Chaoter 26

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Jayden's POV

"Are you serious Jamari?" Kadience hissed. "She tried to make me fall. You know if I would have fell down those steps it would have harmed our child and you want me to be chill about it?" We were sitting inside of the restaurant Valentino's with the rest of the crew. It's the day after Kandance funeral.

"I'm not asking you to forget about it Kadience. I'm only saying calm down because I don't want you stressed, it's not good for the baby." I explained

"Jayden how can I calm down when her crazy ass is out to get me for God knows what? Put yourself in my shoes. You would be on your ass trying to protect your child if you knew someone was trying to hurt you or possibly kill you. So don't tell me to calm down." She hissed pointing her finger in my face from across the table. She threw the napkin down on her plate and excused herself from the table. I watched her walk away as her long ponytail swayed from side to side and her ass bounced in the skirt she had on.

"What's her problem?" Scar asked taking the seat where Kadience was once sitting.

"Karma." I replied as I let out a deep breath.

"Don't stress it. I'll handle Karma. Just give Kadience some time, she's only acting that way because she's pregnant, she just lost her mother."

"Yea easy for you to say. You don't live with her." I said as i slumped down in my chair.

"She's my daughter I think I would know." He replied with a smirk on his face.

Kadience's POV

I was in the kitchen washing dishes, cleaning off counter tops, baseboards and everything else. I couldn't get any sleep, it's like 3 in the morning and I'm still up. I've been on my knees cleaning these baseboards for 2 hours now and they're not even dirty.

"Bae what are you doing?" I heard Jayden ask from behind me

"Just cleaning." I said wiping the sweat from my forehead. I turned Pandora on, on my phone. Music always calmed me down. I listened as Brandy Missing You played it instantly made me think of my mother.

Though I'm missing you
I'll find away to get through
Living without you
'cause you were my sister, my strength and my pride
Only god may know why, still I will get by
I would've known, that you had to go so suddenly, so fast
How could it be, that sweet memories would be all, all that we have left.
Now that you're gone, every day I go on
But life it's not the same
I'm so empty inside, and my tears I can't hide but I'll try to face the pain

My eyes filled with tears . I didn't want Jayden to see me cry so I took a deep breath and let it out.

Don't cry Kadience I kept repeating over and over again in my head

"Can you hand me my phone please?" I asked Jayden as I held my hand behind my back refusing to look at him. Once I felt my phone in my hand I quickly changed the song.

Everybody needs somebody who'll be there
Someone to wipe the tears and make you smile
So if you need someone that will not judge you when you fall
No matter what you've done my love will answer when you call

So after your hearts been torn in two
And you just don't know what to do
After the rain has come and gone
And the sun still wont shine
After your friends have walked away
And you've run out of things to say
After you've tried everything else
Try me

That's when I just broke down crying. I've been trying really hard to hold myself together but I can't. Jayden pulled my Into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. "Why did he have to take her from me?" I cried as I held onto him.

"You'll see her again Bae. I promise." He said kissing my forehead.

When I woke up I was laying in my mother's bed next to Kaden. I don't even remember falling asleep last night. I kissed a sleeping Kaden on the side of his cheek and got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and handled all of my hygiene problems. I settled for a pair of jogging pants and my SWHS hoodie.

I jumped when I saw Scar sitting down on the barstool in my kitchen eating a bowl of fruit loops. "You scared me." I said with a slight giggle.

"My bad, you want some cereal? It's your favorite." He said holding up the box of cereal.

"Nahh I'm not really hungry. " I replied honestly.

"What about my grand daughter? I'm sure she's hungry, Jayden told me you haven't really been eating anything. " he said arching his eyebrow up at me as he read the back of the box. "What?" He said when he noticed I was looking at him kinda weird.

"Nothing. You.. You just said granddaughter that's all."

"Your mom never told you did she?" He asked with a smirk.

"Told me what?"

"Me and your mom agreed that we would wait until your were 18 to tell you. I guess we just let time fly by because we never did." He explained

"Tell m... Tell me what?"

"I'm your father." He replied

Jasmine's POV

Me and Jalin finally managed to work things out. I haven't fully forgiven him but our communication has gotten much better. He still sleeps in the guest room, J'Kolby and I sleep in what once was Jalin and I room.

I walked down the hallway to the guest room where Jalin and sleeps and softly knocked on the door before letting myself in.

"You don't have to knock." He said opening the door for me.

"It's polite I didn't want to just burst in." I replied giggling as I began to put his laundry up. "Really Jalin? Now if we get roaches Imma beat your ass, you know I hate dirty." I said as I picked up an empty pizza box off the floor.

"Ohh about that. Me and-"

"Save it." I replied holding my hand out in his face. "Where's J'Kolby it's time for his next bottle."

"In the nursery." Jalin replied as he continued to hit the buttons on the controller.

I walked across the hall to the nursery. I peeked inside Of J'Kolby's bassinet to see it empty.

"What did you do that for?!" Jalin yelled when I hit him upside the head with a pillow.

"Cause you always damn playing. Where is my son?"

"Bae I put him in the nursery a few hours ago for a nap." He replied looking at me dumbfounded

"He's not there Jalin!" I yelled as I ran out the guest room back to J'Kolby's room to check his bed, bassinet and diaper changing station.

"What do you mean he's not here?" Jalin questioned.

"Do you see him Jalin? Call the police!"

I ran down stairs breaking my entire house apart trying to find my son and he was nowhere to be found.

Sorry for the late update I haven't been feeling well but i hoped you guys liked this chapter. If you would like to leave some baby names in the comments for Kadience unborn please do. Not sure if she's having a girl or boy yet. Thanks .

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