evil eye with a sigh of frustration and rolled her eyes at me. "I'm telling." I whispered to her.
"What? Df I look like? I told you I ain't seen that lil girl she ain't even my child!" Rico yelled into the phone. "So? He can keep her for all I care, less worries for me. I already got to put up with your naggin ass and then don't do shit but cry all damn day. I want that nigga name cause he fucked up my eye." He said taking off his sunglasses. I took one look at his face and it was fucked that hell up. Damn, I ain't know he went out like that but somebody got his ass. "And my shit better be wet when I get home." He said before hanging up the phone. I quickly turned my attention back to Katia we just started talking bout nothing when we know damn well we was listening to his conversation.
"I'm out I'll Fuck with y'all later." Rico said standing up from the booth giving me dap then kissing Katia's cheek. "Bye beautiful." He winked at her then walked off.
She was blushing like hell, when she noticed me looking at her she quickly wiped the smile off her face. "What the fuck was that?" I asked almost yelling.
"I don't know maybe he having problems with his girlfriend or something." She replied looking down at her phone knowing damn well I wasn't talking about Rico's phone conversation.
I snatched her phone away from her and got up from the booth and went back to chick fil a. "Jayden give me my phone." She said running behind me. I knew she was going to fuck me up as soon as we got out this damn mall if she didn't in front of everybody.
"You cheating on Jason?" I asked grabbing my food and walking toward the exit door.
"No! I'm no cheating on Jason! Give me my damn phone!" She yelled hitting my car door. That shit really did hurt my feelings. My car was my baby, if it got one scratch on it I would cry. I almost cried when my son threw up all in my shit now here her crazy ass is beating on doors and shit.
I got in the car and threw her, her phone. She slammed the car door and buckled her seat belt. "Katia I will fuck you up if you slam my shit again, the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled looking at her then back at the rode.
"You my damn problem! You just excused me of cheating, ruined my damn conversation and embarrassed the hell out of me!" She yelled before burying her head in her hands crying. Damn I was only playing.
I pulled into a parking space at Kroger and turned my attention toward Katia. "What's wrong with you?" I asked moving her hands from her eyes.
"Jayden I gave him everything, all I damn had I gave it to him and he goes and cheats on me. I've been here almost a year now and he got some bitch taking my place laying were I sleep. Do you know how bad that hurts me? I would never do any shit like that to him. I thought about fucking with Rico just to get back at him but I can't." She cried out wiping the tears from her eyes. Damn wassuh with my niggas? They all fucking up, I need to surround myself by some better people cause this shit right here damn ridiculous. I know we young and shit but damn they don't realize when they got a female wrapped around they finger.
"Tia listen to me. I know what Jason did hurts you but why you still with him if it's making you feel like this? Then you sitting in the mall with Rico knowing damn well his ass ain't no good. You trying to get back at Jason or sum? Imma tell you now that ain't the way to do it. Just cause somebody cheated on you that don't mean you do the same shit just to get even. Get you some balls and leave his ass and stop fucking with Rico, i got a funny feeling bout that nigga. You to beautiful to be sitting up here crying your eyes out over a nigga that's basically telling you he don't care. Jason my nigga and all but wrong is wrong." I handed her a napkin so she could wipe her face. "I'll be back I need to go get some stuff for Kadience and Kaden." I said before getting out the car.

Katia's POV
What Jayden told me really had me thinking. Fuck Jason, this ain't the first time his ass cheated, when I found out about girl number one I just dusted it off and thought he would change. Now this girl number 3, Jayden's right. Jason doesn't love me he cheated on me intentionally hoping that I wouldn't find out. With Jason knowing what I was capable of I thought he would be a little more sneaky about his cheating but he broadcasting the shit. He really has changed since I first met him, he's started smoking more, studying less, he doesn't even play football anymore, he doesn't want to go to college he just wanna sit at home, smoke weed and get drunk and Tia ain't having it. Fuck him.
"You good now?" Jayden asked getting back in the car and putting the bags of grocery on the backseat.
"Yea I'm fine, thank you bro." I smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"Ewwww! I hope my cheek don't fall off." He yelled in a playful voice pulling out the parking lot. We both just laughed it off.
"You wanna go with me or you want me to drop you off at Jason's house or you trying go home?" He asked making me think.
"Where you going?"
"Probably to chill with Malik for a minute then home to my wife and kids." He pulled his phone out his pocket and called somebody.
"Nahh I don't feel like being around y'all weed heads you can take me to asshole's house." I said referring to Jason.
He bursted out in laughter, I didn't know what was so damn funny I was dead ass serious.
"Hey baby you feeling any better?" He asked Kadience over the phone. "Well I'll be home in a few hours unless you want me to come sooner." I love their relationship, they are so damn cute. I just wish Jason and I could be like that but to be honest I don't even want his ass anymore.
"Tell my boo I said hey." I told Jayden.
"Tia said hey bae." He sucked his teeth and handed me the phone. We was sitting at a red light when I punched the hell out of Jayden's arm. "The fuck?" He said rubbing his arm.
"Why you ain't tell me y'all had a baby on the way?!" I yelled.
"Nigga I just did!"
"No you did not!"
"Yes I did! I said I was bout to go home and chill with my wife and kids. Kids not kid. Kids plural meaning more then one." He explained pulling up into Jason's driveway.
Their was a red Altima and his drive way. Jason parks in the garage and that car didn't belong to me. "Ohh shit." Jayden said underneath his breath.
"Bae I'll call you back." I told Kadience before hanging up in her face.
I grabbed the gun from under Jayden's seat, got out his car and slammed his door.

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