The Accident

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Hey! So that fusion up there is your fusion with Sapphire! Oh, and of course your fusion has a third eye underneath her bangs.
•Y/N's pov:
My four arms are various sizes, the top two are definitely mine as the blue skin with black gloves move around, the bottom two are definitely Sapphire's, as they have long white gloves and a very obvious blue sapphire gem on my right palm. I move all my hands in unison, clenching and unclenching my hands into fists and out of fists.
"S-sapphire. Did you mean to do that?" The part of me asks.
"Not really, but how about we show Pearl?" The Sapphire part asks, I just chuckle a loud chuckle.
Banging erupts in the bathroom as the bathroom door is slammed open. In front of us is Pearl, her eyes wide in shock, Amethyst by her feet. My left arm waves, I look down at her and grin. Pearls cheeks light up a bright blue as she looks up at me, she walks to me and grabs my top right hand, softly kissing it.
"What happened in here?" Pearl asks.
I chuckle as it bounces off the bathroom walls. I grab Pearl's cheek with my left hand, I pull her face towards mine and kiss her softly on the lips. I pull away and look down at her, smiling.
"Where's Ruby?" Pearl asks me.
"Ruby!" Sapphire screams in our shared voice, I feel fear and anxiety mix throughout my head.
A loud pop sounds out in the bathroom and I'm soon falling on the tile floor ever so slightly. I look over to see Sapphire bringing her knees up to her chest as tears roll down her face, and landing softly on the ground. Her tears soon make a puddle around her but it's soon turned into ice, the room goes cold and I shiver. I look over at Pearl to see that she looks horrified as Sapphire cries in front of us.
"Sapphire?" I ask, shuffling over to her.
I go to touch her shoulder but she shrugs it off, she pops off and runs out of the bathroom, sobbing into her hands. I stand up and run after Sapphire, she runs down the stairs and out the front door, I then run down the stairs and out the door, only to see Sapphire getting hit by a red Sedan. I see a cloud of smoke surround her as I see her blue eye look at me as she falls to the ground, quickly losing her form as her blue gem falls to the concrete road. I scream as I run over to try and catch the gem before the car runs over her gem, but unfortunately I'm too late. The Sedan runs over the gem and continues on driving, I see that the driver is scared as all hell and I yell in anger and I shapeshift into a tiger. I run after the Sedan on all fours, slowly getting closer to it. Right when I do I jump on top of it, I claw at the metal roof of the car until I tear open the top of it, the driver screams in fear as I look down at the driver, barring my teeth.
"Turn this shitty car around!" I yell in my tiger form.
"What the fuck?!" The driver yells.
"You just ran over my friend you asshole!!!" I yell, squeezing my way into their car.
"Y/N!!!!" I hear a voice boom, I turn around slowly due to me barely fitting in this car and I see a tall, purplish skinned gem with long tan hair with braids running after me and this guys car.
The gem running after me picks up the Sedan and pulls me out, leaving the man in his car. This gem looks down at me and I see Pearl's pearl and Amethyst's amethyst. I look at the gem and she looks down at me with shame, she grabs me by the neck of my tiger form and walks me over to my moms house. I look down to see Sapphire's sapphire and I cry out in sadness, I whine and the gem looks down at me. Her eyes grow wide as she spots the sapphire, then she looks back at me.
"Did he hit Sapphire with his car?" The gem asks.
I nod, the tall gem sighs and picks up the gem, only to gasp as she notices something on the gem. She puts me on the ground and I shapeshift back to my normal form, Amethyst and Pearl unfuse and Pearl walks over to me holding the sapphire. I look at the gem and noticed something about it. It was cracked. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. Tears roll down my face as Pearl hands over the sapphire gem, a deep crack is right in the middle of the triangular gem.
"Pearl....." I say, looking up at her to see tears well up in her eyes.
"Only one person can heal her now." Pearl whispers.
"Who?" I ask.
"The one person you don't want to see." Pearl tells me.
"Rose..." I say.
•Ruby's pov:
  I look at Rose to see her watching the waves crash against the sandy shore, she doesn't seem as happy as usual. Ever since Y/N and Pearl left, along with the Amethyst, Rose hasn't been the same. Sapphire told me what Rose did to Y/N, which honestly is disrespectful to Pearl. Rose knows Pearl likes Y/N, so she shouldn't have tried anything. Sapphire hasn't been back for a few hours and its worrying me, she told me she was going to bring Y/N, Pearl, and that Amethyst back from Y/N's moms house. Maybe things didn't go as planned? Ugh, I don't know. I pace back and forth as the sand darkens with each of my steps, I notice in the corner of my eye that Rose is watching me from the shore of the beach. I turn my head away from Rose and just continue pacing. I don't want to really deal with a depressed Rose quartz, Sapphire is more of the soothing one out of both of us.
  I continue pacing until I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head to see Rose looking down at me with a worried look on her face. Her eyes are slightly red and puffy, yet no tears fall from her eyes.
"What's wrong Ruby?" Rose asks me.
"It's nothing Rose." I tell her lowly, trying not to scream at her with all my might.
"Your lying Ruby. Your almost setting the sand on fire. Something's obviously wrong. Is it about Sapphire?" Rose asks me.
  I look at the ground and see my footprints and how they left dark marks in the sand. I sigh and walk over to the ocean, I step into the cold water and I sit down, wanting to cool myself off. I hear Rose's steps in the sand behind me, then she sits besides me in the water.
"Where is Sapphire, Ruby? She's been gone for like 6 hours." Rose says chuckling, only to see me not laughing and she stops.
"Sapphire told me she went looking for someone, she said she was going to bring her back. She told me she'd only be 3 hours and then she'd come back, but it's been double that amount! I just want to make sure she's safe. I just hope she's okay and that she's with someone that can protect her!" I explain, starting to punch the water with my fists.
"Uhm, Ruby....." Rose says, but I continue to punch the water as she says this.
"Ruby!" Rose yells.
  I stop punching the water and look up at Rose, only to see her staring at something behind me. I turn around to see Pearl, Y/N, and the Amethyst. I see Y/N carrying something and I run over to them all, wanting to know where Sapphire is.
"Y/N! Pearl!! Where's Sapphire?!" I yell, waving my arms in the air, jumping as well.
When I reach them I look up at them, only to see tears in Y/N's eyes. Pearl looks down at the sandy beach, not looking at me. I look to see what Y/N's holding, I gasp when I see Sapphire's poofed gem laying in Y/N's hand. I feel tears roll down my face and my body heat up when I see the crack in her gem, right in the middle of the triangle.
"Sapphire?" I gasp, bringing my hands up to her blue gem.
"Ruby....." Y/N says, tears landing on Sapphire's gem.
Y/N's hands shake with sadness and she falls to her knees, never dropping Sapphire's cracked gem. The Amethyst looks at Y/N's crying body and begins to tear up herself, Pearl just continues to look down at the beach. I hear footsteps behind me, I know it's Rose.
"Y/N what happened?" I whisper, looking up at Y/N.
  Her lips quiver and she drops Sapphires gem onto the ground, she bursts out sobbing and stands. She rushes into Pearl's arms and pushes her face into Pearl's shoulder. The Amethyst looks over at Y/N crying in Pearls arms, I just look down at the cracked sapphire laying in the sand. I pick up sapphire's gem, my tears land softly on her translucent blue gem and I turn around and look up at Rose.
"Will you heal her?" I ask.
  Rose nods her head and picks up Sapphire's gem, tears fall from her face slightly as she brings up the cracked gem up to her face. Light resonates from the gem before Rose's tears can fall onto it, Sapphire's body shape forms around the gem and soon Sapphire is on her hands and knees when she lands onto the sandy beach. Sapphire glitches on the beach, it seems that two of her show up before she's back into one piece.
"Sapphire?" I ask.
"R-ruby?? W-where did you c-come from?" Sapphire asks, her voice switching frequencies as her form glitches again.
  I rush over to Sapphire and pick her up, I kiss her cheeks, I go to kiss her forehead but when I pull her bangs away her eye is much bigger than normal. I pull away from her and stare at her enlarged blue eye, I hear gasps and I turn to see Y/N still in Pearl's arms, tears falling from both of their eyes.
"Y/N what happened?" I ask, looking over at Sapphire.
"There's no time to explain what happened Ruby, we need to heal Sapphire's gem!" Rose yells, looking over at Sapphire.
"Rose is right Ruby, I can tell you what happened after she heals me. Rose." Sapphire says, looking up at Rose.
  Rose nods and crouches down to Sapphire's height and picks her up and places her on her feet. Rose takes Sapphire's right hand and looks down at the cracked triangular gem and sighs, running her fingers over the large crack. Rose doesn't tear up as she sees the cracked gem, what makes her cry is what she sees right next to me. Y/N sobbing in Pearl's arms, not her own arms around Y/N as she cries into her chest. Rose looks at the two of them, seeing Pearl protectively wrapping her arms around Y/N's crying form. I look at the two of them, noticing Pearl crying as well. I see the love in Pearls eyes as she holds Y/N. Pearl tries to make Y/N feel better by kissing her cheek, Y/N pulls away from Pearl though. Y/N seems so uncomfortable, even in Pearls arms. I look back over to Rose and I see her staring at Y/N, I notice love in Rose's eyes, along with a hint of jealousy.
  Tears stream down Rose's pale cheeks, landing softly on Sapphire's gem. Light emits from the gem, light surrounds all of us and I have to flinch away from it. Everyone looks back at the gem, and I gasp. It isn't healed. The gem.....The gem's still cracked.

Hey. My sister's better, went to the hospital for help, and now has medication to help her. Also, I watched the Steven Universe Movie and I loved it. I feel so bad for Spinel and I find it interesting that I'm not the only one making Rose the bad guy. There'll be more chapters to come but I wanna destress. Stay sane my friends.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now