Chapter 9

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Emoni's POV

After I finished packing I grabbed my suitcases and sat them beside the door. I still couldn't find my phone. I looked underneath the mattresses, under the bed, everywhere. Something was telling me to check Harmony's stuff. I really didn't want to go through her things because I wasn't that type of person to just snoop around but fuck it. I need my damn phone.

I picked up her suitcase and laid it on the bed neatly going through all her clothes making sure I didn't leave it noticeable that I had went through her things. I picked up a pair of her shorts at the very bottom of her suitcase and what do I see? My damn phone, I was furious I wanted to go in the bathroom and pull her ass out that damn shower by her hair. I knew that wouldn't end well because when I fight I blackout and try to put a bitch in the hospital. I did it once and I'm not proud of it that's why I try to keep my composure and be civil but bitches like Harmony makes me want to bring that side out.

I zipped her suitcase back up and sat it in the corner where it was previously sitting. I grabbed my things and walked outside of the hotel then down the stairs to catch a taxi. On my first whistle I caught a taxi. I slide in the backseat with my suitcases and asked the driver to take me to the airport.

I realized I hadn't checked my phone for anything Harmony might or would have changed since I found it. I turned it on and went straight to my messages. I didn't see any of Me and Malik's messages. I went to my photos and all the pictures of me, him and Lyric were deleted even on my Instagram every picture that I had taken with Malik was gone. I felt my face getting hot before tears escaped from my eyes. My pictures held a thousand memories, I had pictures of me and Malik since 9th grade, pictures of Lyric that were breathtaking and she deleted them all. In my bio on Insta I had me and Malik's date and whole bunch of other sweet shit it took me forever to come up with and it was all gone.

I seen a picture of me in the bed naked under covers sleeping peacefully with my hair all messed up and it captioned bae sleeping good with the tongue sticking out emoji. I quickly deleted the picture, I couldn't help but think what Malik was thinking, of course he seen this shit and he probably thought some nigga posted it to my wall. "Fuck!" I yelled making the driver slam on breaks.

"You good ma?" He asked in his New York accent.

"Take me back to the hotel." I said angrily. I was about to give Harmony the best ass whopping of her life.

Jazmine's POV

I had just seen Kadience to door. I finished up the laundry and packed my hospital bag and sat it by the front door so I could just grab it and go when my water breaks. I sat down on the couch and turned on the lion king. I'm such a big child when it comes to movies.

I was half way through the movie falling asleep when Jalin came through the front door. "Hey baby." He said as he picked me up

Off the couch and carried me to our room. He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over my cold body then kissed me goodnight. "I gotta surprise for you tomorrow."

Katia's POV

"Where we going Jayden?" I was in the front seat of Jayden's car and Kaden was in the back. He said we needed to talk, like we was in a relationship or some shit.

"We going to go see Jason" he replied looking at me then back at the road.

"You forreal woke me up so I can go see that bitch made nigga? I'm surprised his ass ain't dead and I should beat your ass for calling the damn ambulance in the first place." I said angrily. To be honest with you I seriously thought Jason was going to die and I'm mad that he didn't. He had so many cuts and gashes on his body after I finished throwing shit at him. I thought he was going to bleed to death and die in the hospital during surgery.

"Watch your mouth in front of my son and you ain't gone beat nun." Jayden said pulling in the hospital parking lot. He unbuckled his seat belt, got Kaden out the car and opened my door for me. "Katia get out the car." He said doing a frustrated sigh.

"Nahh I'm good y'all can go see him imma stay out here." I wasn't paying Jayden any attention. I just stared at my phone. I got on Instagram and notice that Moni had already moved on. Gahh damn, I thought her and Malik was gone get back together, ohh well I guess they wasn't meant to be. "It wasn't a question, get out this damn car!" He yelled.

"Ugh! You get on my damn nerves." I said getting out the car and slamming the door.

"Slam my door again!" He warned.

The whole time we were on the elevator I stood in my corner pouting with my arms folded, Jayden stood In another corner pissed off cause I slammed his door and Kaden was standing between us looking at us with wondering eyes. When the elevator stopped Jayden grabbed Kaden's hand and lead the way.

When we got to Jason's room he knocked on the door then went in. I didn't even acknowledge him, I wanted to punch him in his face again. I went over to the chair In the corner and fell down in it then pulled Kaden on my lap. We played games on my phone for about 2 hours while Jason and Jayden talked about irrelevant ass shit. I was so ready to damn go. "TT I'm hungry." Kaden said looking up at me with those big brown eyes of his.

"Come on, let's go down to the cafeteria." I said standing up and grabbing his hand. I was glad Kaden was hungry I needed to get out this damn room before I exploded.

"Nahh I'll take him." Jayden said coming over to me.

"I got it bro it's good." I replied with a fake smile.

"I said I got it." His voice got deeper. He picked up Kaden and walked out the room. I know Jayden wanted me and Jason to talk and work shit out but I was so over him. I was tired of him cheating on me and disrespecting me when all I did was give him my all and In return I get treated like shit. Fuck him and fuck what we had cause it don't mean shit.

"Baby just listen-" Jason began to say before I cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled. "I don't wanna hear them broke ass words come out your cheap ass mouth! How could you do something to me like that Jason? I did nothing but give you my damn all and this is how you repay me? Fucking some hoe in our home? You got bitches laying where I fucking sleep and you gone tell me sorry?fuck you, this damn relationship and your sorry ass apology cause It don't mean shit. Your ass just sorry cause you got caught." I yelled angrily.

"So you really done with a nigga?"

"Yes mf I am I should have killed your ass." He chuckled, I didn't see what was so damn funny cause I was dead serious. If Jayden wouldn't have stopped me Jason would be dead and I would be in jail.

"I guess I deserve that." He said licking his lips.

"You deserve that and more." I said truthfully.

"So you don't love me no more." He asked looking over at me like he was about to cry.

"I use to love you but nigga I don't fuck with no more." I grabbed my purse and fixed my shirt before leaving. I felt so relieved. Like I said before, fuck Jason, fuck our relationship and fuck niggas period.

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