Play Time

588 11 9

Warning: Smut
•Y/N's pov:
  Vidalia and Amethyst walk inside the house together and mom and Matt sit back onto the porch. I look over at Pearl and she seems to have already been staring at me, she stares at me with confusion and she just walks into my house, following after Amethyst and Vidalia. Someone clears their throat and I look over to the noise and see mom looking at me with worry evidently on her face.
"So what happened between you two?" Mom asks.
  Matt looks at mom at once she asks this question and soon looks up at me. I scoff and cross my arms, I tap my foot on the ground and unknowingly glare at mom.
"Don't give me that look Y/N. Just answer the question, what happened? You guys were so close the last time you were together. And when did you start dating each other?"  Mom bombards me with questions and I sigh.
"We never really made it official but we act like we're dating, we've said we loved each other, even if she was poofed when I told her..... She was just acting like she can control me, I found something that she didn't like and she tried to take it from me so I 'didn't get hurt.' It just made her feel controlling and no one can control me, I'm my own person. She began to take and hide the thing in her gem but I took it out of her hands and put it in my gem. She just pissed me off, I found the thing and I was trying to be a good person to take the gem out of the fucking mirror and to save them!" I yell angrily.
Mom and Matt flinch at my tone of voice, their eyes wide with shock. Moms eyes then turn from shock to love.
"Don't use that language when there's children here please. To me it sounds like she just loves you and wants you to be safe and to not get whatever being 'poofed' is. She just cares about you and doesn't want to see you hurt, talk to her Y/N. Maybe you can settle things, and maybe even find out if you're are dating. It's weird if you don't know what you are to each other." Mom explains.
I sigh and nod. 'I guess I should talk to her. At least I can find out what she thinks, maybe she could even explain herself. Ugh! I need to take a walk.' I think to myself.
"I'm gonna go on a walk. I need to think things out. Thanks for the advice mom." I say, before turning around and crossing the street.
"I guess I'll just take care of Amethyst!!" I hear mom yell, I chuckle and put a thumbs up before putting my hands in my pockets.
I walk on the sidewalk and eventually turn right onto the gravel road. I walk slowly as I reach the old factory, I step towards the two doors and push them open. I instantly smell sawdust and I see the old machinery.
"God I love this place." I say.
•Pearl's pov:
  I hear Y/N's explanation of why she's mad at me as I press my head against the front door. I quickly understand why she's mad, but I just wanted her to be safe. I don't want to lose her to whatever could happen with that gem in the mirror.
"I'm gonna go on a walk. I need to think things out. Thanks for the advice mom." I hear Y/N say.
"I guess I'll take care of Amethyst!!" Y/N's mom yells, I hear that Matt guy chuckle as her mom says this.
"Is she really a person?" I hear Matt ask.
  I pull my head away from the door and ball up my fists. Of course she's a person!! She's the best, and prettiest person ever!!! I begin to twist the door knob but a quiet voice grabs my attention.
"Pearly? Where's Y/N?" I look down to see Amethyst looking up at me with Vidalia next to her.
"She went on a walk. She needs to think for a bit, she'll be back as soon as she gets done thinking Amethyst." I explain to Amethyst.
"Promise?" Amethyst asks. I smile.
"Promise." I say.
"C'mon Amethyst! Lets go up to my room!!" Vidalia yells, she grabs Amethyst's hand and pulls her up the stairs.
  I chuckle at how they got along so quickly. Vidalia seems like a good child, Matt on the other hand seems like a prick. How can he make fun of Y/N right in front of her mom? What type of parent would allow that? I sigh and turn back around and twist the door knob, then I step out. I close the door quietly behind me and Y/N's mom and Matt look up at me.
"Oh. Hi Pearl. Y/N went on a little walk." Y/N's mom tells me, I just nod.
"This might be a weird question but could you take Vidalia, and Amethyst to the park or somewhere that's not here? I want to treat
Y/N, maybe make her dinner. I just want to talk to her and make things better. I feel like I screwed everything up." I ask them.
  Matt looks up at me with slight anger in his eyes, he stands and looks down at me. He's obviously taller then me, but not by much.
"You are not taking my girlfriends house just to do who knows what!" Matt yells at me, jabbing me in the chest with his pointer finger.
"It's fine Matt. It's sweet that Pearl is trying to make things better." Y/N's mom says, standing and placing a hand on Matts shoulder.
"What about that small Amethyst?" Matt asks.
"We'll take her. She's a great kid anyway."
Y/N's mom answers.
"Fine. Fine." Matt says.
"Go get the girls Matt. I'll start up the car." 
Y/N's mom tells Matt, he just nods.
"Will do." Matt says.
Matt walks towards the front door and pushes the door open, he leaves me with Y/N's mom and I can feel the awkward tension. I look up at Y/N's mom and see that she's already looking at me.
"Y'know you're a real sweet girl. In the past I could tell you made her happy and comfortable before you guys left. I never blamed you though Pearl, I blamed myself. So if you ever felt guilty, you shouldn't. I wasn't a good parent, I was also all alone after my mom died. Please just take care of Y/N, no matter what happens between you two." Y/N's mom tells me.
She turns around and walks over to the grey car and pulls out keys and unlocks the car doors. She gets into the passengers side and closes the door once her whole body is in the car. I hear the engine turn on as she turns on the car. I hear giggling and laughing from inside the house and open up the front door, I step in the house and see Amethyst running down the stairs with Vidalia trailing behind her. Matt walks down the steps as the girls run down the stairs, I smile as the girls run past me and outside of the house. Matt reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks over to me, he stops next to me and looks down at me.
"Don't fuck up this house." Matt tells me.
"Wouldn't dream of it Matt. This house means so much to Y/N and her mother, I'd never ruin this house." I tell Matt, he glares at me as I say this.
  Matt scoffs and walks out the door, he slams it behind him. I smile to myself as I think of the possibilities of the foods I could cook Y/N. I try to think of a food that I make well but isn't that hard to make. Something that will be ready by the time Y/N gets home from her walk. I walk towards the kitchen and once I'm in it I open the fridge and see what her mother has here. The fridge contains a lot of food but something catches my eye, I spot pasta sauce and some beef. I take it out and place it on the counter that's next to the fridge. I walk over to the pantry next and notice some angel hair pasta, I quickly pick it up and walk back over to the counter and smile. I look in the cabinets to look for something that would cook the pasta, my eyes eventually land on something. I take it out of the cabinet and walk over to the sink. I fill the bowl up with water and walk over to the oven, I place the water filled bowl on the burner and turn the dial to 340*. The water slowly boils and I walk over to the angel hair pasta and slowly pour it into the bowl. I look in another cabinet to look for a pan and once I find one I grab it and put it onto another burner on the oven, I turn the dial to 300* and wait for it to heat up. Once it's heated up I grab the pasta sauce and pour it into the pan, I go looking for a spatula and eventually stir the sauce. I walk over to the beef and take a little bit of it and roll it into a small ball, I do this multiple times with separate pieces of the beef and eventually put the meatballs in the sauce on the pan. I watch over the food until it's finally all finished, I put lids on the pan and bowl so no air escapes to keep it warm as I go looking for a few other things. I find some rose petals in the bathroom upstairs and I grin as I think of a plan. Y/N's going to love this.
•Y/N's pov:
I step out of the old factory and onto the gravel road, as I was in there I felt better then I did before. I thought about things and made a decision to go back home and talk to Pearl. I walk up the gravel road and turn left once I reach the sidewalk, I walk up the sidewalk and cross the street once I see my house. I noticed people stare at me as I walked past but I brushed it off, I don't care what they think of me, I'll never see them again anyway. I walk up the stairs and turn the door knob and push open the door, what I'm greeted with surprises me.
What greets me is a trail of rose petals, they must lead somewhere, so I follow them. As I follow them I begin to hear classical music playing, I raise an eyebrow in confusion. I continue following the rose petals until I see that the table in the dining room is lit up. Candles are on the table, completely lit. Two bowls of spaghetti are on each side on the table, between them sits the candles and a small amount of the rose petals are on the table.
"I hope you like it." I hear someone say.
I turn around to see Pearl looking at me, her eyes show sadness but also with a hint of love. Her cheeks are slightly blue but I can't fully see, due to the fact that the candles are the only light in the room.
"You did this?" I ask. Pearl nods slowly.
"Of course I did. I wanted to make it up to you. It's just you and me, everyone else is at the park. I wanted to make this special." Pearl says, telling me softly and slowly.
"Pearl..." I begin.
"Y/N come sit down. You can sit here if you'd like." Pearl tells me.
Pearl walks past me and over to the table, she reaches the chair on the right of me and pulls it out. She looks at me with hope. 'I can't not sit there.' I think. I walk over towards her and I sit in the pulled out chair. Pearl pushes the chair back under the table once I'm in it. I turn to look at her only to see that she's already sitting across from me on the other side.
"Pearl we need to-" I begin, but Pearl cuts me off.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was controlling you. I just want you to be safe. Who knows who's in that mirror, any gem could. The gem could be corrupted, or even apart of one of the diamonds court. I just can't lose you Y/N. You mean so much to me." Pearl tells me, I stare at her in shock. I didn't expect her to talk.
"Pearl.... What are we?" I ask. Pearl looks at me with hurt in her eyes.
"Isn't it obvious? I mean we act like we're dating, we've said we love each other. We've kissed in the past. I believe we're dating, I just don't know how you feel." Pearl tells me.
"Pearl I love you. I just didn't know what we are. Yes we act like a couple but we never made it official. I just didn't know what you think. I didn't know if we were just friends with benefits or something." I say.
"Y/N. I've never thought of you as 'friends with benefits.' I thought of you as a person with feelings. I never thought that you'd sleep with me if I treated you well. I slowly fell in love with you. I love everything about you." Pearl tells me, I begin to feel my face grow hot as she tells me this.
Pearl gets out of the chair across from me and walks over towards me, I look up at her and she grabs my chin and kisses me roughly. My eyes grow wide but I kiss her back, I eventually close my eyes. Our lips seem to battle against each others, Pearl forces her tongue through my lips and down my throat. This shocks me even more but I let her do it. I move my tongue against hers, our wet muscles fighting against each others. Pearl removes her hand from under my chin and wraps her arms around my back, I feel her slender fingers touch my bra through my shirt. I begin to feel the need to breathe and I pull back, as I do so a trail of saliva connects our lips together as we both pull apart.
"Lets go to my room." I whisper seductively.
Pearl nods and grabs my hand, I stand up and lead her to the stairs. We walk up the stairs and I reach my rooms door, I push it open and close it once Pearls in the room with me. I'm suddenly pushed against the door forcefully and lips attack my neck. Pearl kisses down my neck slowly, she eventually begins to nibble my neck though. Her teeth brush against my sweet spot and a low moan escapes my lips.
"Oh Pearl...." I moan.
I feel Pearl smirk and she begins to bite down on my sweet spot once more. Her teeth nibble at my soft skin and I soon feel her warm tongue rub against my neck. I move my head to the left so she can get better access to my neck. She moves her tongue down my neck and stops once she reaches my collarbone, she then bites my collarbone and I groan in satisfaction. She pulls me closer to her as she pulls away from my neck, she pulls me away from the door and sticks her hand up my shirt. I feel her hands snake around my back and unhook my bra, I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it up over my head. Pearl takes my bra off my shoulders and I'm suddenly exposed. The cold air hits against my breasts and I feel my nipples harden from the cold air. Pearl soon kisses me and pushes me against the wall again, her hands grab onto my breasts and she squeezes them. Her nails dig into my soft breasts and I moan into our kiss, she gropes them and moves them around slightly. She pulls away from me and goes down to my left breast. She puts my left breast in her mouth and she bites down on my hard nipple, her teeth graze a soft spot and I moan out in pleasure. Her left hand grabs onto my right breast and squeezes it, she focuses on my left breast though as she continues to bite down on it. Her teeth hold onto my nipple and she pulls her head back slightly, keeping my nipple between her teeth. She tugs tightly on my nipple and I grab her head and force it down on my left breast.
"Ohh P-pearl...." I growl.
  I dig my nails in her hair and she moans against my nipple.
"P-please! Don't stop Pearl." I yell.
  I remove my nails from her hair as she moves her mouth over to my right breast, she quickly and roughly gropes my now lonely left breast. Her teeth tug on my right nipple but she opens her mouth up a bit and circles her tongue around my areola. I feel my vagina heat up as I feel my panties get wet. Pearl eventually pulls back and I attack her lips, I walk her backwards and I push her onto the bed once we reach it. I get on top of her and I pin her hands above her head, I then attack her neck with my mouth and I kiss her softly. I trail kisses down her neck and I stop once I reach the brim of her shirt. I let go of her hands and I pull her shirt over her head, I toss it somewhere across the room and I go back down to her chest. I go down to her belly button and I lick a stripe up, my tongue drags against her porcelain skin but I stop once I reach the gap between her breasts. I move my hands down to her breasts and I twist her nipples between my finger tips. She moans and moves her hands down to her shorts and she sneaks her hands under them. I stop toying with her nipples and I forcefully grab her hands and push them down beside her head once more.
"Only I can do that. I'm in charge, you're my filthy little Pearl." I say huskily, as I bring my head down to her ear.
Pearl whimpers and nods, I move my mouth over to my ear and I nibble her earlobe.
"Ahhh. Y/N, don't stop! Please." Pearl begs.
I continue toying with her earlobe and I move my right hand down to her left breast. I roughly massage her breast and she moans out in pleasure. I eventually stop toying with Pearl and I pull away. I pull off her shoes and then her shorts, her vagina is hairless and pink. Her wet folds glisten with satisfaction with how I've toyed with her. Her clit is a bright and vibrant pink and I plunge my pointer finger into Pearls folds. I pump my finger in and out, slowly at first to tease her but eventually I quicken my pace. I lower my head down to Pearls folds and I playfully bite Pearls clit and Pearl instantly grabs my head. I add my middle finger in Pearls folds along with my ring finger, I continue nipping at Pearls clit as I push my fingers as far as they possibly can inside of Pearl. Pearl forces my head down onto her clit and I moan, sending vibrations against her clit.
"Y/N! I-i'm gonna c-cum!!!" Pearl shrieks.
I then remove my fingers from her fully wet folds and I look up at her. Her lips look even more plump then before and I move my head up to her face and I kiss her lips. She kisses me back and I force my tongue through her lips. Pearl moves her hands down to my pants as she begins to unbutton them. I hear her move the zipper down and she pulls down my pants, once they reach my ankles I kick them off. Pearl instantly hooks her fingers through my panties and pulls them down my legs, I then kick them off, just like my jeans. I rub my tongue against hers and she moans into our kiss. One of her fingers caress my clit and I bit her lips, she squeaks and I pull back away from her. I grip her hand that just caressed me and I force her to only stick out two fingers, her middle finger and her ring finger. I force her hand up my vagina and I slam my hips against her hand, I move her fingers up as fast as I can control her to. I move my wet pussy against her fingers and I finally let go of her hand. She continues pushing her fingers up my wet pussy as fast as they can go, I rock my hips back and forth and I slam my hips against her hand.
"Oh Pearl!! Faster! Harder!!" I scream.
  Pearl smirks and removes her fingers from my wet folds, she licks up my juices and cleans her fingers. She moves her hands up to her gem and what she pulls out surprises me. What she pulls out is a thick, purple vibrator. She presses the bottom to set it on the highest mode and she quickly forces it up my pussy and I moan out. She shoves it up my wet pussy and continues to move it in and out quickly. I move my hands up to Pearls breasts and I quickly grope them. Pearl continues this motion for what feels like 5 minutes of sexual pleasure, but Pearl eventually pulls it out right when I feel my climax coming, almost like she knew I was so close. She places the vibrator next to her and she flips us over, her on top, me on bottom. She moves her body down and reaches my entrance, she moves her head down and licks a stripe up my needy pussy. She soon plunges her tongue into me, she nips and bites at my folds and moves her tongue in me. She swirls her tongue around in me and I moan, I grab her head and force her tongue farther into me.
"Oooohhhhhhh P-pearl! Faster!! Farther!!!" I scream, forcing her tongue down farther into me.
  Pearls tongue hits that certain spot and I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head.
"Oh fuck!! Pearl! Right there!!" I shriek, clawing at Pearls head.
  Pearl goes faster and faster, her tongue going as fast as it can. Her tongue swirls and hits my g-spot perfectly. I feel the pit in my stomach tighten as I soon feel the knot in my stomach snap, I feel my juices release and I curl my toes. I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head as Pearl pulls her tongue out of me. She licks up my juices, I hear her tongue slurping up my juices, this just seems to turn me on again. I feel Pearl move and her head comes up to my face, she kisses me on the lips and I taste my sickly sweet juices as she forces her tongue through my lips. Now I flip us over, me on top once again and her on the bottom. I grab the vibrator that's right next to us and I forcefully push it up Pearls sexy pussy. I push it in, I keep it on its highest setting and Pearl moans and groans. I move my head down by her clit and I thrust the vibrator in and out as I bite her pink clit.
"Y/N.....Please! Finish me off!!" Pearl screeches.
  I smirk once I get an idea. I think of a dick and my vagina being replaced by it and I suddenly feel a firm, long dick between my legs. I remove the vibrator and slam my cock forcefully into Pearl. I thrust my hips against hers and she lets out a low moan. I ram my hips against hers and I feel her wet pussy tighten around my firm cock. I thrust quicker then before and Pearl moves her hands up to my back and she scratches her nails against my back. This makes me want Pearl to scream my name, I continue ramming into Pearl. Her walls tighten around me and I feel the pit in my stomach tighten again. Her walls feel so fucking wet and it allows me to come in and out of her faster and easier. She rocks her hips against my cock and moans, she continues clawing at my back and I let out a low groan.
"Oooohhhh!!! Fuck me!! Y/N!! Right fucking there!!! Harder!! Ram into me harder!! Don't fucking stop!" Pearl yells, I look up at her and see her eyes roll into the back of her head.
"Do it! Scream my name!! I want the neighbors to hear me fucking you! And causing you-Ahhh! Causing you f-fucking pleasure!! Scream my name!" I yell.
"Oh Y/N!" Pearl yells.
"Louder!" I yell.
"Oohh Y/N!!" Pearl yells.
"Fucking louder!!!" I scream.
"Oh just fuck me Y/N!!! Fucking make me feel better!!!! Make sure I can't fucking walk tomorrow!!!! Just fucking let me finish!! Oooohhhh Y/N!!!!!" Pearl screams.
  I pull out of Pearl, leaving just my tip in, I then slam right into her. She moves her head up to my shoulder and bites down on it. I feel the knot in my stomach snap one more time and I fill Pearl up with my seed, Pearl cums all over me. Her juices covering up my dick. I pull out of her and I feel the dick turn back into my vagina. I turn to look at Pearl to see sweat glistening down her forehead. I roll off of Pearl and I lay down next to her, she turns over to me and kisses me square on the lips. I kiss her back passionately, I bite down on her bottom lip and she moans. I pull away and stare at her.
"That. Was. Awesome." I say slowly.
  Pearl chuckles and nods.
"That was my first time. It sure was awesome. You being in control just turned me on so god damn much. You made me feel so sexy. I could even start touching myself right now and still cum, thinking about your big cock in my pussy. It was a nice idea you came up with." Pearl tells me.
  I feel myself blush at her compliments and she chuckles.
"It was my first time too. You were amazing. I'm happy I gave my virginity to you." I tell Pearl. She looks at me confused.
"Virginity?" Pearl asks.
"When you have sex with someone for the first time." I answer.
"Oh. I'm glad I lost mine with you too." Pearl says. I just chuckle.
"So does this mean we're dating?" I ask. Pearl stares at me for a small bit, then she kisses me.
"Fuck yeah it does." Pearl says.

Hello! I finished this long chapter and I hope I did well on the smut part. It was kinda difficult to write but I hope it fills your want, 😉. Hope you liked it and tell me what you thought of it in the comments below. Buh bye!!

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now