Chapter 31

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Kadience's POV

I was downstairs straightening up the guest rooms. Emoni, Lyric and Malik were suppose to be flying in today. I thought it would be pointless for them to stay at a hotel when Jayden and I have all this space here in our home.

After I finished cleaning up the guest room I went in the kitchen to prepare lunch. Jayden had taken Kaden to see that new SpongeBob movie. I'm not really a big fan of Spongebob plus I had a little morning sickness but I feel much better now. I just decided to stay home and clean house.

"Hello." I said answering my phone. I started not to answer because I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello, this is Karly."

"Ohh hi. How did you get my number?" I asked

"It's a list of contacts on the fridge, I saw your name and decided to call you." She explained. "I just wanted-"

"Wait how did you get a phone to call me?" I asked cutting her off.

"It's a government phone." She giggled "but I just wanted to thank you for everything you're doing for me and my kids." She explained.

"Ohh it's no problem, if it were me and my family I would want someone to do the same for us." I said truthfully

"Mommy I'm home!" Kaden Yelled as he ran through the front door.

"I'll call you back later." I quickly ended our conversation on the phone. Jayden looked at me suspiciously as he sat the bags of grocery down on the counter top. "Did you have fun with your father?" I asked Kaden as I kneeled down to his level. I helped him out of his jacket and shoes so he could be more comfortable.

"Yes! The movie was awesome! And daddy buy me these." He said full of excitement pouring a bag full of toys in the floor in front of me. I rolled my eyes at the sight of the toys. More mess for me to clean up.

"Bought. Daddy bought me these." I said correcting him.

Can you come over later if possible. I need to talk to you about some things and thanks again for letting my kids and I stay in your home. :)

I smiled as I read the text from Karly. I quickly wiped the smile off my face when I noticed the way Jayden was looking at me.

I gave my mothers house to this homeless lady. She was a single mother with 3 kids. She said her house had been foreclosed on and she lost everything even her job after her boss died a couple months ago in a fatal car accident. The husband wasn't bringing in much money. She got a job a job as a janitor at her youngest elementary school. From my understanding her checks weren't enough to maintain her household. She has one 5 year old , a 10 year old and a 15 year old.

I ran into her one day coming out of Walmart. They were holding up a sign , not asking for money but for food. It really hurt my heart to see those kids sitting against the wall, looking down at the ground wondering where they're next meal would come from. No one was even trying to help the them. Everyone that came out of the store walked right past them , not even acknowledging them at all and went straight to their cars.

I told them to get in my car and I would take them to get something to eat. I took them to the nearest restaurant which was McDonald's. They all devoured they're food within a couple of seconds. It really made me sad to know that they had been starving for days and this was probably they're first time eating in God knows how long.

"Thank you so much." She said as a tear slipped down her cheek. "God bless you."

"No problem and you too. Is there anything else you need?" I asked her just being generous.

"If you don't mind taking us to the homeless shelter." She asked. "Karly."


"My name is Karly." She said with a smirk.


I was kinda uncomfortable with 4 strangers in my car. I knew Jayden would be hella upset with me for this when I told him what I had done. He's so protective over me. His exact words are going to be "what if something happened to you?" Im just praying to God that they're good people and for my safety on this 30 minute drive to the homeless shelter in Inglewood.

"Are you expecting a little one?" She asked me. She was sitting in the passengers seat next to me. She caught me off guard with her question.

"Yea I am. How ... How did you know?"

"I'm good at reading people and everything about you says pregnant but congrats. Is this your first?" She asked. I was debating on telling her about my miscarriage.

"Yes." I replied suddenly getting emotional.


"Thanks." I said silently.

When we got to the shelter something was telling me to go in with them. I parked my car on the side of the building and walked into the shelter with them.

"We're full." The receptionist at the counter said not even looking up at her. He was an older black man , he wore coke bottle glasses and raggedy clothes. If I didn't know any better I would think he lives here himself.

"You don't have any more beds available? Just for tonight at least." Ms. Karly asked.

"Lady does the word full mean anything to you?" The receptionist snapped. "All the beds are taken, you should have gotten here earlier." He stamped a piece of paper and excused himself from the counter.

"Mommy where are we going to go?" Her youngest asked looking up at her.

"I don't know baby." She replied pulling him into her.

"I... I have a place that you could stay." I spoke.

"No... You've done enough already it's ok. There's another shelter down the road we can go there."

"What if it's full too?" The youngest spoke again.

"Brian." She hissed.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"It's ok I don't mind just let me help you." I begged.

She finally gave in after seeing the looks on all of her kids faces. We loaded back into my car once again and drove to what used to be my mother's house.

"You can stay her for as long as you need to." I said as I flicked on the lights in the foyer of the living room. "There's 4 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs, there's towels and wash cloths in all bathrooms and extra sheets in the bedroom closets if you need them. We can go Grocery shopping later after you guys get settled and showered and stuff. Do they like pizza?" I asked. We were upstairs in the hallway. The house was ice cold, I decided to turn the heat on so it could warm up a little. "Why are you crying?" I asked when my eyes met hers.

"God just answered my prayers. Thank you so much sweetie." She said holding out her arms pulling me into a hug.

"You're welcome."

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