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Hey guys, this is a remake and brand new because the original got taken off for no single reason. My chapters got all unorganized and I accidentally got rid of it, even though it said it was a different chapter!!! So the only thing I'm writing that's the same is the things I remember. Otherwise everything else is completely new and different. I am sooo mad but I guess it's my own fault. Anyway, a waaaaaay we go!!
Rose's pov:
  Pearl runs away from me and towards the warp pad, when she reaches it the blue light emits from the warp pad and surrounds her. In an instance Pearl is gone and I sigh. I look down at myself and look at my gloved hands, I groan in anger and turn back into a Rose Quartz soldier. I jump up in anger and float down from the sky and I land at the entrance of the lighthouse Y/N is in. I walk up the stairs of the lighthouse and open up the door once I reach the top. I push open the door and I see Garnet and the Amethyst hugging Y/N. Tears roll down Y/N's face and I feel weird standing here watching them. I clear my throat and suddenly everyone is looking over at me in the doorway. They all pull away from each other and each of them stands and looks at me.
"Where's Pearl?" Y/N asks.
"She left." I tell her simply. Y/N looks at me with fear in her eyes and grabs the Amethyst.
"Where did she go? Why did she leave? Is she okay?" Y/N spits out question after question and I stare her right in the eyes.
"She left because of you! She believes we should keep you here even though you're such bad luck! We've had nothing but bad luck since you got here and we even got taken prisoners by the bloody diamonds!! You could've killed any of us, including yourself. You'll be safer away from us Y/N. You've brought the Crystal Gems bad luck ever since you got here and you should just go back home." I tell Y/N, tears well up in her eyes but she brushes them off.
"I belong here just as much as you! I was made to become a gem, and I chose to stay here because you said I could become a Crystal Gem. You took me in and let me grow close to you guys. You guys are the closest thing to my family after my grandma passed away. I can't just go back. I'm a freak to society and I shouldn't be pushed out of this group just because bad things have been happening. I'm apart of the Crystal Gems. I'm apart of your family." Y/N says, almost as if she's pleading.
"You need to go home. You don't belong here." I tell Y/N, she sniffles and wipes the tears off her face.
"But Ro-" Y/N begins but I cut her off.
"Go. Home!" I yell at Y/N and she flinches. Tears fall from her eyes as she grabs the Amethyst and walks out the door I previously came from. I turn to look at Garnet but her visors are off, her three eyes show disappointment as she moves her head from side to side.
"You shouldn't have done that to her. She just now found love for herself and you knocked it back down. You need to apologize before she leaves Beach City forever and we never see her again. She deserves an apology after what you just did to her. She's still part human Rose. Her emotions can be wild and unpredictable, none of us know what it's like to be a human, and none of us know what she's gone through before she met us. She belongs here Rose. She's a Crystal Gem. Now go apologize." Garnet tells me and I nod.
"You-You're right Garnet. I shouldn't have been so rude to her. I can't let her leave without an apology, she at least deserves that much, maybe even more. I need to try and get her to stay, she means so much to Pearl and if I don't get Y/N to stay Pearl will be very upset. Thank you Garnet. I'll see you in a bit, and hopefully with Y/N and Pearl!" I yell at Garnet as I run out the door.
I hear Garnet chuckle as I run out of the lighthouse and right down the winding stairs. I exit out the main door of the lighthouse and jump up into the air, I look down, hoping to spot Y/N. As I look around, my eyes finally land on her, unfortunately though, she has her knees pressed against her face and the Amethyst is laying down next to her. The Amethyst notices me in the sky and comes galloping towards my shadow on the beach. I continue to look at Y/N as the waves crash against the shore, she doesn't seem to flinch as the water almost hits her form. The Amethyst begins to bark and I look down to see that she's still staring up at me. I float down and gently touch my feet on the hot sand, the Amethyst hisses at me and I sigh.
"Leave her alone you meany!! She doesn't want you here! She's done nothing to you and you suddenly tell her to leave?! She deserves to be here as much as any other gem does here! She's loving, kind, and gentle! If you hurt her again either physically or verbally, I will hurt you back!! She's the closest thing to perfection you'll find you Quartz soldier! Go away and leave us alone!" The Amethyst yells at me.
I chuckle at how cute she is but I immediately stop once I see Y/N move her head away from her knees as she stares up at me. Her eyes are slightly red and a trail of tears roll down her face. She stares at me with hate in her eyes and I instantly know that I messed up. I've never seen her look at someone with so much hate in her eyes, I just stare her in the eyes. This happens for what feels like minutes, even though it was probably only five or six seconds. Her eyes seem to boor into my thoughts until she finally seems to grow up the courage to speak.
"You only have 3 minutes to explain to me what the hell happened. Only say the important things, everything else will only bore me and shorten your time to try and convince me to stay as apart of the Crystal Gems. Sit down and start, and if you don't, me and Amethyst are gone." Y/N orders and I nod.
I step towards Y/N and sit down next to her, the Amethyst still glares at me and hisses at me. Y/N just grabs the Amethyst and places her in her lap, Y/N begins to pet the Amethyst as Y/N continues to look at me.
"You need to stop call her 'The Amethyst.' She's an equal to us, just call her Amethyst. It's rude to call her just 'The Amethyst.'" Y/N tells me and I quirk an eyebrow.
"How did you?" I ask. Y/N just chuckles and taps her temple.
"I can read your mind, remember? Now, explain. Right now." Y/N orders once more and I nod.
"I'm sorry for what I said." I answer.
"You're sorry? Don't make me leave instantly. It'll just be sad for you." Y/N tells me.
"I'm sorry about what I said, it was uncalled for. I guess I just tried to get you away from us because you're ....You're taking Pearl away from me. Her and I have been so close for thousands of years, it was always just me and her. She knows so many things about me that no one else knows. She's been the closest gem I've been close to ever, I've started to grow feelings for her and you're pulling her away from me. I don't want to lose Pearl. You are causing her to lose feelings for me and if you leave, I might have a chance for her to love me again. You ruined everything Y/N. Why did she have to fall in love with you and not me?" I ask Y/N, she chuckles. I stare at her confused, she pets th....She pets Amethyst and Amethyst just purrs.
"You liar. I can read all of your thoughts. I know what you're thinking Rose. You're not jealous of me Rose, you're jealous of Pearl. I've never noticed the way you look at me whenever we talk, the way you push me away to keep me at a distance so you don't fall even harder for me. You try to keep me away so Pearl and I don't get any closer. You don't care about Pearl at all, all you care about is yourself. You aren't even a good leader, anyone would be better than you! You're nothing but a hypocrite Rose Quartz. You don't deserve any of us." Y/N tells me.
I look over at the sea and sigh, I didn't know she thought so little of me. I look back up at her to see Y/N staring at me, no regret is in her eyes.
"Where'd Pearl go?" Y/N asks all of a sudden.
"She went to the Strawberry Battlefield." I tell Y/N.
She nods her head, I look at her face, then I look down at her lips.
"I love you." I say before forcing my lips upon Y/N's.
I kiss her hard and rough, I force Y/N against me as I force my tongue in her mouth and Y/N soon forcefully pulls away from me and grabs Amethyst off her lap. Y/N begins to run away from me and I sit and watch as she rushes towards the warp pad, the blue light surrounds Y/N and Amethyst and they soon disappear from view. I look back at where Y/N and Amethyst were sitting and see Y/N's imprint left in the sand. What have I just done?
•Y/N's pov:
Rose kisses my lips and holds me close to her firmly, she forces her tongue down my throat as I try to push her away from me. Once I can finally wriggle out of her grasp, I grab Amethyst and run over towards the warp pad. I think of the destination of the Strawberry Battlefield that was in Rose's mind and suddenly I'm in a big field of strawberry bushes and old weapons. The weapon sizes vary, and I notice Amethyst looking around in amazement.
"Amey don't go too far away from me and my sight of view, okay? I don't wanna lose you in this big place." I explain to Amethyst and she nods, I loosen my grip on Amethyst and she jumps out of my grip and lands on the ground on all fours.
"Stay in my line of sight Amey!!" I yell.
Amethyst runs all over the place and through bushes and out of my sight.
"Ugh! Amethyst!! Come back!!!" I yell out.
I look at the bushes Amethyst ran through and I see the bushes shake slightly. I run after the noises of bushes shaking, hoping to spot Amethyst somewhere. I run for a while until I finally spot a small purple form running on all fours. Amethyst chases after a tall, lanky form and I smile. I instantly know it's Pearl and run faster, Amethyst barks at Pearl as she chases after her and I finally realize I can summon my whip and catch Amethyst. I chuckle and stop suddenly, I summon my whip and tie up Amethyst's feet and pull her towards me.
"Y/N!! I was chasing Pearl!!!" Amethyst whines as I pull her softly in front of me.
I just laugh and grab Amethyst by her left back foot and pull her up towards my face.
"Amey I told you to stay in my line of sight." I tell Amethyst and she nods her head, her lip quivers and I sigh.
"Pearl! Hey! Pearl!! It's me and Amethyst!" I scream out into the field.
Pearl suddenly comes out of some where in the corner of my eye and she runs towards me.
"Oh Y/N! Where did you come from?! Are you okay?! Where's Garnet?!" Pearl spurts out questions.
I unwrap the whip from Amethyst's body and unsommon it, then I place her on the ground. Once she's on the ground I rush towards Pearl and hug her tightly, I can feel tears on my shoulder and I just hug Pearl tighter.
"I missed you so much Pearl." I tell Pearl, she then grabs my shoulders and pulls away and off my shoulder.
"I missed you too." Pearl tells me.
"Let's go find a place to talk. I need to tell you everything." I tell Pearl and she nods.
I grab Amethyst's left hand and grip it firmly in my right hand, I then grab Pearls right hand with my left and I pull them along with me. We all walk together holding hands for a few minutes, I look for a good comfortable place to talk to Pearl at and my eyes land on a huge floating flat rock with multiple smaller rocks floating around it. I let go of Pearls hand and pull Amethyst up and put her on my back, I then turn to look at Pearl.
"Let's go up there." I tell Pearl as I point to the big flat floating rock.
She looks at me with fear in her eyes, along with a small bit of worry. I chuckle and cup her left cheek with my hand. I caress her face and she seems to lean right into my hand, I lean in and kiss her other cheek. She lightly blushes and looks away from me but manages to not move her head.
"It'll be fine, I'll show you how to do it. Just watch and it'll be fine." I tell Pearl and she nods.
I pull my hand off Pearls cheek and look over at the floating rocks. I then look down from where I'm currently standing and I see how high up we are from whatever is below us. I gulp and look back up at the floating rocks, right now isn't the time to be scared of heights. Even though I can fall to my death with Amethyst on my back....
"Amey hold on tight. I don't need you to fall off." I inform Amethyst and I can feel her nod against my back.
"Uh-huh." Amethyst answer and I simply chuckle.
She tightens her grip around my neck and I take in a single breath of air and jump onto the first floating rock. We spin around slowly on the rock and I try to keep my balance, I run back a bit towards the back of the rock and then jump off the rock I was previously on and land on the next one. My foot almost slips and I look down at my feet, only to see that I've accidentally kicked off some dirt. I see it quickly fall down and I take in a slight gasp and pop my head back up to look at the next flying rock. I slow my panicked breathing and jump onto the next rock, neither of my feet slip and I continue jumping rock to rock until I'm one jump away from the biggest rock platform. I turn around and look at Pearl, she looks me in the eyes and nods her head and I smile. I turn back around and run towards the big rock my foot slightly slips though and I fall, I look up and see the rock getting farther and farther up. I quickly summon my whip and whip it up onto the rock, it hooks into the rock and I sigh. I look down and then back up, only to see Pearl looking down at me with fear in her eyes.
"Y/N?! Are you okay?!" Pearl yells down.
"Uh, yeah! A little help here?!" I scream up.
Pearl's eyes pop and she stands instantly.
"Oh my! Of course Y/N! Hold on one second!!" Pearl yells simply.
She jumps rock to rock elegantly and soon reaches the big, flat rock platform. She crouches in front of my whip and grips it firmly, she tugs it slowly up for what feels like awhile and I hear Amethyst whimper quietly in my ear. I move my arm back to Amethyst and press her firmly to my back, the other arm still holding onto my whip. I watch Pearl finally pull me and Amethyst up onto the rock and I gasp and pant in fear. I feel Amethyst jump off my back and I fall to the hard ground. I unsommon my whip and grip my chest, feeling my heart beat.
"Thank......You.......Pearl." I gasp out.
"You scared me Y/N. I thought you were gonna fall to your death. I can't believe you just made me pull you up from the side of a floating rock." Pearl tells me, exasperated.
  I take in multiple breaths and once I finally catch my breath, I stand up slowly and walk over towards the edge of the rock. I sit down slowly and hang my legs off the side of the rock and stare down at what looks to be fields. I hear running and suddenly Amethyst is on my lap, and Pearl is then sitting down right next to me on my left.
"You shouldn't sit to close to the edge, I don't know if I could save you again." Pearl tells me and I laugh.
"I suppose I should tell you what happened, huh?" I ask Pearl, turning to look at her.
  She stares at me and I sigh, dreading to tell Pearl the whole entire story. I shudder at the thought of what Rose did to me and I finally muster up the courage to tell Pearl what happened.
"Rose came into the lighthouse after you left and told me that you left. She told me that I caused nothing but bad luck and that I should leave the Crystal Gems immediately. She said I didn't belong there. I asked why you left and Rose told me that I was the reason you left. After she told me this I ran out of the lighthouse and decided to sit down on the shore of the beach. Garnet told her to come find me and make me stay, and we began talking. I told her that she needed to tell me the truth and fast or else I'd walk and leave the Gems. She tried to tell me that she was jealous of me and wanted me to get out of the way so she could get closer to you, but Rose actually was jealous of you and wanted to push me away from you guys so her feelings for me didn't deepen. She didn't want to fall madly in love with me even more, so she tried to force me away.
"As she explained me this, she forcefully crashed her lips on mine and she even forced her tongue down my throat. She began making out with me and I forced her off of me, grabbed Amethyst and ran to the warp pad. When she kissed me, I knew it was wrong. I knew that I shouldn't except her kiss, and that I should push her away." I tell Pearl.
  She takes in a few breaths, letting it all sink in. She shakes and I notice her eyes slightly watering. She looks down at the land below us and one single tear rolls down her nose. I subconsciously pet Amethyst, I find it oddly soothing, hearing her purring also makes me feel comfortable.
"We need to get away from them all." I hear Pearl say.
  I look over at her and see that she's still looking down, she doesn't look up at me at all. More tears roll down her face and I grab her right hand and hold it firmly.
"What do you mean Pearl?" I ask.
  Pearl holds my hand limply and finally looks up at me. She brushes the tears off her face with her left hand and heaves a big, broken sigh.
"We need to leave the Crystal Gems. We don't belong here anymore. If we want to go back for any reason, or after we cool down we could go back. We just need to stay away from Rose for awhile. We need time to think and gather our thoughts. We should leave this place and go somewhere else for a little bit, like that old factory that you love so much. We just need to leave. We need to go." Pearl explains and I nod.
"It's a pretty view, isn't it?" I ask Pearl and she smiles slightly.
"It's gorgeous." Pearl says simply.
"It's my favorite spot I think. It's a great spot to think and dwell. I feel so safe here with you guys. I love you guys so much." I tell them.
  I notice Pearl blush and I chuckles. I look down at Amethyst and see that she's asleep, I smile and continue to pet her. I look back over at Pearl and lean in and kiss her gently on the cheek.
"I love you too Y/N." Pearl tells me and I smile.
"You better. Let's just stay here for a bit Pearl. It's so peaceful. Let's just wait and come up with a place to stay for a bit. Then we can leave. Okay?" I ask Pearl and she just nods.
"So, where should we start?"

Finally done with this fecking chapter. Sooo tired. Hope you like the new and improved version. Also if you read the original tell me which one you prefer if you would like. Biiiieeeeee!!

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now