Chapter 19

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Katia's POV

After the whole Chase situation I didn't know if i should go ahead and tell Jayden or get some more information from Chase so I decided to go back to the apartment where me and Jayden made that drop and see if Chase was there. I knew I shouldn't be here not at this time of night anyways. Easiest way to get kilt, just being outside after hours in Compton made you a suspect. I quickly knocked on the door three times and waited for it to be answered. I was greeted by an old lady with a walker. "Can I help you?" She asked with an attitude.

"I'm looking for Chase."

"Who?" She asked leaning in to hear me better.

"Chase. Tall, Darkskin" she looked at me as if she had no idea who I was talking about. "Thank you." I said walking away from the door and back down the flight of creaky stairs.

I searched my purse for my keys and pushed the unlock button when I found them. I opened the door to my car and got inside. I didn't even get scared when i saw Chase in my car he's known for sneaking in and out of places. He's like a ghost, once you see him once you don't. "Why do you intend on scaring my ass?" I asked Chase once I got in my car. He was sitting in the passengers seat texting on his phone. He just laughed as he carried on his conversation with whoever he was talking to. I started the car up and drove to a near by McDonalds in Compton. I was hungry as hell.

Once we got inside I placed my order and went to the very back of the restaurant to talk to Chase. "Wassup?" He said.

"I want to know more about you and your sister." I replied as I stuck a frie in my mouth.

"Why?" He asked chucking.

"Because I want to know. She never even mentioned you in school, she never mentioned any family members period.... Not even her niece." I said when I noticed his watch. It was a Rolex, it had a picture of a little girl on the inside of it.

"Ohh that's not my daughter. That's my little sister Paris. She died in a drive by." He said looking down at his wrist.

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's cool we all gotta go some day." It got quiet for a moment. "Karma and I like I said we got history. A long time ago she kinda walked out on the family after Her dad died-" he explained.

"So y'all have different dads?" I asked taking a sip of my Hi-C.

"Yea I never met my dad. Her dad was like a father figure to me until he started cheating on our mom then I lost all respect for him. He brainwashed Karma, everything he told her she believed. Every week he would go out of town for a business meeting. Me and my mom knew that was some bullshit ass lie he told but Karma... She believed it. I over heard him talking to one of his women on the phone that's how I found out. My mom on the other hand she just knew. I asked her how she found out and she said a woman knows... Took me awhile to figure out what she meant. One day he claimed he was going on another business meeting and the plane crashed into the Washington monument. The sad part is he was the only person that died, I guess Karma really is a bitch." He said chucking. "Well she is too but that's not what I meant-"

"Yea I.. I get it." I nodded in agreement.

"Anyways. When Karma left it left a hole in me. Karma was my nigga, I came to her about everything and she just act like she didn't care. Not only that but after her dad died she just turned into the horrible person. When Karma left I sent someone to keep tags on her. They was telling me all this shit that she was doing and I didn't want to believe it. She had someone to shoot up our grandmother's house, she drove my mothers car into the lake and she took all the memories of my baby sister Paris and set them on fire all because we didn't go to her fathers funeral." He dropped his head down and ran his fingers over his watch.

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