We're on the run

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•Y/N's pov:
  "So where should we start?" Pearl asks me.
  I look over at her and see her staring at me, her eyes wide and filled with love. I pet Amethyst and look down at the hills way down below, clouds surround us and beneath us.
"I honestly don't know. Can you think of a place where they wouldn't go looking for us?" I ask.
  Pearl shakes her head and sighs. She plays with her hands and stares down at them, I hear Amethyst softly purr in my lap and I grab Amethyst and place her right next to Pearl. Amethyst yawns and crawls over to Pearl and rubs her head against Pearl's fidgeting hands. Pearl looks at Amethyst and smiles, giggling at Amethyst's attempts to grab her attention. Pearl picks up Amethyst and places her on her back, Pearl softly scratches Amethyst's stomach and laughs as Amethyst pushes her stomach up higher to touch more of Pearl's hand.
"Garnet knows everything Y/N. She'll know where we are no matter what. It doesn't matter where we decide to go, just think of a memorable place before Garnet comes looking for us." Pearl explains and all I can do is nod.
"If Garnet can see multiple possibilities then can't she see that we want to stay hidden and won't tell Rose where we are?" I ask Pearl and she just shakes her head.
"I don't know how it all works. I don't know what she sees and what she doesn't. I just hope we can find a place soon." Pearl says quietly.
"Let's go to my moms Pearl. She has a bed for us to sleep on, food for me and Amethyst, and even a roof over our heads." I advise Pearl and she looks up and turns to look at me.
"I thought you hated her. Why go back?" Pearl asks me, I just sigh and stare at her for a bit.
"I never told you her and I got on better terms, huh?" I ask, Pearl shakes her head to this and I smile.
"When I ran to get away from you and the others and after I found Amey here, I brought her to my moms house. Her and I finally settled things before Amey and I left and she offered to come over any time. I think it'll be wise to go there, mom can even get to know you more." I tell Pearl and she chuckles.
"I don't know if your mom'll like me much after she thought I killed you. Garnet might think that that would be the last place you'd go. It makes perfect sense!" Pearl exclaims.
  I chuckle at Pearl and look her in the eyes.
"When should we go?" I ask, she just shrugs.
"It doesn't matter to me. I love this place, I don't care if we leave or not. I love this place, though seeing all the corrupted gems weapons around the shrubbery is rather upsetting. Each weapon here belonged to a gem, after the diamonds came to Earth and started the gem war, the gems apart of the Crystal Gems fought along side me, Rose, and Garnet. The other gems tried their best and helped us try and stand up against the diamonds. Unfortunately everything bad happened at once, the diamonds used their powers to get rid of and corrupt the gems to try and destroy Earth. Rose used her shield and quickly grabbed Me and Garnet to block us from the diamonds rays of light. The gems not being shielded got corrupted quickly, the gems dropped and left their old weapons here as they got poofed. Me, Rose, and Garnet bubbled every single corrupted gem in this field and kept them in the temple. There were too many weapons though, too heavy, and absolutely no place to keep them. We had to make the decision to just leave them here, and we did just that. It's so sad to think about, how everyone's gone." Pearl finishes her story and I sigh.
"It must've been difficult to watch all of your friends go away and never be themselves ever again. At least you have memories of them. Just because they're gone physically it doesn't mean they're truly gone. They still live on in our hearts. Or whatever organ that's similar to the heart that you have." I tell Pearl cheekily and she laughs, snorting as she does so.
"I miss them a lot. Gems don't have organs that humans do, so I can't keep them with me in my heart. All I can do is remember the other gems horrible screaming and shrieking as they became corrupted and disfigured. All I managed to do as it happened was cry out in agony as my friends slowly turned into something else, something that would never remember me or Rose or Garnet. Something that wanted to kill us and all of human life, when they had fought beside us to keep the Earth and human kind safe. That was actually when I first started to lose love for myself. I let all my friends die as I, of all gems was safe and shielded. I'm nothing but a Pearl, a Pearl shouldn't be a gem that lives, someone better could've taken my place and I should've been the one that was corrupted. I shouldn't be here. I should be corrupted!!!" Pearl screams out in anguish as she punches herself in her temples.
I stare at her in horror as she summons her spear and quickly impales herself. I scream out as Pearl's pearl falls onto the grass, landing right where she was just sitting. Amethyst falls onto the grass as well and jumps awake right when she reaches the ground, I feel tears roll down my face as I stare at the pearl.
"P-pearl?" I ask quietly.
"Pearl? Pearl!! No! Please!! I need you right now! I need you here with me! Come back!! I love you Pearl! Why'd you do that?!?!" I shriek out, quickly picking up the pearl and holding it close to my chest.
My tears fall onto the pearl as I picture her impaling herself with her spear. She left me here like everyone else. She just poofed herself to end her misery, I couldn't help her. Amethyst comes up next to me, tears build up in her eyes as she stares at the pearl in my hands.
"Pearly? Wha? Why did she do that?" Amethyst asks me.
I shake my head and stare down at the pearl, I close my eyes and feel the tears that were built up by my eyes cascade down my cheeks, landing on my hands. I slowly stand and turn around as I keep the pearl tightly in my hands. I jump onto the floating rocks one by one quickly and sloppily, I finally reach the bushes again and stop. I realize I forgot Amethyst, so I turn around, only to see Amethyst as an owl flying towards me. She lands on my shoulder and I smile slightly, tears still roll down my face as I walk back towards the warp pad. It takes a bit to get to the pad but once I reach it, I see a mirror. I crouch down and leave the pearl in my left hand, I pick up the mirror with my now free right hand. I stare at the mirror and see a blue cracked gem on the back of the mirror, I stare at the gem and wonder if it was like Pearl and how she was stuck in my grandma's necklace, but instead of a necklace, a mirror. I flip over the mirror and see myself looking back at me, my eyes are bloodshot and tears stream down my cheeks.
"Hello?" I ask.
I stare at the mirror and I look at my face twisted in confusion. The mirror soon emits a bright light and I hear my voice resonate from it.
"Hello?" The mirror asks, using my previous question that I just asked.
I stare in amazement but fear as well as the mirror copied my voice and question, it was like it played my question on repeat.
"Are you another gem?" I ask.
"M-E." The mirror responds, it sounds like it used up the words I previously used and cut out the letters it wanted.
"Do you need help out of the mirror?" I ask.
"H-E-L-P M-E O-U-T O-F H-E-R-E." I stare in shock as I immediately know that it is a gem stuck in the mirror.
"How can I help you?" I ask.
"P-U-L-L." The mirror responds.
It instantly clicks in my head that I need to pull the gem out of the mirror. I flip the mirror around and I crouch down to look at Amethyst.
"Take Pearl please." I tell Amethyst and she just nods.
Amethyst takes the pearl out of my left hand and holds it close to her chest. I stand back up and go to pull the gem out, but Amethyst's quiet voice interrupts me.
"Y/N! Look!!" Amethyst yells.
I move my hand away from the gem and look over at Amethyst only to see the pearl in her hands shake and wobble. The pearl glows and flies slightly above me, a form surrounds the pearl and it glows even more. The gem floats down in front of Amethyst, and Pearl suddenly lands on the ground.
"Pearl!!" I yell.
I crouch down and hand Amethyst the mirror and hug Pearl tightly. I lay my head on her shoulder and I sob into it. Pearl hugs me back as tears roll down her own face, I pull back and see worry, sorrow, and sadness in Pearl's eyes. I grab her cheeks and kiss her roughly on the lips, Pearl instantly kisses back. I pull back after a few seconds and I lay my forehead against her, I giggle slightly as I feel the cold pearl in her forehead hit my flesh.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I just needed to escape and be safe to think. I never intended for you to see me like that." Pearl whispers.
"Never do that again." I warn.
"I promise Y/N. I love you too." Pearl tells me.
"Did you hear me talking to your pearl?" I ask.
She chuckles and nods, she pulls away from me and stands, she offers me a hand and I except it. She pulls me onto my feet and I stand, I look down at Amethyst and Pearl does as well. She soon freaks out and yanks the mirror out of Amethyst's hands.
"Where'd you get this?" Pearl asks.
"It's okay Pearl, I found it by the warp pad. I think it's another gem actually, it needs help. Someone has to pull the gem out the back of the mirror, we can save them." I explain to Pearl and she just shakes her head.
"No! I mean no. The gem is cracked in the mirror, she could be very dangerous. Cracked gems lose themselves, she could possibly even hurt us. She will be very dangerous if we try and get her out, she could possibly poof me, you, or even little Amethyst here. I can't lose you to this rogue gem, she can't poof you. Promise me you'll never take this gem out, okay?" Pearl explains.
"But she has feelings as well. She talked to me. She wants out." I tell Pearl.
"She's dangerous Y/N. She'll hurt us. We can't help her, she's already too far gone." Pearl tells me.
"No Pearl! She wants out. Give me the mirror." I say.
"No. She'll kill you." Pearl says.
"No one cares if I die Pearl! Give me the mirror!" I yell, getting my face closer to Pearls.
"No! End of story!! No! She will kill you and might hurt Amethyst!" Pearl shrieks loudly.
I quickly grab the mirror from Pearls grip and I focus on the idea of keeping a storage room in my gem, a light surrounds the mirror and it goes into my gem. I grab Amethyst and stare at Pearl.
"Y/N." Pearl warns, glaring at me.
"She'll stay in my gem for now. Now lets go to my mothers house." I say.
I grip Amethyst and step onto the warp pad, Pearl slowly steps on and I think of my moms place and the field that the other warp pad is in. Blue light surrounds us and we're suddenly in the field of wheat. I angrily step off the platform and walk down the hill, I walk as quickly as I can down the hill and onto the gravely road. I hear Pearl's footsteps behind me but I just lowly grumble little curses in anger. I stomp as I walk and I just continue to look forward, not caring about what's behind me. I hear Amethyst whimper and I look down at her.
"What's wrong Amey?" I ask.
"You. I've never seen you so mad before. You're so scary." Amethyst explains. I sigh.
"I'm not mad at you Amethyst. You didn't tell me what I could and couldn't do. I'll never be mad at you. You've done absolutely nothing wrong." I tell Amethyst, she just sniffles and nods.
"She just wants to protect you. She doesn't want to see you hurt." Amethyst tells me.
I look up and sigh, cars drive quickly at the upcoming street. I slow my pace but continue walking, Amethyst jumps out of my arms and crawls on all fours. She manages to keep up with my pace, her short hair blows in the wind. I chuckle as Amethyst runs up and towards the street ahead, I jog to keep up with her as she begins to run even faster. She turns left, I run even faster and turn left as well. I follow after her until she suddenly stops. I stop as well and I turn to see what she's looking at. I stare in shock as I see my mom with a man, they both look very happy and are smiling widely.
They both sit on my old porch, they sit rather closely and before I know it the man leans towards my mom and kisses her on the lips. My mom's the first to pull back as a child runs out of my house, the child looks to be about 8 years old. She has blond hair and I figure it must be the mans daughter, the young girl runs towards my mom and the man and smiles. Amethyst whimpers and I look down to see her standing and looking at them with a tear in her eye. I crouch down and pick up Amethyst, Pearl is suddenly next to me and she looks down at me with worry. I turn back to Amethyst and pick her up.
"It's okay Amey. We can just walk over there, mom remembers us. It'll be fine. Now wipe away those tears and come with me, I think I have more family to meet." I tell Amethyst and she nods.
I put Amethyst on the ground and take her right hand in my left, I see Pearl stare at me in the corner of my eye but I shake it off. I look across the street to see if any cars are coming, once I see that none are, I walk across the street with Amethyst next to me. Pearl just follows behind us, her head pointing down. I stop in front of mom, the man, and the child. They all look up at me, Amethyst, and Pearl, shocked. Except for mom, she stands and smiles, she walks towards me and envelopes me in a hug. I let go of Amethyst's hand and I hear her walk somewhere.
"Hey mom. How's it goin'?" I ask.
Mom chuckles and pulls back, she grips my shoulders and looks at me. Tears are in her eyes but she brushes them off, she turns around and holds out her hand, the girl walks towards mom and stays close to moms leg.
"Vidalia, this is Y/N. My daughter." Mom says, looking down at the girl.
Vidalia looks up at me in fear and waves with her right hand.
"H-hi." Vidalia says.
I chuckle and crouch down, I look at her and smile.
"You're a cutie. It's nice to meet you Vidalia." I say.
I stand back up and look at mom once more.
"Y/N this is Vidalia and my boyfriend, Matt. Vidalia is his daughter and they come over and visit me. Matt, this is Y/N." Mom says simply, turning around and looks at Matt.
Matt stands and slowly walks towards us, he holds out his hand and I hold out mine, I grip his hand and shake in firmly.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. Your mother really loves talking about you, she really really loves you y'know." Matt tells me.
I chuckle and smile.
"Amethyst come here." I say.
Amethyst runs over towards me and looks up at mom and Matt.
"Nice to meet you. This is Amethyst and that" I say, pointing at Pearl, "Is Pearl. She's my girl friend." I explain.
Matt nods and looks down at Amethyst and then over at Pearl.
"Mom I'd like to know if we could stay here for a little bit. We need to get away from Rose and Garnet." I tell mom and she looks at me with a smile clear on her face.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Mom asks.
I nod and look at mom.
"I'm fine mom. We just aren't on the best terms. We just need to get away and think." I explain to mom, she just nods and looks over at Matt and Vidalia.
Matt nods his head and Vidalia just stares at me in amazement. I chuckle and look at her, a smile on my face.
"Of course Y/N. It'd be great to have you here for a bit, you can even get to know Matt and Vidalia even more. I bet Vidalia would love getting to know Amethyst here." Mom tells me.
"Oh thank you mom! I bet Amethyst would love to get to know Vidalia more, right Amey?" I ask, Amethyst just nods her head at my question and walks over towards Vidalia.
"Hi Vidalia." Amethyst says. Vidalia waves at this.
"Hi Amethyst." Vidalia says.
I hug my mom again and hold her close. It feels so good to see her happy after grandma died and dad left. It's so good to see her feel love, it's good to see her truly happy. I missed this mom. I loved her like this even more.

•Hello!! This might be rude but I can only start the next chapter once you answer this one question.......
Should the next chapter be a smut chapter? Would you like the next chapter to involve smut between Pearl and you? Please answer, and thank you.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now