Matt, the Ass

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Let's just say that those blue knuckles are Sapphire's weapon. Also, rape ahead, read if you want but stay cautious. I want you guys to stay safe and not triggered by any of my story. Stay sane my friends.
Y/N's pov:
We're dating!!! Oh hell yeah!!
"We should probably get dressed. I have no idea when they'll come back." Pearl tells me, I just nod.
I pull her close to me and I move my head down to her breasts and I take her nipple in my mouth. I roll my tongue over it and lightly bite on it, I feel her shiver as I do so. I pull back and look up at her beautiful face, it's slightly flushed after sex. Instead of her face being a bright red it's a light shade of blue, I smile and lean in and kiss her.
"I love you Pearl." I say after I pull away from her.
"I love you too Y/N." Pearl says, at this I smile.
  I stand up from the bed and I feel a hard smack on my butt, I turn around and I see Pearl staring up at me with a huge smirk on her face. I just roll my eyes and begin to pick up my clothes, I slowly put my clothes back on, my underwear first, then my bra. I hear Pearl sigh and I chuckle, I then slip my foot in one of the legs of my pants and then the other, then I slip my shirt over my head and I put my arms through, I pull it down and I'm soon dressed. I look down at myself and notice Pearl's clothes are gone, I turn around to see Pearl already dressed and standing up. She winks at me and smiles, she walks towards me and grabs my hand and twists her fingers with mine. We step towards my rooms door and I twist the nob, I then open up the door and we step through. We walk over towards the stairs and I notice Pearl slightly limping, I smirk at this. We walk down the stairs and towards the spaghetti dinner, she grabs the plate from where she was sitting before and brought it over to the place I was previously sitting at. I sit down on the chair and Pearl sits on the chair to my right, I smile and grab the fork. I begin to eat my spaghetti but I notice Pearl isn't eating, I nudge her arm and she looks up at me.
"Yes?" Pearl asks.
"Why aren't you eating?" I ask.
"Oh. Well gems don't have to eat, I much prefer to not eat at all." Pearl answers.
"Then why make food if you're not gonna eat it?" I ask, chuckling. Her face flushes a bright blue.
"I don't know...." Pearl answers.
"Just try a bite, it's delicious." I say, munching softly on my food.
  Pearl sighs and picks up her fork and stabs it into a clump of noodles and brings it up to her lips, she chews the food and I laugh at her disgusted expression. She looks like she wants to spit it out but her being proper, she swallows it begrudgingly.
"How is it?" I ask, chuckling as I do so.
"Absolutely horrible! This is why gems don't eat horrible food." Pearl tells me.
  I laugh and bring my hand up to my chest. I look back over at her and she shoots me a playful glare. I stop laughing and smile as I eat my food, I stop though once I hear footsteps outside the house. I put the fork on the plate and stand up and off of the chair, I walk towards the front door. I see the knob turn and I step back a bit, only for the door to jolt open and mom, Amethyst, Vadalia, and Matt step through and inside the house. I sigh and smile as Amethyst comes bounding towards me, I crouch down and hold my arms out for her to jump into. She does so and looks up at me with a huge smile on her face.
"Hey mom, thanks for watching over Amey for a bit. I really appreciate it, I know Amethyst can be a bit too much sometimes." I say, looking at mom.
"Oh of course, it was no problem. Vadalia really likes her too, so it was fun. They had a lot of fun at the park." Mom tells me and I smile.
"That's great! Amethyst needs to spend time with more kids, she was alone for awhile, it's nice to know she has a friend to hangout with." I tell mom.
"If you'd call her a kid." Matt said quietly, walking towards the kitchen.
"Don't worry about him, he's just cranky. He gets like that sometimes." Mom tells me, I nod but roll my eyes simultaneously.
"Yeah, sure. I'm gonna go finish my meal with Pearl and then I'm gonna take a bath, is that okay?" I ask, mom nods to this.
  I smile and walk back into the dining room to see Amethyst sitting across from Pearl, I look over at Pearl with an eyebrow raised but she just laughs. I sit in the seat I was in just a few minutes ago and I begin to eat again, I twist the noodles around the fork and take a bite. I look over to the left of me to see Amethyst looking up at me, licking her lips.
"You can have my food Amethyst." Pearl offers, Amethyst grins and steals the plate away from Pearl and slides the spaghetti right down to her mouth.
I chuckle as I chew my food but I notice Pearl just looking horrified as she watches Amethyst chow down on the spaghetti. Amethyst eventually pulls the plate away from her mouth and sets it onto the table lightly. I almost choke on my food as Pearl stands and puckers her lips and looks down at Amethyst with wide eyes. Amethyst looks up at Pearl with a wide grin and that's when I lose it, I accidentally spit up the noodles and I grab the napkin and I cover up my mouth. My giggles fill the entire room as I keep the napkin close to my lips. Pearl and Amethyst look over at me, both of their eyes wide.
"Y/N?" Pearl asks.
  Pearl looks down at me, confusion evidently on her face. Pearl looks down at the table to see angel hair noodles all over the table. Pearl looks over at me and chuckles, she smiles widely and sits back down. Amethyst looks at me and jumps up and out of her seat and onto my back.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Amethyst asks, I then stop laughing.
"Oh nothing Amey. I'm just being a huge mess." I say.
"But I thought messes were bad." Amethyst says.
"Oh Amey, sometimes messes are amazing. I was a huge mess but now you see me now, messes make life, life. Don't let someone tear you down for being or having a mess, messes are awesome. Never forget that Amey." I tell Amethyst, I feel her nod.
"Are you really a mess Y/N?" Amethyst asks.
"I was and I still can be. Messes are awesome, and can be a safe place, especially if you have someone who can help clean it up once in awhile." I say, grabbing Pearls hand.
"Maybe I like messes." Pearl says, I laugh at this.
"Yeah, right Pearl. You're the neatest person I've ever met. You're even super elegant as well, you'd be the type of person to clean the mess, not make it bigger." I say, Pearl looks at me with sad eyes until it changes back to her usual loving look.
"I'm gonna go take a shower real quick, so don't come in the bathroom. I'm gonna clean this up real quick and then I'll head up. Okay?" I ask, looking at Pearl, then Amethyst.
"Oh, of course." Pearl says.
"M'kay!" Amethyst says, jumping off my back and onto the table.
  Amethyst gobbles up the spaghetti on the table and then the rest on my plate. She soon licks the plate clean and Pearl stares at her disgusted once more. I get up and grab the plate from Amethyst once it's clean and I walk into the kitchen. I place the plate in the kitchen and arms grab me, I stiffen up as someone firmly grips my hands and shoves them into the sink. I feel hot breath against my ear and I try to turn my head but the person growls. It's a deep and low growl and I instantly know it's a man.
"Umm can I help you?" I ask.
"Yes. Put your arms and legs in the air!" The voice speaks, then softly chuckles.
"Amethyst?" I ask, shaking the hands off my arms and turning around.
  What I see is a purple body builder in a black leotard. The body builder looks down at me with wide and happy eyes and the builder has long, light purple hair.
"Amethyst you scared the hell out of me!" I yell.
"Sorry Y/N...." Amethyst says, changing back to her original form.
  Amethyst walks out of the kitchen and probably back to the dining room. I grab the plate once again and place it in the sink, I then grab a sponge and pour soap on it. I scrub the plate until it's clean, I then place it on the drying rack. I place the sponge back by the sink and walk over towards the stairs. I grip the railing and walk up the stairs, I turn to the left and knock on the bathroom door just in case someone just so happens to be in there. No one answers and I smile, I twist the door knob and push open the door. Unfortunately I spot Matt on the toilet, his pants around his ankles. His head's leaned back, sweat rolling down across his face. As I stare I begin to hear him moan, his hands moving quickly around his dick.
"Ohhhh......Fuck! Y/N...." Matt groans, I gasp and he instantly opens up his eyes and stares at me with hate in his eyes.
  He lets go of his dick and pulls up his pants, then zips them up. He shoves me out of the doorway and I bump against the wall. As he walks out of the bathroom I turn to face his back and I raise my middle finger up at him. 'Fuck. You. Asshole.' I think. I turn back around and slam the door and lock it, I spot a towel hanging on the rack against the wall. I sigh tiredly and step over to the bath faucet, I sit on the side of the tub as I twist the faucet. Water drains from the faucet and I then pull up the little switch and water comes out of the overhead. I test the water with my arm to see if it's the right temperature and once it is I strip off my clothes. When I'm naked I step into the shower and I groan as I feel the hot water roll down my back. I haven't had an actual shower in weeks!
•Pearl's pov:
  After I clean my plate I walk into the living room with Amethyst trailing behind me. I notice that only Y/N's mom and Vadalia are sitting on the couch watching tv. Matt is no where to be seen. I just ignore not seeing him, happy he isn't here at the moment, and I sit on the floor next to the couch. Amethyst crawls up and onto the couch next to Vadalia. We watch tv, but I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I turn around to see Matt angrily stomp down the stairs.
"Your daughter does not know shit about manners!! She just fucking walked in on me in the mother fucking bathroom! You should've trained her better Alice!!" Matt yells, pointing up the stairs.
"Matt!! No cursing in front of the children!"
Y/N's mom yells, pointing at Amethyst and Vadalia.
"Shut the fuck up Alice! The purple one isn't even a fucking child!! She's a fuckin' alien who looks like a mother fucking purple smurf! She's such a ugly little bitch!! Both of you get the fuck out of my house! You two don't belong here! Go back to where you came from before I call the police on you two sons of bitches!!!" Matt yells, stepping down the last stair and over towards me and Amethyst.
"Matt calm the fuck down!" Y/N's mom yells.
Matt raises his hand and smacks Y/N's mom directly across the face. She stumbles to the floor and looks up, clutching her red cheek as she stares up at Matt.
"Go the fuck outside! All of you!!" Matt yells, kicking Y/N's mom in the stomach.
I stand up quickly and grab Amethyst and Vadalia in each arm, I then walk over towards Y/N's mom and grab her hand that's not gripping her cheek.
"Ms. L/N, we should go outside. Lets go." I whisper.
Y/N's mom nods and stands, she shakes off my grip on her arm and she grabs Vadalia and walks towards the front door. I twist the knob for her and open the door, we both step outside with the girls still in our arms. Y/N's mom sits on the porch stairs and sits Vadalia next to her, she puts her head in her palms and I hear her sniffle. I sit down on the opposite side of her and place Amethyst next to me.
"Ms. L/N.... Are you okay?" I ask.
"Does it look like I'm okay Pearl? The person I've been dating just hit me in front of his own child. Y/N's still in the house as well. What will he do to her?" She asks.
"I don't know Ms. L/N. Should I go back in and check to see if she's okay?" I ask.
Y/N's mom raises her head and stares at me, tears rolling down from her bloodshot eyes. She shakes her head and looks down at her arms.
"I don't want you going in there when he's like that. When he gets like that he'll just grab a beer from the fridge and fall asleep on the couch. We should just wait. I don't want Amethyst or Vadalia getting hurt or injured. Someone's childhood shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be filled with assholes." Y/N's mom answers.
"But Ms. L-" I begin.
"No buts Pearl. It'll be okay. Just stay here with me and the kids." Y/N's mom says, interrupting me.
"Okay......" I say.
•Y/N's pov:
"I want to floooooooat on every word you sayy. To be underneath your weather, every wave and undertow, I want to flooooooat everywhere I gooo. I want to sink down like a stoone, you never lost me, you never broke, I wanna be adrift on the radio, and take me underrr take me home on the undertow." I sing, rinsing out the conditioner from my hair.
When I get rid of the conditioner and push the button back down and twist the faucet off. I move the shower curtain and grab the towel off the rack, I wrap it around my body and realize that I brought no clothes in the bathroom with me. I sigh and unlock the door and I push it open, I walk towards my room and I close the door behind me. I walk over to my closet and scan for some clothes, I spot a nice tank top and a pair of ripped jeans. Cold hands wrap around my waist and I chuckle.
"Pearl I'm already tired. I just wanna chill and watch tv or something." I say.
Lips kiss my neck and I shiver at the sensation. Hands take off my towel and trails their right hand and rubs their fingers in my vagina. The thumb on the right hand rubs my clit and I moan softly.
"Pearl. Stop." I say, turning around.
I gasp as I see Matt standing in front of me, he stares at me. He leans over to me and his hot breath hits my ear.
"You ruined my private moment, so now it's my turn to ruin yours." Matt tells me seductively.
Matt grabs my head and throws me into the bed. He gets on top of me and grabs my breast firmly with both hands, he squeezes my breasts roughly and he eventually begins to lick them.
"Get the fuck off of me you asshat!" I yell, trying to kick him off of me.
He lets go of my breasts and pushes my hands above my head and keeps them there with one hand, the other trails down my legs. He unzips his pants and kicks them off, he pulls down his boxers and slams his dick right into me.
"Ah!" I yell, trying to get him off of me.
I squirm in his grip but he just forces my hands to stay still. He pulls out, leaving in just the tip. He slams right back into me and pulls back out again. He thrusts in, again and again. I move my legs but this just makes his dick go farther into my wet folds. I feel him hit my g-spot and I groan.
"Oh yeah! You like that you little fuck?! Is that the right spot?!!" Matt asks, thrusting into me faster and harder, continuously hitting my g-spot.
I feel my stomach tighten and I scream. Matt moans louder and louder as he thrusts faster and faster, I continue to try and move. He suddenly pulls out of me and turns me over, my face is against the bed and I feel him enter my asshole. He thrusts hard once again and I try to scream, but my screams get muffled by the bed sheet. He thrusts, going faster and faster. I try to kick his back with my legs but he chuckles, he turns me back over and grabs both of my legs.
"Because you seem to want to use these a lot, let me help you out there." Matt says.
Matt grips my legs and puts then up on his shoulders. He slams back into me at full speed.
"Stoooop!!!!!!!" I shriek at the top of my lungs.
"Shut the fuck up!!" Matt yells, slapping me across the face.
"Y/N!" A familiar voice said.
Matts weight is suddenly taken off of me. I curl up into the fetal position, I don't care who the hell just saved me, I just want to not be here anymore. The feeling of voices in my head ring throughout my head once again. Right after I finally love myself, something like this has happened.
"Don't ever touch her again! You should treat her with utmost respect! She is an amazing, loving, creative, respective, woman!! Now say you're sorry!" The voice yells.
"Fuck no you blue freak! She's a little piece of shit!! She fuckin' deserved it!" Matt yells.
'Wait, blue freak?' I think. As much as I want to turn over I just can't, I can't move. I hear the noise of punching someone but I still can't turn around.
"Tell her you're sorry!! And get out of this house that isn't even yours! Never show up here again, and if you do, I will kill you with my blue knuckles!!" The woman yells.
"No! Fuck. You! This is my fucking house!!" Matt yells.
"Sapphire? What's going on?!" I hear Pearl yell.
'Sapphire?' I think.
"He just raped her Pearl!!" Sapphire yells.
I hear Pearl growl and I begin to cry silently. I hear more punching and I feel arms wrap around me. I jump and move away from the touch.
"Y/N, it's me." Pearl says.
Pearls hands turn me over and I spot Pearl looking down at me with sadness and anger in her eyes. She looks at me as tears roll down her face, she wraps her arms around me and picks me up. She walks over to my closet and grabs a black long sleeved shirt, some jeans, and a pair of underwear. She then grabs my wet towel off the ground and walks me out of my room, I look down to see Sapphire punching Matt in the face. His face is red with blood, it also gushes out of his nose and his lip is busted. His face is purple with bruises and the last glance I see is him getting punched in the skull and falling unconsciously on the floor of my room.
Pearl walks me around and into the bathroom, she pushes open the door and puts me on the ground. She puts the towel on the rack and my clothes on the sink. She keeps her arms on my shoulders though, her left hand rises up to my face and I flinch. Pearl just sighs and leaves the bathroom, but I stop her.
"Please..." I whisper.
Pearl turns around and looks at me. She grabs the towel again and puts it into the sink, she turns on the faucet and wettens the towel. She crouches down with the towel in her hand and wipes away the blood I didn't realize was rolling down my legs. Tears roll down my eyes, all of me hurts, even my brain aches. Pearl stands back up and tosses the towel in the tub. She grabs my clothes and hands them to me.
"These seemed comfortable. Get dressed, I'll be outside." Pearl says.
Pearl opens up the door and steps out, then closing it softly behind her. I grab my underwear and pull it on, then my pants, then my shirt. I cry harder, I sit down on the cold tiled floor and cry silently in my hands. I place my head against my knees and I wrap my arms around my legs. I hear a knock but decide to ignore it, I do look up though.
"Y/N, I know you're in there crying. Can I come in?" Sapphire asks.
'Yes.' I think. The door opens up and Sapphire steps in. She grips the sides of her dress and sits down in front of me. She sits on her knees and folds her arms neatly over her legs.
"I'm sorry I didn't get here in time. I was too late. I shouldn't have wasted time at the house." Sapphire whispers.
"Thank you." I say quietly.
Sapphires gloved hand touches my hand gently. Her head looks up at me but she parts her hair with her free hand.
"Y/N. Life is painful. I know this because when I was still on Homeworld I was forced to do things I didn't want to. I was used for my power, because of the gem I was made to be. On Homeworld gems are made, you know this because you've seen where Amethyst came from. We have no choice to live or die, we cannot even kill ourselves. The only way to kill a gem is to shatter them, Ruby and I were going to be shattered when we first fused. We were lucky enough to escape. If it wasn't for Ruby I'd still be stuck on Homeworld, probably even shattered. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Ruby, like how you wouldn't be here if you hadn't met Pearl. Life is filled with sadness, anger, war, greed, arrogance. But when you have someone to talk to, someone to love, someone to love you, life isn't filled with those things anymore. Life is suddenly filled with nothing but your lover. Please know that we all care about you. I'm hear to listen, Pearl's there to listen, even Garnet is there to listen, along with Amethyst. Because no matter how hard you have it, we all know what it's like to be used, or to hate yourself, or to be left out because you stand up for what you believe in. We're all there for you. I'm here to listen to you if you ever want to talk about whatever you're feeling, because even if you feel like no one cares or that they don't want to hear what you have to say, it's not true. We're all there and ready to help you and make you feel loved and understood. Please just talk to any of us whenever you need to. We all love you." Sapphire says, rubbing the tears away from my face.
I lunge over towards Sapphire and wrap my arms around her. She slowly wraps her arms around me and nuzzles her head in between my neck.
"Thank you so much Sapphire." I whisper.
Suddenly I have a third eye, I'm also taller and wearing a simple dress that looks oddly similar to Sapphire's.
"Huh?!" I gasp, bringing my arms up to my cheeks.
Did we? Did I just??

Hey there friends. I wanna say sorry for bringing in rape but I honestly want to go through a lot of things in this story so people know it's okay to go through this type of stuff. I myself have been sexually assaulted, I've self harmed, thought of suicide. I know what it's like to feel used, like garbage, to be made fun of. But it's okay, people are there to listen. People care about what you go through, people care about you. I just want you guys to know that it's okay and that people will listen, I'm here to listen, friends are there to listen, other people on Wattpad are there to listen for fucks sake. Please just stay sane, and don't end it because you feel like no one is there and your alone, because your not. Your never alone, your never unloved, never unappreciated. Just carry on, even if you want everything to stop. Try not to think of the future or the past, think about today and today only. And before you know it, weeks will have passed, months, years. Just worry about today. I also know it's hard to do. But stay brave, stay strong, and just love yourself for who you are. Now please, stay sane, and don't leave any of us this soon.
~ A note from Author-Chan~

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now