Fight of Your Life Time

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•Y/N's pov:
I grab Pearls hand and follow after Garnet and Rose, Amethyst walking slightly in front of us. I missed Garnet while we were gone, she was always the supportive one in the group. Knowing Pearl is mine now makes me feel better though, her and I have gone through a lot the past 2 months. First she tried to kill me, I tried to kill me, I had those weird dreams, I went to school and Pearl gave a talking to to Amber, and then I met Rose and Garnet, even if we got captured straight away afterwards.
Pearl and I walk onto the warp pad next to everyone else and before we know it, we're back on the beach. I smile up at Garnet and down at Pearl, Amethyst clings to my leg and Rose smiles as she looks at us all. That smile is knocked off of her lips when the ground starts to shake. Drills rise out of the ground and float in mid air, slowly flipping towards us. The drills quickly fly towards us and Garnet pushes me out of the way. I land on the sand and I feel it scrape at my skin, I look over to see that Garnet has her gauntlets out and is hitting the drills. Amethyst runs towards me and looks up at me, fear in her eyes.
"Are you okay Y/N?!" Amethyst yells, gripping my shoulders. I nod my head and stand.
I summon my weapon and look down at Amethyst to see her concentrating on pulling out her weapon, light emits from her gem and she pulls out her whip with a flick of her wrist. I smile down at her and run over next to Pearl.
"What's going on?" I ask, looking down at her.
"I guess while we were gone a corrupted gem made a home here beneath the sand. It sensed us get here and It attacked us. Garnet should have it, but I think this gem is much bigger than these small drills." Pearl explains, summoning her spear.
"I guess we should fight it then." I say, running towards where Garnet and the drills are.
More keep coming out of the ground and I lash my whip at them, Garnet just growls and punches them all at an inhuman speed.
"Get away Y/N! You're just going to get hurt!" Garnet yells at me, not even stopping her hits.
"I'm a Crystal Gem now. I'm not leaving!" I yell back, jumping out of the way of a drill that launches itself at me.
I hit drills that are aimed at me and some that Garnet missed, but eventually most of them aim at me. Pearl, Rose, and Amethyst are by my side instantly, fighting the drills that are almost overpowering me. The drills are soon all poofed, leaving no gems behind. We all stop fighting and look around the beach, though Amethyst sticks with me.
"What was that thing?" Amethyst asks, stopping to look up at me.
Footsteps are heard behind us and we both turn around, only to see Rose. She looks down at Amethyst and crouches.
"That, my small Amethyst, is what us Crystal Gems sought after to destroy and rid this planet of. These corrupted gems have hurt this planet a lot, for hundreds of those years even. This all happened awhile ago when the diamonds corrupted all the Crystal Gems 500 years ago. You weren't emerged yet, so you didn't get corrupted. You're luckier than all of the other Amethyst's that emerged from your Kindergarten, they were all turned into beasts. Pearl, Garnet, and I wanted to get rid of our fallen corrupted gems, just so they never hurt anyone. The ones we've found we've bubbled and put into a room in the temple, just to keep themselves, and humankind safe at all costs. That's our duty as the Crystal Gems." Rose explains, waving her arm all around us, to show that the corrupted gems are everywhere.
"But why aren't you guys corrupted?" Amethyst asks, looking up at Rose slightly.
"I protected Pearl, Garnet, and myself by using my shield, which bounced the diamonds light away from us. Unfortunately I couldn't shield everyone....we had to listen to our fellow gems scream in horror as their bodies morphed into something unrecognizable. You should be happy you didn't have to see that, or that you didn't turn into one. Y/N wouldn't have found you and you'd have to be poofed. You're a very lucky Amethyst." Rose says, chuckling at the end of her sentence.
   Amethyst looks up at me and hugs my leg. I can feel her smiling as her lips trace across my shin. She pulls back from my leg and looks up at me, tears almost falling from her eyes.
"What's wrong Amethyst?" I ask, kneeling and cupping her purple cheek.
   Rose stands, smiles, and walks over towards Garnet, all without saying a word. Amethyst sniffles and wipes away the tears welling in her eyes.
"It's just.....I'm really glad you found me back at the Kindergarten. If you wouldn't have found me, I wouldn't have met these amazing gems, I wouldn't have been able to make friends, and I wouldn't have been able to feel good for once. But most importantly, I wouldn't have met you. Thank you Y/N." Amethyst says, sniffling and hugging me once again.
   I pat her hair and smile down at her. 'She's the closest thing I've ever had to a sibling in my life.' I think to myself.
"Thank you for staying with me and having my back ever since we met. I love you Amethyst." I say, giving her a soft hug.
   I close my eyes until the ground grumbles and shakes, sand flying onto me and Amethyst. I open my eyes and pull away from Amethyst, standing as I see a floating turquoise crystal like gem, spikes sticking out of it's back. I push Amethyst away from me and crouch down to her height.
"Please don't fight this thing Amey. I don't need you to get poofed. Stay here." I say, standing and turning around.
   I run towards Pearl, Garnet, and Rose and grip my whip in my right hand, standing and getting into my fighting stance. I look up at this gem and growl, all my anger from Matt, Rose, my mom, Amber, and myself, letting itself out.
"I'm tired of this shit!" I yell, charging at the gem, sand floating up behind me as I run. I swing my whip and wrap it around the gem, pulling it to the ground so I don't have to jump up to hit it. I use all my force to pull it down as it slowly descends onto the sand. It seems the gem is one step ahead of me though as it's drills slice my whip in half. The gem launches back into the air and I sneer. I yell and jump into the air, though I begin to hear footsteps running up behind me.
"First my grandma dies, my mom abuses me, I hurt myself, I finally get happy for once until it comes crashing down from Rose being stupid, Matt fucking me against my will, and then Sapphire's gem gets cracked!! And now, I hafta kill a fucking corrupted gem like you!" I scream, resummoning my whip and wrapping it around the gem once again. I pull it again, but before the gem can use its drills to slice my whip, I press the button on my handle and electrocute the gem. It shakes and writhes as electricity flows through it's crystal body. With a loud poof, the corrupted gem is gone and it's gem flops onto the ground in a fit of smoke.
   I hear the gems scream and yell in happiness that the gem is gone and Rose is soon next to me. Then Pearl, then Garnet.
"You did it Y/N....." Pearl says, looking at the gem on the sand in shock.
   Garnet smiles as Rose walks over towards the fallen gem and grabs it. Rose places the gem in both of her palms and forms a pink bubble around it. She moves her left hand from underneath the bubble and swishes her hand above the bubble, only for it to disappear in thin air.
"You did a great job Y/N. We're all proud of you. You're good in a pinch, I'll give you that." Rose explains, sauntering over towards me, a proud smile on her face.
"Y/N I'd like to give you a sincere apology. I was stupid to force myself on you. You deserve respect and to be treated with it. Garnet and I talked, and I've realized I was wrong and I was only thinking of myself when the time came down to it. You obviously liked Pearl and she obviously liked you back, I was rude and selfish because I only thought of my feelings and not yours or Pearls. I hope we can push past this in the future, you don't have to forgive me now, or ever even. I just want you to know I'm sorry and I regret it. I want us, as a team, to trust one another, and what I did, broke yours and Pearls trust. So please, forgive me for my actions. I will make it up to you in the future." Rose explains, bowing down, and then stands straight again.
   I look her in the eyes and I don't see that look that was always there whenever we'd talk, the look of lust. No traces of that look are anywhere on her face, and I know she's being sincere.
"Thank you Rose. I honestly can't trust you straight away, but I do trust your apology. I hope we can move past what has happened between us and I hope we become an even stronger team. Thank you for apologizing Rose. I respect you admitting that to me." I say, smiling slightly.
   I look over at Pearl and grab her left hand with my right. I give her hand a tight squeeze and smile down at her. She smiles back and squeezes my hand back, equally as tight. I let go of her hand and turn around, to see Amethyst standing and watching us from afar, sand covering her body ever so slightly. I chuckle as I smile over at her, she smiles back until her smile drops. Rose begins walking towards her and Pearl and Garnet do as well. Amethyst screams and yells:
"Look out!"
   Before I can turn around I can feel something shoot into my chest. Blood falls from the blue drill that is stuck in my chest. I scream and fall onto my knees. I clutch my chest and cry, as the drill rotates at a fast speed. It burrows out of my chest and I scream once more, pain erupting through my body. My eyesight turns black as I fall onto my face, the drill tearing itself from my chest, creating a loud crack as it break a part of my ribcage. I hear screams of my name, footsteps, and arms as they pick me up.
"Y/N?!" I hear Pearl yell.
"I-I......lov-e  y-o-u." I whisper out, before everything is gone. My thoughts, my feelings. I slowly drift out. Being nothing as my gem hits the hot sand.
•Pearl's pov:
  I hear Y/N scream out in pain and I turn around to see a leftover drill pierced through her chest.
"Y/N!!" I scream, in unison with Rose and Garnet.
   We run over towards her but I notice blood seeping out of her chest. The drill rotates and burrows itself deeper into Y/N's body and I hear her sob and cry out in pain. By the time we get close to her, her pupils are gone and her eyes are just white. The drill pulls itself out of her body and I hear an ear piercing crack as I see her ribcage snap through the hole the drill has made in her chest. I run and grab Y/N off of her face, I hold her in my arms and I hear her speak.
"I-I......lov-e  y-o-u." Y/N whispers, before suddenly a poof of smoke envelopes her gem.
I don't feel her body in my arms, and the thing that replaces her body is now just the Holly Blue gem. Tears rolls down my face as I stare at the lifeless gem, Y/N completely missing. I pick up the gem and cup it in my hands, my tears sliding off my nose and onto the gem. I think I see it glow for a split second, before it stops just as fast as it started. Everything that she once had in her gem comes flying out of it, the first thing I notice is the mirror that she found in the Strawberry Battlefield. The second thing I notice is the vibrator she had, and before anyone else can see it, I pick it up swiftly and stick it into my gem. I keep the mirror out though as I look at the cracked gem on the back. 'She really wanted to help this gem so badly. I forgot she stored it into her gem. It seems so long ago now....' I think, hugging the mirror before storing it into my gem.
I soon feel hands on my shoulders and spot wet spots on the sand from where their tears fell onto the sand. I look up as I hold her gem and see Garnet staring down at the Holly Blue gem. Three streams of tears fall down her face and onto the sand, she crouches and cries into her hands. Rose kneels by my left and looks down at Y/N's gem and cries softly, her hands rest on her knees. I hear clops of feet as Amethyst jumps over my shoulder and in front of me. She looks up at me with slight tears in her eyes, then back down at Y/N's gem. She wails and screams as she holds her face in her hands.
"R-rose..." I whisper, not for one second taking my eyes off the gem.
"Y-yes?" Rose asks, her body shaking.
"Can you heal h-h-her?" I ask, choking back sobs.
"She can't Pearl. Y/N was a human with a gem. Not even White diamond knew what would happen if she was poofed. She can't come back because she wasn't made to be a gem. She just had her body taken over by an old Holly Blue that was poofed by White. And I knew she'd never come back if she was poofed.....I failed her. I told Y/N I'd always be there and always have her back, I promised her that. But....but I couldn't see that. I didn't see it. She wasn't supposed to die. That corrupted gem was supposed to be the only one....." Garnet whispers, standing up and taking her visors off.
She wipes away her tears and she swishes them onto the sand, creating small water droplets. She clenches her hands into fists as she grinds her teeth together.
"She should still be here..." Garnet whispers, falling onto her knees.
"Will she come back?" Amethyst asks suddenly.
Everyone looks over at Amethyst, her tears are gone and she seems like she figured everything out.
"Amethyst...." I begin, but Rose cuts me off.
"Amethyst, Y/N was never supposed to be a gem. She's something that'll never exist again. She was rare in of herself. I don't think we'll ever see her again because she was so rare. She needs to be bubbled and kept with the corrupted gems, that way she'll always be with us. We don't need that original Holly Blue to form, if Y/N ever does reform, we want her to have those memories instead of the memories going away due to this random Holly Blue. But I think the person who bubbles her should be you Pearl. You were the one she loved most. She would've wanted you to bubble her when the time came. Maybe let Amethyst hold her gem before you do so though." Rose explains, standing and dropping her sword.
Rose walks away from us and I faintly hear the temple door open, then close. I look over at Amethyst to see that her tears are back as the realization has probably just wound up into her little head.
"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Amethyst, only to see her nod partially.
I offer her a faint smile and push my hands towards Amethyst's, so she can grab Y/N. She extends her hands as they shake, when I slip
Y/N into her hands she sobs more, shaking so much that she drops Y/N onto the sand. I sigh and pick Y/N off the ground and bubble her quickly so I don't have to feel that twang of pain in my chest. I move my hands to put the gem into the temple where the corrupted gems are and soon the bubble is gone. I wipe away my tears and stand, grabbing Amethysts hands and pulling her towards the temple door. I use my gem to open up the door and after I pull Amethyst in, it closes swiftly behind us. I put Amethyst up on my shoulders and jump up onto one of my water fountains. I think of a queen sized bed and it springs to life, forming from nothing. I fall onto the bed from exhaustion, my body and mind too weak to even move anymore. I feel Amethyst jump onto the bed behind me and lay down, I feel my eyes water and I roll over to look at Amethyst. I pull her to my chest and sob into her hair. I feel my shirt get wet and I instantaneously know Amethyst is sobbing into me as well. I hold her close and hold her tight, one of the closest things I'll have to something that Y/N loved and cherished. Something that Y/N may have even loved more than me. For some weird reason, I find comfort in that.
•Rose's pov:
I sneak my way in the room with all the corrupted gems and look up at the bubbles, looking to spot Y/N in there somewhere. My eyes run and glance across every bubble until finally, my eyes land on that bluish purple. I rush underneath the bubble and jump up, using my abilities to float down slowly. I grab Y/N's bubble and smile down at it. I put her bubble into my gem for safe keeping, wanting her to not be surrounded by these wild animals I used to call my friends. The bubble disappears into my gem and I look down to see a circle of tears on the tile ground. I wipe away my tears and sneak back into my room, not wanting anyone to see me.
Sometime in the 1900's:
I traverse the desert, hoping to find lion somewhere. Usually he's with his pack, but no, today's different. I walk around, hoping to spot a lion all on his lonesome. But a lion I do spot is flopped over on it's side. I run over to it only to spot it's wounds, cuts and scratches marking it's body as blood pours out of this poor lion. I lean over the lions wounds and force myself to cry, thinking my tears can help bring it back to life. My tears fall off of my cheeks and onto the lions fur, making wet patches on his fur. When I'm done crying I look down at the lion, my face still wet from tears. The lions fur turns a light pink color, making the once brown lion a new pink lion. I look at the lion and smile as the lion nuzzles my hand, thanking me for saving his life. He gives my hands licks and softly licks my face, his sandpaper like tongue feeling like little needle pricks. I pet the lions mane and feel my hand slip through and into something. I gasp and pull my hand out.
"What the?" I ask, pushing my hand in once more, this time a bit deeper than before.
I think of things that could possibly happen if try to get in the lion. 'What is I can't go as deep as I think I can? What if I get stuck in there? What if I'm too big for this lions mane? Can all of me fit?'
I sigh and prop myself up and onto the lion before pushing my face into his mane. I look around to see pink grass, and lots of it. Along with what seems to be a tree with rose petals for leaves. I push myself into the lion and walk towards the tree on the hill, only to sit on the soft pink blades of grass. I look around and smile at this newfound quiet place.
'Pearl and Amethyst fight over the stupidest stuff. After Y/N was poofed, those two never got along again, all from their grief. I know they both miss Y/N terribly, but I've been able to calm them down, I even started helping Amethyst feel better about herself after Y/N was gone.
Y/N thought Amethyst was perfect the way she was, and I like to remind her of that. I carry on to try and help everyone just like Y/N did when she was still here. I know Garnet misses her too, she rarely smiles anymore, at least not as much as she did before we ever met Y/N.' I think this until an idea pops into my head.
'Y/N's bubbled gem! I can leave her here! And I guess while I'm at it I can leave Bismuth here as well. I don't want Garnet or Pearl to find these two gems anywhere at the temple, so I must hide them if I don't want to seem suspicious.' I explain to myself, bringing my hands down to my gem and pulling out Y/N's Holly Blue gem and Bismuth's gem. I float them up towards the tree branches and make them stop before the bubbles can be popped. I smile softly in contentment. That smile fades when I look back up at Bismuth and Y/N, sadness washing over me.
"I miss you guys." I say, before softly standing up and exiting lions mane.

Hewooo. This book is not over yet! Two more chapters, yes, only two. Ah but one's a good ending, and one's the bad ending. You can choose which you want to live. And one of the endings may or may not have smut for you smut loving fiends! 😝
Hope you're safe and well during this shitty period in time. Remember to wear masks and wash your hands consistently, your health matters and you never know if you'll get the virus or if you've already given it to someone. Please safe distance yourselves and just have fun while you can sleep and eat junk food all day! That's the life my friends. Stay sane guys!

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now