Chapter 30

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Jazmine's POV

I blinked my eyes a few times before examining the room. I stretched my arms and yawned. I tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach was so intense.
"Take it easy." Jalin said as he rushed over to me to help me out of bed. He had just come from out the bathroom, a shower I suppose. He was dressed in a pair of true religion jeans, a pink polo shirt and his white forces. Looking and smelling good as ever.

"Ohh my God baby I had this horrible ass dream. Harmony kidnapped me and let a gang of niggas rape me, then she tied me to the chair...." Kadience and Jay had walked in with my Kaden. In my dream she was pregnant, now her stomach was as flat as ever. I continued to tell my story to all three of them. I explained how in my dream Harmony put J'Kolby's car seat in the tub and let it fill up with water, then how she dragged Kadience down the stairs and kicked her in her stomach a few times. By the end of my story I was in tears so was Kadience. Jalin sat next to me on the bed and held me. It was then that I noticed the Iv in my arm and all the machines and monitors surrounding me. "W- what happened?" I questioned jalin. When he didn't answer me I looked to Kadience and Jay waiting for a response. No one said shit.

Jay stood by the door next to Kadience holding his hands in his pockets. Kadience stepped outside and Jalin... Jalin just looked clueless as hell.

"Want us to leave?" Jayden asked

"Yea.. Lemme talk to her." Jalin replied. "Iight lil man." He said to Kaden before doing their personal handshake.

"See you later Unc!" Kaden yelled as he ran out of the room.

"Is it me or has Kaden gotten bigger?" I asked with a slight chuckle. Once again I got no reply. Jalin pulled a chair up in front of me and dropped his head down the floor. "What's wrong?"

"You know uhh.. The doctor was telling me that-" I could hear him sniffle a little as he explained to me what was going on.

"Babe. Look at me." I said holding his face between my hands. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"The doctor was telling me that when you woke up... You might not remember anything. He said it was a very high chance of you forgetting everything. Me, our kids, Kadience, Jayden, Tia.." He went on naming people. After Jayden none of the names he called out sounded familiar. "Please tell me you remember me?" He asked as he bit down on his lip and let the tears fall down his eyes.

"I.. I don't remember everything or everyone but I do remember how much you love me and how you make me feel and the beautiful child we made." I replied. His eyes started to light up as a big ass grin came across his face. "And I also remember the night you put this big ass ring on my finger." I said making us both burst out in laughter.

After a moment of kissing and hugging each other so tight he told me he had a surprise for me. I waited in the hospital bed for what seemed like forever before he came. He held two car seats in his hand. A familiar looking female followed behind him with another car seat . He begun to unbuckle all three of the babies out of their car seats. "I wanted to wait until you woke up to name them." Jalin said caring two little babies in his arms. "I couldn't so I remembered what you said when we were 16. How if you had a daughter you wanted to name her Kiya and let her middle name be Aniyah and if you had a son you wanted to name him after me and if we had another one you would name him Josiah Elijah." He said looking up from the twins with a big smile on his face. "This is Kiya." He said placing her gently in my arms. "And this is Josiah."

"The..they're mine?" I questioned. With an unreadable expression on my face.

"They're ours." He replied still smiling from ear to ear.

It wasn't until now that I realized I had been in a coma for 6 months and the dream I thought I was having was actually real. These twins weren't Jalin's , they belonged to one of the three men Harmony let rape me that night.

Kadience's POV

"Ohh my God baby I had this horrible ass dream. Harmony kidnapped me and let a gang of niggas rape me, then she tied me to the chair..." Jazmine explained to Jalin as Jay, Kaden and I walked into the room. She went on to explain how in her "dream" Harmony dragged me down a flight of stairs and repeatedly kicked my in my stomach when I was 4 months pregnant.

I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly excused myself from the room and sped walked to the nearest bathroom holding my hand tightly over my mouth to hold back the sounds of me weeping.

I sunk down to the floor in the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I kept having flashbacks of that night. The night when Harmony repeatedly kicked me in my stomach.... The night when I had a miscarriage and lost my first child. The night when my dad, Rico, Reggie and Malik killed Harmony and Karma. Even tho that was 6 months ago it still scarced me like it happened yesterday.

I felt my body being pushed away from the door. I already knew it was Jayden. I didn't even look up to see him. I hated to cry in front of him.

"Mommy." I heard Kaden's little voice say.

"Yes baby?" I quickly wiped my tears away before looking at him.

"Why you crying?" He asked as he placed himself in my lap.

"Mommy is just sad that's all." All of sudden he buried his head in my chest. He was crying for no reason at all.

"What's wrong?" I asked forcing him to look at me.

"When you sad, I sad too." Then we both started crying. Just holding on to each other crying like some big ass babies.

"What the hell?" Jayden asked when he came in the bathroom and saw me and Kaden sitting on the floor crying. He picked Kaden up and threw him over his shoulder. He didn't stop crying until Jay asked him if he wanted to go get ice cream. Then he got happy as hell. You couldn't even tell he was crying if you looked at his face. "Lil man I want you to sit on the bench in hallway. Let me talk to your mom. Don't get up and don't talk to strangers." He said as he kissed him on his cheek and placed him on his feet.

Jayden left the door cracked a little to keep an eye on Kaden while he talked to me. "You ok?" He asked

"Yea I'm good."

"Don't lie."

"No I'm not ok. I lost my first child. I was suppose to protect him, I was suppose protect our child and I didn't. Now you hate me and I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry." I explained before I burst into tears again.

"W- wait wait... Who said I hated you?" He asked me as he pulled me into his lap. "I don't hate you. If anything my ass loves the fuck outta you." He replied kissing my neck making me blush. "What happened to our child isn't your fault. I don't blame your for that. I know it hurts but on the bright side we can always make another one and won't have to worry about another crazy bitch trying to kill you or no shit like that." He said sliding his hand up and down my thigh. Since both Harmony and Karma are dead now I suppose I'm safe.


"I didn't mean it like that."

"I know you didn't." I grabbed my purse and pulled out the white stick I peed on earlier. It should have been passed thirty minutes by now. I looked down at the stick and saw the little plus sign form in the middle of It. "Look baby." I said holding the stick up to his eye level. He got so damn happy and started squeezing the hell out of me. I had to tell him to stop because I couldn't breath.

"You know it's going to be a boy right." He said smiling from ear to ear.

"It's definitely going to be a girl."

"Whatever we'll see in 5 months."

"Actually 3. Let's go before somebody steal my child I said referring to Kaden. When Jayden and I came out the bathroom together all the nurses and doctors stopped what they were doing and looked us up and down. I was so embarrassed, I tried to explain to them that it wasn't like that. They had security escort us out of the hospital and said we couldn't come back until another 48 hours for disobeying hospital rules.

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