Chapter 20

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Jayden's POV
"Surprise." Karma said with a chuckle. "I kinda wanted to do this big entrance but that was a little to much. Here you go Moni. Open it." She said handing her the decorated bag she bought in with her. Emoni looked inside of the bag and pulled out the tablet that was inside of it. "Turn it on." Karma instructed her, still
Smiling evilly at her. Emoni turned in the tablet like Karma told her too. This porn site popped up, on the video was Harmony and Emoni.
"Bitch!" Emoni yelled throwing the tablet at her face. Karma sat on the other end of the table holding her bloody nose.
"Malik get your girl!" I struggled trying to stop Emoni from jumping across the table and beating Karma's ass. Malik grabbed her and pulled her outside. We were in the very back of the restaurant so nobody could really see or hear what was going on.
"Jason take the kids."
I heard Kadience whisper to him now just leaving me, Kadience, Jazmine, Jalin, Katia and Karma at the table.
"Damn Jalin. You just get finer and finer every time I see you." Karma said rubbing her hand up and down Jalin's arm."
"Excuse you." Jazmine grabbed Karma's hand throwing it back at her.
She giggled as she drunk from Jalin's glass. "You didn't tell her?" She asked him looking dead in his eyes.
"Awww shit." I said only
Loud enough for Kadience to hear.
"The sex was good." Karma said catching Everyone off guard.
"Ohh. That's why yo ass been acting like that? Cause you around here fucking the dead?" Jazmine questioned.
"And Karma you discuss me. You're nothing but a home wrecker, you make everybody's life a living hell."
"Sorry Jazmine but what Karma wants Karma gets. I wanted Some dick from your man and I got it Mad or nahh?"
Jazmine just looked at her like she was stupid before she bursted out in laughter. "At the end of the day I'm the one with the ring, I'm also the one who gave birth to his child. So the question is, is you mad or nah? It's a shame that you have to go sleep with a man that's taken simply because you can't find your own. Do better babygirl."
Karma looked at Jazmine in shock struggling to find the right words to say. Whatever." She said trying to shrug it off like she wasn't mad when we all knew that was a lie. "I still fucked your man."
"Ok bitch? I can fuck him whenever I want, you got to make appointments. Fuck outta here." Jazmine replied as she grabbed her purse and walked off. Jalin followed behind her.

Kadience's POV
I can't believe these two are actually going back and forth about Jalin. Honestly if I was Jazmine I wouldn't even be fussing with Karma's hoe ass. Me and my baby would be kicking Jayden's ass up and down this damn restaurant.
"Karma why are you here?" I questioned
"Ohh I just came to say hello."
"Bitch please. Cut the bullshit Karma, why are you here?"
She giggled. "Each and everyone of you are going to feel the pain that I felt. You all had your fun, now it's time for Karma to have hers. I already got Emoni out of the way. Kadience you're next." She grabbed her shades and headed toward the door. "Ohh you might want to check on your mom." As an evil smile appeared on her face. "Bye Treasure."
"Don't call me that." Katia replied.
I quickly pulled my phone out my purse and called my mom. "Hey baby. Is everything ok?" My mom asked when she finally picked up after 5 rings. I sighed of relief.
"Yea everything is fine, just calling to check on you."
She let out a light laugh. "You called me for that same reason this morning. I'll be home later tonight but I have to go. I love you baby girl and you better be taking care of my babies. All 3 of them."
"I am mom I love you too." With that we ended our phone conversation. "Imma kill that bitch," I said with anger as I stared at the wall.

Katia's POV
How does she even know my real name? I never told anyone my real name not even Kadience. I hate my name for so many reasons. When I was younger my Nana and Papa used to call me Treasure all the time. Even my gay bestie from junior year and Brooklyn. One day I was in the car with my grandparents on the way back to my moms house. I had just spent the full winter break with them. I was about 10 so of course I still played with Barbie dolls and had some imaginary friends. All of a sudden my papa lost control of the car and ran into a tree killing himself and my Nana. Even with the amount of blood that was running down my arms, legs and face I still managed to get out the car and rush to his side. I weighed about 120 pounds my papa was maybe 230. I tried my hardest to pull him out the car but I couldn't. "We love you Treasure." They both said at the same time before the car blew up in flames. That had to be the most devastating moment of my life and it still replays in my head as if it happened yesterday.
Devin on the other hand, my gay bestie from junior year also in Brooklyn. He just had a hard life, he wasn't the type to express his feelings so he kinda just held it all in. People builded him for being gay and often attacked him. They never said shit to him him when I was around. I guess he got tired of it. December 30th the day after my grandparents death he jumped off a building and killed himself. Everyday I went to school I would miss seeing him standing at my locker waiting for me. He would always hold his books tight to his chest, the minute he saw me he would smack his lips and yell "hay boo." No matter how far of a distance we were away from each other.
After he died I cleaned his locker out, there was a tiny sheet of paper folded up at the bottom of his locked stuck in the corner. I grabbed the piece of paper, unraveled it and began to read
Dear Treasure,
I'm writing this letter to let you know that I'm tired of living. There's so much stuff that's been going on in my life that I never told you about. I guess I was trying to be tough and hold it in but to be honest it's killing me on the inside. My mom kicked me out, my family doesn't like me because I'm gay, my ex got killed in a drive by in Harlem, and me.... I'm just torn. It's so hard trying to put a smile on my face with all of this going on. I can't even be myself because everyone wants to judge me about my sexual preferences. Treasure I want to be free. I want to go somewhere everyone will accept me for who I am and not look at me in discuss and there's only one place for that. You are the only true friend I ever had and I'm so sorry for doing this too you, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you Treasure, we will see each other again one day.
Love Devin
I held the letter to my chest as I slumped down on the floor in front of the lockers and cried my eyes out. I would give and do anything to have all 3 of them back here with me.

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