A Battle With Myself

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•Y/N's pov:
I pull back from Pearl, my eyes wide.
"Y/N?" Pearl asks. I look at her and collapse on the ground.
•Pearl's pov:
I lean towards Y/N and kiss her, I close my eyes and enjoy it. She pulls away though and I look at her. She looks shocked and her eyes are wide. She sways back and forth and I look at her, scared.
"Y/N?" I ask.
She falls to the ground and I instantly crouch down to look at her form on the sand. She isn't breathing and her lips quiver, she seems cold when I touch her. I pull my hand back, she's freezing to the touch. I look up and see Rose, Garnet, and the little Amethyst looking down at me with horrified looks.
"What happened?" Rose asks.
"Is she okay?!" The Amethyst yells.
"I have no idea! We kissed and she just pulled away and passed out!" I explain.
Garnet crouches and touches Y/N's head with her fingers. Garnet shakes and tears roll down her face from beneath her visors. Rose places her hand on Garnet's shoulder and looks down at Garnet.
"Garnet?" Rose asks, but Garnet doesn't move.
"Garnet." Rose says louder and more firm.
Garnet stands suddenly and grabs Y/N's hands, she hoists her up. Garnet carries her and walks her way towards the lighthouse. The Amethyst runs towards Garnet on all fours and follows her, I look over at Rose and she seems scared.
"Rose what could've happened?" I ask.
Rose looks at me as tears roll down her face.
"She shouldn't have come here. Ever since you brought her she's had nothing but bad luck. You should take her back home. She doesn't belong here, especially with how unlucky she's been. Tell Garnet to take Y/N back to her house. She's had nothing but bad luck Pearl." Rose tells me and I shake my head.
"She belongs here Rose. She's been through a lot and still wants to protect humanity. She's a gem, no matter what Rose. Let her stay." I plead with Rose but she shakes her head. She walks over towards me and places her hand on my shoulder.
"Pearl. This is an order. Take. Her. Home." Rose tells me and I begin to cry.
"No! You said that you wouldn't order me around anymore after the shattering! I'm falling in love with her Rose! I know she cares about me too! So I am not taking her back home. She belongs here with me and Garnet and that Amethyst. She's family now. Please Rose. She belongs here with us, no one can keep her safe back home. We're all she has." I plead with Rose and more tears fall down her face. A bright light comes around her and she's Pink. I haven't seen her as Pink for awhile. Her pink fluffy hair is a bit longer but she wears the same outfit, she crouches down and looks down at me.
"This is an order Pearl! Take her back home! You're getting too attached!" Pink yells at me and I snap.
"No! Once I finally find someone who's not you, you act like the good guy! I've known you for years Pink! I loved you. I love you! And now that I'm losing those feelings for you, you say that I'M getting attached?! You loved humans when we came to Earth Pink! You pushed me aside for them! I care about Y/N. She is staying here, no matter what." I tell Pink and she sighs. She stands and turns back into Rose.
"Pearl....." Rose begins but I rush towards the warp pad. I stand on it and teleport to the Strawberry Battlefield, I run quickly and jump on the floating rocks. I jump on the different rocks and onto the biggest rock platform. I fall to the ground and bring my hands up to my face, I sob in my hands.
*500 years later*  Pearl's pov:
That was the first time and only time I yelled at her. I was close to Y/N but close to Rose as well. I didn't want to lose Y/N because at least she shared the same feelings for me. With Rose it was just one sided. I miss Y/N I really do. I lost her so long ago, I have no idea where the hell she is. She just disappeared after the second battle. I hope I can find her one day.
*Present Day*
•Y/N's pov:
"You're such a faggot L/N!"
"Go burn in hell you fucking bitch!!"
"Get away from me you slut!"
"Just go kill yourself you girl lover!"
I sigh, everyone's insults I was used to. I was called many things in my life. But why? I always asked myself that. I never understood what was wrong for liking my same gender. I never understood what made it weird and why people picked on me of all people. I was a normal kid, my mom and dad were happy, grandma was alive, and before middle school everyone accepted me. I was called a lesbian because my closest friend and I acted like a couple, we were there for each other in the tough times. I really cared about her, years later she committed suicide. I was never there for her once we had separate high schools. High school had just started and I got a call during school saying she slit her wrists. Her funeral was only for family members, I wasn't invited to my best friends funeral. High school was a bitch after I lost her, after grandma died she was all I had. I felt all alone, but the good thing was that I was never made fun of again about my sexuality. That is until Pearl showed up. I remember those times that my arms would bleed, the times I would pass out from blood loss. It happened almost every day of the week. I was slowly killing myself. The amount of times I tried to end it are countless. My mom never noticed me silently crying out in misery. Only grandma did, but when she passed I felt alone. Was I happy? Absolutely not. Was I depressed? Hell yeah. But did anyone care? No. I felt alone in the world and like whoever I got close to died. I blamed myself for years. I still replay my life slowly in my head. It's like a film projecting into my eyes. The movie isn't like a romantic comedy, it's not about romance, or horror. Just depressing bull shit. If only that was a movie genre. My life would be the number one most watched. Of course I wouldn't watch it myself, because I had to live through it. I have to see it over and over again every time I try to sleep. My dreams aren't nice, they're nightmares. Starring me,
Y/N as the lonely, depressed, little faggot. But that's not how I'd prefer to be called. I'd prefer to be known as the depressed one who has gone through a lot of shit, but should never be called a faggot for liking the same gender as me. I'm not a fan of all the names they called me over the years. I try to stand up for what's right. And what's right is standing up for who you love. Like Garnet.
'Wait. Garnet? Who's Garnet?' I ask in my head.
'It's a type of stone.' A voice in my head answers.
'No Y/N. I'm Garnet! Get out of your mind. Come back to us. We need you! Please! Pearl wants you back, Amethyst does too! C'mon
Y/N! Wake up.' The voice tells me.
"Y/N!! Get the hell up! It's time for school!!" I wake up to hear mom yelling from down the stairs. I look at my clock and rush out of bed.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!" I run around my room throwing on some clothes and socks and shoes, grab my bag and rush out the front door. I run down the side walk towards the school and rush up the stairs and through the doors. I run to my locker, grab my books slam my bag into the locker and run to my class. I hear students laugh as I run to my desk, I can feel the sweat roll down my head when I finally get seated. I feel wads of paper getting thrown at my head, I stupidly pick up the notes and read them.
'Go jump off the bridge!'
'Just fuck a guy already! Everyone knows that a dick in you will get that stick out of your ass.'
'Go to hell you slut! No one would miss you ya bitch!!' I read all the crumpled up papers and sigh. I don't let tears fall down my face because I don't need more wads thrown at me. The last time I cried in class, the notes called me a crybaby. I look at the teacher but I feel one more note hit my head. I pick it up but I don't read it, I'll just read it later. I don't need to cry if the words are that hurtful. I put it in my pocket and just continue to listen to the teacher. I listen to him but I zone out, the notes and everyone's comments run throughout my head as I see the teachers lips moving. It seems that no words come out, just his lips move. I close my eyes to try and zone everything out but the words from the notes that I got today, in the past, and even the things people said about me. In all honesty I never saw what was so good about me, grandma always said I was pretty and thin. Yes I was thin, but it was because I barely ate. I had some muscle but I never used it, I only used my words to hurt people. I rarely used words though because I knew that someone could easily win a fight with me. I never tried anything because I was a fucking coward. I was a nobody.
"Don't forget about your past." I hear mom say in my head.
"Y/N! Wait!! You're made of love too!!" I hear a loud voice say in my head as well. I've never heard it before but it sounds familiar in some way.
"But I do know that you will fight for love and human kind. Trust me when I say we will all protect you. You're apart of the Crystal gems now. You're apart of our family." I hear a soft voice speak in my head.
"Welcome to the Crystal Gems." I hear a soft nurturing voice in my head.
"You're too pretty to be upset Y/N." I hear a young voice say. All these thoughts ring out in my head but I've never heard them before. They sound so sincere and nice, their voices filled with love. They sound like they know me,they even mention the Crystal Gems. Grandma told me about them, but they're not real, right? The school bell goes off and I jump up a bit, some students chuckle but I just collect my stuff and rush to the bathroom. I go into a stall and put my books on the ground. I take the note out of my pocket and uncrumple it.
'Y/N, wake up!! I love you Y/N! I love you!! Please just wake up! You're trapped in your own mind.' I read it. I look at it and notice how neat the cursive writing is.
"Pearl!" I yell. I jump up and feel arms around me. I feel love for myself. All of the hurtful words go away from my mind, all the negative energy I felt about myself. It's all replaced with love. I'm suddenly in front of a mirror, my skin is now blueish. My hair is blue, pink, and lightly purple, I'm also much taller and buffer.
"What the hell happened to me?" I ask out loud. I touch my hair and curves, I even look down at my arms to still see my scars. But instead of looking away, I kiss my scars. Instead of them being a disgrace, they're apart of me. The bad memories of the names I've been called are all replaced with Rose, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst. They smile and laugh in my memories and I can feel their love for me.
"Screw the past. I have a loving family who loves me for me, scars and all. I am fine the way I am. No matter what happens in the future, the gems will love me. They each have things I don't, and that makes me even more stronger. They'll be with me in my hardest times, no matter what. I need to learn to love myself, I don't want to hurt anymore. What they all did to me, just made me stronger." I tell myself. Tears roll down my face as I sob. I hug myself as I cry, and only one thought goes throughout my head. 'I'm finally whole.'
•Garnet's pov:
I notice Y/N breathing and I get my hopes up, she begins to mumble things under her breath.
"I'm finally whole." Y/N says and I smile. She finally loves herself.
Y/N pops upright and tears roll down her face. She begins to rub the tears away and I hug her. I hear the Amethyst gallop towards me and
Y/N. Y/N hugs us back, I pull away and see that Y/N has this new positive aura. She seems more smiley and her eyes show joy and new self respect.
"What happened Y/N?" I ask. She smiles and looks at me and the Amethyst.
"I won the battle."

Authors Note:
Heyo! I just wanna say that I know what it's like to get bullied and to hurt myself. I haven't won my battle yet but I really hope you win yours. You might believe your not pretty, smart, thin. I just want you to know that that's not true. Everyone is beautiful, kind, smart, sincere, and above all else, loved. Everyone is loved, and even if you can't see the good things in you, someone else does. Please try and win the battle, It'll be worth it. Thank you.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now