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Y/N's pov:
"Natalie?" The tall woman asks. That was my grandmothers name. Who is this?
"Who are you?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow. The woman scoffs and rolls her eyes. I look at her forehead and see something in it. It looked like the pearl to my grandma's necklace.
"Who am I? Ha! You know who I am, stop lying Natalie." The woman says.
"Natalie was my grandma. I don't know who you are and what she meant to you, but she's dead." I tell her but she doesn't seem to believe me.
"You're lying Natalie. You took me away from everything I loved! Now it's time for me to hurt you!" She yells, pulling out a spear of her forehead. I back up and raise my arms.
"My name is Y/N. I don't know who you are but please don't hurt me." I plead. As I say this she seems to falter but keeps her spear up.
"You don't remember what you did?" She asks, lowering the spear.
"Remember what?" I ask.
"You...You took me as a gem and made me your personal necklace! You took me from my home and my diamond for your own pleasure! You made me show you things about my home! You made me project things to you! You made me like your own personal TV!!" She yells. She reaches to her gem thing and she projects my grandma wearing her necklace. My grandma taps her necklace and it shows her watching what the necklace projects.
"I'm sorry for what she did to you. I found her necklace in the attic earlier today and I kept it on my bedside table, then you came here. I swear." I say, cowering. Her projection changes to a question mark until it disappears. She does a weird thing with her hands and her spear goes away as well. She walks towards me and examines my face. Her cold porcelain like hands graze my cheeks. I blush at how closely she looks at my face and she stares me in the eyes. 
"You look so much like her. How...How did she die?" She asks. I look at my feet and she shuffles.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. Uh, my name's Pearl." She says holding out her hand. There's a small but apparent blush as she stares at me. I slowly grip her hand and shake it.
"Where was your home? You said my grandma took you from your home, where would that be?" I ask. She seems surprised at first and she clears her throat.
"My home was...Homeworld. I worked with the prettiest gem in all the galaxies. My diamond, Pink. She was an outcast to the people she called her family. I didn't serve her for long because Natalie took me and made me a pearl necklace. She didn't even know what I was. Your grandma was a fighter to everyone in homeworld, even me and my diamond. So she...She poofed me and took me away. My diamond welcomed Natalie into her zoo but she broke out, and she went after me and my diamond. Your grandma ruined my life, I might be thousands of years old but Natalie destroyed it all." Pearl told me.
"What did Pink diamond look like? Also who were her other family members?" I ask. Pearl sighs and blushes.
"Pink was amazing. She yearned for adventure and never got recognition for the things she did for her planet. She was much taller than me but when she found adventure, her eyes would light up. She wasn't always happy and seeing her like that made me feel happy that I could help her. Her fellow diamonds, Blue and Yellow, never gave her what she wanted. Pink wanted more planets like Blue and Yellow, but they never gave her one. Blue loved her and treated her like a sibling but Yellow treated her like a child, but I guess sometimes she could be one. That was part of her charm though. I was one of the lucky Pearls and got chosen, I was somewhat part of the royal family. I was a pretty big deal." She says, boasting. I smirk at what she says and I find it kinda cute.
"She sounds kinda like my grandma. Grandma was an outcast to her own family, they treated her like a servant. After she was done making breakfast and lunch and dinner, she would go to her room until they called for her. She did everything in her house and as an adult it did not change. She told me years ago that when she would look out her window she would dream of being like a normal person, she also wanted adventure in her monotone world. She didn't get it until she went to homeworld. She said she was magically taken there and stayed there for a long time. She said she found the necklace on homeworld and woke up with it when she was back home. I have no idea how she teleported back here if Pink diamond wanted her to be apart of her 'zoo'." I say, explaining to Pearl.
"Your grandmother is nothing like Pink. Your grandmother is a thief and a fraud." Pearl tells me. I sigh and walk over to my bed. I jump on top of it and close my eyes.
"I guess my grandma was a thief but she wasn't a fraud. She told me she found the necklace, would you rather her keep it a secret and never tell me? Cause if you do, then you wouldn't be here now Pearl. She told me it was mine when she died, and if I didn't even know about the necklace you'd still be in my attic." I say. I hear her scoff and her footsteps.
"I...I guess you're right. Thank you for freeing me." Pearl says. I feel my bed dip and I open my eyes. I turn to my side and see Pearl staring at me. Once she see's I caught her, she turns her head and blushes.
"You were really close to Pink weren't you?" I ask. She turns to look at me, surprised.
"Oh yes. Pearls are supposed to serve, but it seems like she served me. I love her. I just wish I could get back home." She says, clutching her face. Tears well in her eyes and I feel sorry for her.
"Maybe I can help you." I say. She laughs at what I say and I regret saying it.
"A human? Helping me get back to homeworld? Ha! Don't make me laugh Y/N." She says, placing her hand over her chest.
"Fine. Forget it." I say, closing my eyes.
"Oh! I...I didn't mean it like that." She says.
"It's fine. I'm used to it." I say.
"W-what do you mean?" Pearl asks.
"It's nothing, I'll tell you later if I want to." I say, picturing Amber at school, calling me names and hurting me. I then think of grandma and I drift off.
•Pearl's pov:
  As I stare at the ground I hear Y/N snore. I quickly turn to look at her and see she's fallen asleep.
  I look at her peaceful face and wish I knew how to sleep. I was starting to warm up to her, but I try to keep myself away from her. Her aura is just so calming and it pulls me in. Pink would really love her. I wonder if she could actually be of any use, she's a human and probably doesn't know anything about spacecrafts or anything that could help me get back home. She is interesting though, I hope I can get to know her better. She's like a puzzle that I want to solve. I get knocked out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.
"Y/N! Where's your laundry?" I hear a woman say. The door begins to crack open and I stand up, looking for a place to hide so this woman doesn't see me. The door opens all the way and a tall gray haired woman stands in the doorway. She drops the basket and looks at me with wide eyes.
"Ahhh! Did you hurt her?!" She yells, running towards Y/N and shakes her body.
"Y/N, wake up. Wake up! What did you do to her?" The woman asks, screaming at me.
"I didn't do anything. She fell asleep. I swear." I say.
"You liar!! What did you do to-" She says, getting cut off by a voice.
•Y/N's pov:
I wake up to my mom screaming at someone. I open my eyes and hear Pearl talk to her.
"I didn't do anything. She fell asleep. I swear." I  hear her say.
"You liar!! What did you do to-" Mom says, yelling.
"Mom?" I say. Mom turns her head and directly looks at me.
"Oh my god! Y/N you're alright." Mom says.
"Mom are you feeling fine?" I ask. Mom usually doesn't care about me.
"I'm fine. I thought this weird girl killed you." Mom says.
"Actually mam I'm older than you." Pearl says, matter o' factly.
"Mom this is Pearl. She's a...A friend." I explain to mom. Mom looks at Pearl and gives her a weird look.
"A friend?" Mom asks. She looks at Pearl with a mad but confused look.
"Yes! A friend. I trust her a lot and she trusts me. Ha ha ha!!" Pearl says awkwardly. Mom quirks an eyebrow and walks to my closet.
"Mom, why are you in here?" I ask.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm getting your laundry. Don't mind me." Mom says.
"Mom are you sure your're okay?" I ask, confused.
"I'm fine sweetie." Mom says, happily. Mom quickly gathers my clothes and walks out the door, saying absolutely nothing else. I get off the bed and close the door. I look back at Pearl and she seems confused.
"Are you okay Pearl?" I ask. She shakes her head and crouches down and places her hand over her nose.
"My best friends. What are they doing now? After your grandmother took me was when Pink and I were making a plan, and I left Garnet behind. Hopefully Pink and Garnet are okay." Pearl says, tears rolling down her face.
"Oh Pearl It's okay. Maybe I can help you get to where you need to be." I say. Pearl looks at me with hope in her eyes. She pulls her hand away from her nose and she wipes her face.
"That's a great idea! We just need a car and I can drive us there and you can meet Garnet." Pearl says, standing up. She slams her fist on her palm and paces, formulating a plan.
"Does Garnet work with you and Pink?" I ask. Pearl stops instantly and looks at me.
"Uh no. Garnet works with me in the Crystal gems. It's a group of rogue gems who-" Pearl begins but I instantly cut her off.
"I know who the Crystal gems are!" I say, yelling. Pearl stares at me with confusion and her mouth dangles open.
"You...You do?" Pearl asks.
"Yeah, my grandma told me. The leader of the Crystal gems is a gem named Rose quartz and she protects Earth from any danger." I say, awestruck.
"Your grandma? How did she know?" Pearl asks. I shake my head.
"I don't know. Why didn't you mention Rose when you said you wanted to see Garnet? Did something happen to Rose?" I ask.
"Oh. Rose is fine. She just....Um she just..." Pearl stammers.
"Pearl just tell me it's fine." I say. Pearl looks around and grabs my shoulders and stares me in the eyes.
"Can you keep a secret?" Pearl asks. I nod my head in agreement and she looks around again.
"Okay. There's a secret no one knows about except me. I'm trusting you with this secret until you die, do you understand?" Pearl asks. I just nod my head again.
"Good. Rose quartz is actually-"

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now