Chapter 21

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Jazmine's POV

"Baby..." I heard Jalin call from

Behind me as I continued to walk upstairs with J'Kolby and ignore the hell out of him. I didnt want to hear his sorry ass apologies, excuses or none of that. All I wanted was to go shower and take these heels off. 6 years of loyalty to him and this is what he does, I'm not even mad i'm more disappointed and upset than anything. You don't hurt people you love. I refuse to give Karma the satisfaction that she wants, if she thinks she's about to ruin what was a happy home and 6 years of love that bitch must be crazy.

"Jalin I don't want to hear shit you have to say. I don't want to hear your excuses, apologies none of that." I said as I continued to walk up the stairs to our bedroom. When we first moved here I loved this spiral stairs, now I hate them.

"Can we just talk... Please."

I sat J'Kolby's car seat down in the hallway at the top of stairs and met Jalin hallway. My heels clacked on the steps as I walked to the center of them.

"Talk." I said harshly. I folded my arms across my chest and looked him dead in his eyes. Even with me being on the stairs he was still taller than me.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely looking down at me. I laughed showing my pearly white teeth.

"I'm not even mad at you."

"You're not?" He asked as he dropped his head down to the floor.

"No. I'm more disappointed than anything. How many times Jalin?"

" 4..." He mumbled where I could barely hear him.

4 times?! Is he fucking serious?! He fucked her 4 times! Maybe me not being mad was a complete misunderstanding .. I'm furious with his ass.

"Are you fucking kidding me Tyrone?!" I yelled angrily at him as I came closer to him.

"Baby I'm sorry it was a mistake."

"No! Shut the fuck up! You knew the entire time what your ass was doing. Let me have fucked another nigga four damn times I would never hear the last of it. You know what? I ... I can't even stomach you right now. Was she the only one?"


I bagged away from him and begin to walk back upstairs as my heels clacked on the steps. I picked up J'Kolby and took him in my room " I suggest that you fix whatever you did to my car." I throw Jalin a pillow and some cover "and don't sleep on my damn sofa!" I yelled before slamming the door.

If he got some damn sense like I think he does he would stay his ass away from me and give me my space. I picked up J'Kolby from his car seat and laid him on my chest. I was trying so hard to fight back tears but how can I not cry when the man I love , my fiancé, my bestfriend, my everything just did to me what he always said he wouldn't do. I feel so stupid for actually believing him. "Don't cry Jazmine." I kept repeating the words over and over again. "Don't cry Jaz." I said once more as my voice began to break.

Kadience's POV

"Babe will you please stop worrying she will be here. Maybe she just caught in some traffic." Jayden said as he laid Kaden down on the sofa opposite of me. It's 3am and my mom still hasn't made it home yet. I'm so worried about her, my tears are black from my makeup. My hair is a mess, I've been pulling it going crazy because she's not here. All I can think about is what Karma said at the restaurant. "Ohh you might want to check on your mom." I could see her evil smile. Just thinking about it made me want to kill her. Do to her what she did to me and everyone else. I dug my fingernails deep in my skin until blood began to flow from my arm.

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