But What about Me?

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•Y/N's pov:
"No. No no no no no no no. Why didn't that work? Why isn't it healed?! Rose! What's happened?" Ruby yells, her face showing confusion and sadness.
"I-I don't know Ruby. My tears always work. I-I don't know what's going on anymore." Rose says, letting go of Sapphire's right hand.
"Rose. I have an idea." Sapphire says suddenly, everyone else's heads perking up at her.
"Well, what is it?" Ruby asks,
"What about Rose's fountain? That has healing water in it. We can go there!" Sapphire exclaims happily, walking over to Rose.
"Rose's fountain?" I ask, wiping the tears off my face, looking up at Pearl.
"Rose has a fountain, a fountain that produces water that can heal anything. Hopefully it can heal Sapphire's gem, the fountain never disappoints us. A few thousand years ago I defended Rose from a corrupted gem and my gem was cracked while I was defending her. We all went to the fountain and when I jumped in, my gem was healed." Pearl explains, taking my hand in hers and walking me over to the warp pad.
I look down to see Amethyst walking quickly by my feet to keep up with me and Pearl. I heard Ruby and Sapphire talking about where Sapphire went and what happened to her gem, only for Sapphire to hush her.
"Ruby I had to help Y/N and Pearl. They were in need of my help. I shall tell you the rest once my gem is healed Ruby." Sapphire explains calmly.
"But Sapphire! Your gem is cracked and your physical form is beginning to act up! What if something bad happens?!" Ruby yells, I can hear the concern in her voice.
"Ruby everything will be okay. I can see the paths now. My gem will heal by the tears in the fountain and I will tell you what happened. Everything will work out Ruby." Sapphire explains calmly.
Pearl, Amethyst, and I reach the warp pad. We all stand on it and slowly Ruby and Sapphire come on it as well, continuing to talk about what happened to Sapphire's gem. Rose walks over sadly, her head held down. Rose finally reaches the pad and the blue light surrounds us all. Before I know it we're surrounded by rose bushes, the smell of pollen wafting into my nose. I take a deep breath and smile, the smell is amazing. I let go of Pearls hand and I step off the pad, I look around to see millions of rose bushes around us all. I walk over to a bush and I pick off a rose from it, I accidentally prick my finger on a thorn but I push the slight pain aside and walk over to Amethyst. I crouch down when I reach her and I tuck the rose behind her ear, pushing her hair behind it. She giggles and grabs my hand to see the slight blood dripping down my finger from the thorn bush.
"What happened?" Amethyst asks, twisting and turning my finger around to see if there were anymore gashes or cuts.
"The rose bush. Roses are pretty, but dangerous at the same time. You can't judge it by it's flower, it's prickly and can hurt. Don't judge the rose by how pretty it is, but judge it by it's whole." I say softly, not managing the guts to talk louder than just a whisper.
I look up at Pearl to see her looking down at me, then she looks over at Rose. She shakes her head and walks towards what's behind me. Sapphire follows after Pearl and Ruby follows behind Sapphire, leaving me with Amethyst and Rose. I stand up and grabs Amethyst's hand and walk over to where Pearl, Ruby, and Sapphire walked off to. Before I can walk too far, Rose speaks.
"Y/N I'm sorry for what I did before you left. I let my feelings get the best of me. I promise I won't do anything again." Rose tells me.
I turn around and look at her, I see the sadness in her eyes and I just nod. I can't bring myself to say I accept her apology, nor can I bring myself to speak to her at all. Rose really disappointed me just those few days ago, I won't talk to her for awhile, I can promise her that. I turn back around and walk back after Pearl, Ruby, and Sapphire. When I walk through the huge star archway, I'm flabbergasted by looking at the huge Rose Quartz statue that has water coming out of her eyes, looking like tears falling from them. I look over to see Sapphire sitting on her knees with Ruby standing besides her. Pearl sits on the edge of the fountain and looks down at the two lovebirds talking next to her. I walk down the stairs and over to Sapphire, I sit on my knees just like her and I look down at her. I reach my hand forwards and I grab her right hand. I close my eyes and think.
'I'm sorry this happened to you Sapphire.' I think, making my thoughts go into Sapphire's mind.
'Oh, hello Y/N. It's alright. I'm not shattered, a crack is nothing compared to that. If I were to be shattered, no one could heal me, not even Rose. Just be happy it's just a crack. Don't blame yourself Y/N. I chose to go to your moms house to help you with Matt, you didn't know I was coming your way, you didn't know we'd fuse.' Sapphire thinks back, looking up at me and parting her hair to show me her enlarged eye.
"Oh Sapphire it's getting worse. Why don't you go in the fountain?" I ask, standing up and looking down at her.
"I'm waiting for Rose to get here. Once my gem is healed I can explain where I went to Ruby and Rose." Sapphire explains, standing up off her knees and looking over at Rose who's at the top of the stairs.
"Rose hurry on down here!" Ruby yells, steam radiating off of her head.
Rose looks over at Ruby, her hair making a shadow under her eyes. I can't necessarily see her eyes and it worries me, I get the feeling Rose will do something stupid today, like she'll cause an outburst. Rose walks down the stairs slowly, her bare feet pit pattering as she walks over towards us. I look down at Sapphire and she nods, turning towards the fountain and dipping her hand inside of the fountains water. Sapphire seems to glow slightly, sparkles coming off of her body. Sapphire turns around and smiles, her hair covering her eye again. She shows everyone her gem and everyone cheers, the crack is gone. I don't cheer, I just smile and hug her. I don't say much at all.
"Sapphire can you please explain now?" Ruby asks, opening her arms out for Sapphire to walk into.
"Yes. Please tell us Sapphire." Rose says, walking closer to Sapphire and stopping in front of her and Ruby.
"Okay, okay. Well I had a vision that Y/N was at her moms house and would be in danger, so I left Beach City to save her. When I went to
Y/N's hometown, I went to buy her mom a new house because I knew that her moms boyfriend would abuse and hit her mom today earlier this morning, so I left about 6 hours ago, which both you and Rose know Ruby. After I bought the house for Y/N's mom and Vadalia, I went to where I knew Y/N, Pearl, and Amethyst would be, aka Y/N's moms house. When I reached Y/N's moms house Pearl, Amethyst, Vadlia, and Y/N's mom were waiting outside of the house and on the porch. They were waiting on the porch for Matt to calm down, who was Y/N's moms boyfriend. Y/N had accidentally walked into Matt in the bathroom doing something to his self, and he was mad and shoved her out the way. Being mad at Y/N made Matt yell at Y/N's mom and hit her and kick her in the stomach, this made Y/N's mom run out the house with Vadalia, Amethyst, and Pearl. This is about the time Matt goes upstairs and into Y/N's room as she's changing and began to touch her, though Y/N thought it was Pearl giving her a hug. This is about the time I reached Y/N's house, I talked to Pearl and
Y/N's mom saying that Y/N was in trouble. Her mom noticed my size and was scared I'd get hurt, blocking the front door so I wouldn't get hurt by Matt. I had to force Y/N's mom out of the way to get inside and Pearl made sure
Y/N's mom was okay and wasn't hurt by my forcefulness. I rushed upstairs and into Y/N's room only to be too late....." Sapphire says, looking down at her hands.
"Too late for what Sapphire?" Rose asks, laying down on her knees to be somewhat equal to Sapphire's height.
Sapphire looks up at me, almost as if asking if she can tell them what Matt did to me. I look away from her to look at Pearl, Pearl looks at me with love and understanding in her eyes. This helps me gain enough courage to look back down at Sapphire and nod my head. I look over at Pearl and grab her hand, needing to feel her courage and love towards me.
"I was too late for Y/N's needs. When I walked into Y/N's room Matt was still there, raping her against her will. Y/N was screaming for help and if I was there sooner she wouldn't have gone through that traumatic experience. I was too late, I took too much time getting to her mom's house." Sapphire pauses, catches her breath and continues on. "Pearl came into
Y/N's room, got her some clothes, and took her to the bathroom to get changed. I finished dealing with Matt by punching him with my brass knuckles. After dealing with him I knocked on the bathroom door and Y/N let me in. I talked to her and we hugged, and before we knew it we were something brand new." Sapphire says, a smile wearing on her lips.
"Something new?" Ruby asks, looking at me and Sapphire with worry.
"Sodalite. Me and Y/N fused into something new. A new gem, a new fusion!!!" Sapphire says happily, standing up and jumping into Ruby, shaking her.
"But.....but what about me? What about Garnet?" Ruby asks, pulling away from Sapphire, her eyes filled with sadness.
"Ruby just let me show you. Please....you'll love it! We looked amazing!" Sapphire yells, looking over at Ruby, a huge grin on her face.
"Fine Sapphire. But right after, finish the story and be Garnet with me again. Is that okay?" Ruby asks.
"It's okay Ruby. Y/N, will you fuse with me?" Sapphire asks, looking up at me, causing me to nod my head.
   I grip Sapphire's hand and turn her around, twisting her around and bring her up to my face, touching our noses against the others. I get a flash of Sapphire's blue eye and suddenly we're one again. Two extra eyes and two extra arms makes me smile and laugh. I look down at Rose, Ruby, Amethyst, and Pearl to see them all looking up at me with amazement, besides Pearl who just smiles up at us.
"You're huge!" Ruby yells, jumping up and hugging my boot.
   I reach down Sapphire's arms and pat Ruby's head, a smile on my big lips. I move my four arms in circles, my bottom pair gripping the bottom of my dress to move faster. My top pair grip Pearl and Amethysts hands and we all three dance. Pearl takes Amethysts hand and Amethyst dances slowly, wiggling her hips and arms as Pearl does ballet. A bright light comes off of them and the gem that pulled me off the Sedan forms, the braids and tanish white hair reaching this gems shoulders. The gem smiles down at me, then looks over at Rose and Ruby.
"You two fused too?!" Ruby yells, stars filling up her pupils.
   Ruby looks over at Rose and jumps up and down, her arms close to her chest as she squeals. Rose looks down at Ruby and smiles softly, then slowly turns around and walks up the stairs and towards the warp pad. Ruby's smile disappears and she grabs Sapphire's hand, looking up at us. Amethyst and Pearl unfuse to watch where Rose goes, this makes me and Sapphire unfuse, Sapphire holding Ruby's hand as we do so. Light comes off of Ruby and Sapphire and Garnet appears next to me. I begin to walk after Rose but a hand grips my shoulder, I turn around to look up at Garnet, the sun bouncing off of her visors.
"I'll go after her. You stay here with Pearl and Amethyst. We'll come back, I promise." Garnet says, taking her arm off my shoulder and walking after Rose and up the stairs and out of sight.
"Think she's alright?" I ask, looking at Pearl with worry.
"I don't know Y/N. To be honest I don't care at the moment, I only care that you're here and we're happy." Pearl says.
"But Rose isn't happy." I say sadly.
"Y/N, Garnet is handling it. She'll be alright." Pearl tells me.
"Okay then Pearl." I say, hugging Pearl.
•Garnet's pov:
"Rose!" I yell, reaching out to grab her shoulder.
"Leave me alone Garnet." Rose says as she brushes off my touch.
"Rose you're acting like a child!" I yell, stopping and standing still as she pauses.
"Oh really? I'm acting like the child?! How would you feel if Ruby or Sapphire was in love with someone else? Wouldn't you be heartbroken?!" Rose yells.
"I would be Rose. We would be. But that won't happen. Ruby and Sapphire are perfect for each other, hot and cold mix well, we're the perfect fusion. But that doesn't mean we have our hardships and difficulties. We love each other, but sometimes we need our own paths, our own individual lives. Sapphire went to save Y/N for instance, and Ruby was fine with it but did worry her, though she had reasons to be. Sapphire and Ruby love each other, just like how you say you love Y/N. If you love her why can't you just be happy for her? You're being childish and possessive of Y/N instead of letting her be her own person and live her own life. Ruby let Sapphire leave to help Y/N, granted Sapphire got hurt, but Ruby still let Sapphire make a choice and to live her life. If you love Y/N, let her live her own life, let her make her own choices." I say, looking over at Rose.
"But what about me? What about my feelings? Don't my feelings matter?" Rose asks, looking at me as tears roll down her face.
"They do Rose. But don't put your feelings out on Y/N and Pearl, actually talk about it to them, to me. The more you insult and hurt
Y/N's feelings, the more she won't care about you and your feelings. Neither will Pearl, especially not Amethyst if you keep hurting
Y/N. Can we just go back to the way things were? Can we be peaceful and act civil? Y/N wanted to come after you, you should just care she worries about you. Lets go get the others and warp back to Beach City and beat up the corrupted gems that hurt this planet we plan on saving. Please Rose?" I ask, looking at her with worry.
"Okay Garnet. Thank you for being here for me, let's just go back to being the Crystal Gems like we were before. We have new members too, that means we have a higher chance of getting rid of every single corrupted gem. Let's go Garnet, lets get the others." Rose says, walking towards the stairs, making me follow after her.
We walk down the stairs and towards Y/N, Pearl, and Amethyst to see Pearl and Y/N laughing as Amethyst shapeshifts into Pearl. Amethyst tries to sound like Pearl as she talks about how disgusting everything is in this world, especially spaghetti for some reason. Pearl stops laughing once she sees me and Rose, so does Y/N, causing Amethyst to turn around and look at us.
"We're ready to go home. Y/N you'll get a room in the temple and you will as well Amethyst. When we get back to Beach City we can all talk about the past and what's happened and we can plan on places to go visit to fight corrupted gems and to protect this planet and possible hundreds of others. Is that okay with everyone?" Rose asks, walking over besides me and she places one of her hands on my shoulders.
"Yes I'm fine with it." I say.
I look over at Y/N to see her looking over at Pearl for expectance. Pearl nods and Y/N smiles. Amethyst grins and jumps up and down, then runs to me and jumps up onto my leg. I rub her hair and chuckle at her cuteness.
"Lets go home guys." I say, extending a hand for Y/N and Pearl to know to follow after me, Rose, and Amethyst.
The last thing I see before I turn around is
Y/N gripping Pearls hand and walking after us.

I miss the show so much!!!! I can't believe it ended on March 27th 2020. I love it soooo much 😫. Rebecca Sugar make a new show!!! I want this story to live on in Steven Universe history! I fucking love the show and I'm gonna miss the hell out of it! So many tears from the show, so many tears for how fucking relatable the show, the music, and the characters are. Steven Universe...You'll be fucking missed and thank you for being the best tv show ever. I love you so much!! ♥️❤️♥️❤️

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