Can you spare a girl a pad?

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•Y/N's pov:
"So, those platforms." I say. Pearl just looks at me for a second but seems to pop up at my statement.
"You mean warp pads." Pearl tells me. I open my mouth to make an 'O' shape as I look at her.
"Uhhhhh yes? Is a warp pad the crystal type pad that warps y-Ohhhh, I get it now. Where are they usually located?" I ask.
"Well I don't know where every single warp pad is, but all of them are just spread out all over the world. I bet there might even be some here, like in your dream. Where did you see the warp pad in your dream?" Pearl asks.
"Do you really wanna count on my dreams? What if we go looking for something that's not there?" I ask. Pearl looks at me with her eyebrows scrunched.
"How can we trust your dreams? How can we trust your dreams?! Are you crazy?! You have seen Pink, Yellow, Blue, and White diamond! You know what they look like and you know about Homeworld. You have seen more than the average person has. You described them correctly, you have actually seen them in your dreams, even if what they were doing to you was fake. So please, tell me where you saw the warp pad." Pearl tells me sincerely. I nod my head and smile.
"Ok, ok. We were walking up a hill, there was grass surrounding it but there also seemed to be very tall wheat that was taller than me and you. It was very sunny and we finally reached the top of the hill and we stepped on the pad and we were soon surrounded by blue light and we appeared on a beach. You know the rest." I tell her.
"Do you know any places that look like that?" Pearl asks.
"Not from memory, but we could walk around a little bit. We should hurry though, it'll get dark around 7 pm." I say, standing up and walking towards the door. I push it open and I walk to the stairs and I hear Pearl's steps behind me. I walk down the stairs and towards the coat rack, I look down and slip my feet in my shoes. I turn around and see Pearl wearing my old leather jacket again and I smile.
"So where should we look first?" Pearl asks. I tap my chin with my finger and think.
"Hmmm, maybe by the old farming houses. I used to hangout there when I was younger, that was a place where I could escape from school. I used to lay down in the corn fields, and look at the clouds. I think that place fits my dreams description. Let's go." I say, opening the door and stepping onto the stone path. I hear Pearl behind me and close the door. She soon walks quickly and comes beside me, I look at her and see her looking at the ground. Her hands sway and she walks and I feel the need to hold her hand. I look back up and look forward. I hold my hand out farther and brush against her hand. I look at her through the corner of my eye and see her blushing. She brushes her hand against mine and I grip hers. I turn to look at her and I smile, she smiles back and her blush disappears. We walk hand in hand until I realize we're just outside of the old farmhouse. The sidewalk ends and grass starts to grow in front of it, I step onto the grass and walk towards the huge factory that I used to hide in. I let go of Pearls hand and I run towards the farmhouse and I pull the doors open I run in and run up the stairs to my right and go into the old office. I sit in the old rolling chair and prop my feet on the old desk. I hear the doors open again and I look out the window to see Pearl looking around.
"Y/N!? Y/N!! Where are you?!" Pearl yells.
"Up the stairs!!" I yell back. I hear Pearl running towards the stairs and she comes through the door.
"Geez, Y/N you scared me! Why'd you come up here?" Pearl asks.
"I loved this place when I was a kid! Whenever people would run me outta school I would always run here. This place was like my second home, I loved this place. I haven't seen this place in years. I just had to sit in this old swivel chair." I tell her, spinning around. Once I stop I see Pearl looking at the ground, her hands in her pockets.
"I'm sorry if I scared you."
•Pearl's pov:
"I'm sorry if I scared you." Y/N tells me, looking at her feet. Her hair falls over her face and I see a very dominant frown. I walk towards her and crouch down, I touch her knee and I look up to her.
"You didn't scare me, I'm just wondering if Garnet and Rose will like you as much as I do." I say. I feel my cheeks heat up and she smiles.
"If they're as nice as you I bet they'll love me. I just hope they'll allow me to be with you guys." Y/N tells me.
"As long as your mom's okay with it." I say, patting her knee. I stand back up and hold out my hand, Y/N takes it and stands up as well.
"I don't think my mom will care if I go away for awhile. I don't even think people at school will care." Y/N tells me.
"Ok then, but I don't think we have a place for you to sleep in. We'll find a place though, I promise." I tell her. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. I walk towards the open door and I walk down the stairs. I go to the factory doors and push the doors open, I turn to look at Y/N and I see her looking at me.
"Where should we go next?" I ask.
"I'd say towards the wheat right over there Pearl." Y/N tells me, pointing towards the wheat next to the corn. I let go of her hand and rush towards the corn, I pick some up off the stalks and put my hand up to my gem. I pull out a torch iron and turn it on and put it up to the corn.
"Do you want some of this human thing called 'popcorn'?" I ask, showing quotations with my fingers. She smirks and nods her head.
"Of course. How is this gonna work though?" Y/N asks.
"Just watch." I tell her. The corn starts to pop up and fall on the floor.
"Cup your hands." I tell her steadily. Y/N does as I told her and she cups her hands. The pop corn lands in her hands and soon only the cob is leftover. I throw the cob on the ground and
Y/N holds her cupped hands up to her mouth and eats the popped corn. She smiles and laughs and some popcorn falls out of her mouth and onto the ground. I laugh and put the blow torch back into my gem. Once Y/N finishes her popcorn I grip her hand and walk towards the wheat. Y/N let's go of my hand and brushes through the wheat, the sun blazes on her face and she seems to shine. I push through the wheat until there on the top of the hill is the crystal blue warp pad. I don't look back at Y/N and run towards the warp pad. Y/N comes over towards me and wears a big smile on her face.
"So this is it?" Y/N asks.
"Of course. Let me show you how it works." I tell her, stepping on the warp pad and holding out my hand. She takes it and steps onto the pad next to me. I turn to look at her and let go of her hand. I lean in and smooch her on her cheek, she stares and looks at me and blushes. I lean back and look down at her.
"So this pad works by a gem standing on it and they can get taken to the warp pad to they're set destination. So we're going to Beach city and I'll tell you if it's the right place. Hold my hand." I tell her. She just nods her head and grips my hand. I nod and soon the blue light surrounds us, my feet stay firmly on the platform but Y/N begins to float off of the pad until I pull her down. Before we know it the light disappears and the smell of the sea fills my nose. I look down at Y/N and see her beaming up at me. I look around us and I don't spot Rose or Garnet, I frown as I realize this.
"Where's Rose and Garnet?" Y/N asks.
"I have absolutely no idea." I answer. I pull her down the hill and I soon hear voices.
"Pearl!" I hear Rose faintly yell. I snap my head to the right side of me and see Garnet and Rose running towards me, smiles on their faces. I let go of Y/N's hand and rush towards them, once I reach them I hug both of them. They both hug me back and I smile. I pull away and look at both of them.
"Pearl! You're back! Where'd you go?" Rose asks.
"A woman named Natalie took me and used me as a necklace, then Natalie's granddaughter found her necklace and freed me. That granddaughter is Y/N." I tell them, pointing at Y/N. I turn to look at her and see her wave at them, I smile as she does this. Garnet and Rose walk towards her and hug her.
"Thank you for helping and getting our Pearl back. Maybe you should go back home though. You might get hurt." Garnet tells her, patting her hand on her shoulder.
"No no no, Garnet she can stay here if she wants. She did help bring Pearl here after all. Nice to meet you Y/N." Rose tells her, holding out her hand. Y/N takes Rose' hand and shakes it, Y/N just grins and soon let's go.
"It seems i'm getting a nice warm welcome. It's great to meet you too." Y/N tells her.
"Is it okay if Y/N stays with us?" Pearl asks.
"Of course. Where will she stay?" Rose asks me.
"How about that abandoned lighthouse? It seems like it's in good condition." I tell her. Rose and Y/N nod and I turn to completely look at Y/N.
"If we move you in at the lighthouse you'll need some of your stuff. I can take you back home so you can get some clothes and all your other stuff." I offer. She just nods her and stays on the warp pad. I walk over towards her and step on the pad myself and turn back to face Garnet and Rose.
"How about we come with you guys?" Rose asks.
"Oh it's fine Rose. We'll be fine." I reassure her. She just looks at me and I blush, I wave at them until the blue light reappears and we travel back to Y/N's hometown. We quickly rush towards her house, but more specifically Y/N rushes. Probably wanting to get back to Beach city, once we reach her house Y/N unlocks the door and runs up the stairs.
•Y/N's pov:
I run up the stairs and into my bedroom, I quickly search the place for my old duffle bag and I find it under my bed. I take it out from underneath and throw it on my bed, I zip it open and head towards my closet. I tear out some clothes and shoes and some old jewelry and throw them into my bag. I check and see if I have all of my favorite clothes until I realize i'm missing some underwear and bra's, so I head back to my closet and pick out my lingerie, I also pull out some flannels and jeans and socks, along with Pearl's jeans. I then put those into the bag and I head to the bathroom, I pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and shove them into my bag. I zip it up and head downstairs, I look down and see Pearl waiting patiently for me. Once I reach the bottom I take some of my jackets and fold them over my arm. I open the door and hold it open for Pearl, she smiles and walks out of my house, I then close the door behind me. We walk back to the farmhouse and through the wheat again, and we soon reach the pad once more. Pearl steps on first and I step on after her, she holds my hand and soon the light surrounds us. Once the light fades I see bits of houses all over the sand, I turn my head to the right and see a green robotic hand forming in the sky. Pearl instantly lets go of my hand and rushes to find Rose and Garnet, leaving me all alone.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now