Yes my diamond

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*I found this awesome picture on Safari and it looks so good! Whoever drew this did a really good job.
A few hours later, Pearl's pov:
I watched in terror as Y/N's skin and hair changed it's color. Her skin is now a light blue, she still has (short/long) hair but it's now pinkish purple. She still wears her normal clothes on but the color is a bit different. Her gem shines in the light above her and I stare at her sleeping form. At least I think she's sleeping. I have no idea if she's alive, she doesn't breath or move and I begin to worry.
"Is she alive Bismuth?" I ask. The Bismuth looks at me and shakes her shoulders.
"I have no idea. It seems to be working though. I think when she wakes she will be a brand new person. A few days from now, you and your useless gems will be shattered. She will shatter you. Soon you will find out you can never like a human. For a good luck charm i'll give you her skin, either way you'll be shattered though." The Bismuth tells me. I sigh and close my eyes.
"Pearl?" I hear Y/N say. I open my eyes and see Y/N propped up on the table.
"Y/N?!" I yell, standing up and running towards the bars. It just shocks me back and I fall over.
"My name isn't Y/N. It's Holly Blue. You will address me as Holly Blue." Y/N tells me. Until I hear her voice in my head.
'Pearl....It's me. I don't know how I survived but i'm going to make a plan to get us all out of here. I promise.' Y/N tells me. I nod and smile, then she winks and smiles. She stands up and walks towards me. Her light blue skin highlights her features and her skin looks flawless. She crouches and reaches a hand out to the bars, but it shocks her hand and she pulls it back.
"Huh. That's new." Y/N says. She stands up and looks down at me, then she looks at the Bismuth.
"What's the plan Bismuth." Y/N exclaims. She turns around and places her hands behind her back.
"Well i'll take you to White diamond. Umm, can you remember me?" The Bismuth asks.
"Excuse me?" Y/N asks. The Bismuth gets on one of her knees and stares up at Y/N, then she holds  her arms out.
"Holly. My name is Bismuth 0846. I have been in love with you for 3 million years. We always got along and you always seemed to find someone better than me. So i've been waiting for 3 million years for you to share my feelings. Right when I got my wish, White diamond poofed you. I was hoping that when you took over this humans body, you would remember me. Please, please say you remember me." The Bismuth pleads.
"I'm so sorry Bismuth. I have no idea who you are. I wish I did to make you happy, I really do. I know what it's like though. When I was on Earth there was this girl. She's gone now though, she killed herself. She was gorgeous, she had long blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She left a note saying that she never liked me, she secretly called me a freak behind my back. You might love someone but you will never know they love you back. They might say they do but you will never know for sure. I don't remember you Bismuth." Y/N says sincerely. The Bismuth sighs and turns around, the Jasper soldier by my cell door stands up from her chair and goes to comfort the Bismuth. Tears begin to roll down my face because I know Y/N is telling the truth. Y/N's so broken and always upset and sad with herself, and that's exactly why. She's been wanting to get out of the world that has broken her, the world that took away the person she loved and made her mom a meaner person. The world has slowly broken Y/N down, almost like a grain of sand. She'll get so small until she doesn't exist any longer. She's still strong though. She still cares about the people that hurt her, she still gives love to each person, she still fights for what she believes in. I just don't think she's realized that the things that have hurt her, help make her stronger. She doesn't realize the indent she's left. Hopefully she realizes it soon.
•Y/N's pov:
After I tell Bismuth the truth the Jasper walks up behind us and pats Bismuth on the shoulder. Then the Jasper turns around and glares at me.
"You are horrible....."The Jasper mouthed.
"Bismuth, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't know what type of gem you were before my surgery. When I woke up I instantly knew you were a Bismuth. Maybe if we hangout more I can get memories from the Holly Blue agate that knew you. We also need to head back to White diamond." I tell her. I hear her sniffle and she rubs her finger under her nose, then she stands. She walks up to me and places one of her hands on my shoulder.
"Maybe so tall stuff." Bismuth tells me.
"Tall stuff?" I ask. Bismuth chuckles and eyes me up and down.
"Have you seen how much taller you've grown?" Bismuth asks. Then I look down at myself and realize that while I was asleep I did change. My body is now a bit buffer but I still had my normal sized breasts, my skin was a light blue, and I pulled my hair down a bit and I realized it too changed color. I still am just in my bra and pants and I see the Holly Blue gem where my belly button used to be. I look back up and see Bismuth smiling. She then looks at Pearl in the cage.
"Jasper, take this Pearl back to her cell. I'll be taking Holly to see White diamond." Bismuth explains. The Jasper nods her head and walks towards Pearl's cell and opens it, then she snaps on glowing hand cuffs and pulls her out one of the doors. Soon it's just me and Bismuth.
"So will you take me to see White diamond?" I ask, Bismuth just nods. She walks towards a door and pushes it open, then she motions me to walk forward. I follow her orders and walk towards her, then I walk through the door and into the hallway. Bismuth follows behind me and I walk towards White's room, feeling very confident that I remember the way. We walk up a few flights of stairs and stop at the floor I remember White was on. I type something on the pad by the wall and the doors open, I step through the door way. I look right and left to see more cages I can't remember from before. I begin to hear humming, the voice seems to call me and I follow it. I turn right and head towards the angelic humming. I turn my head towards the left and I see a small blue gem on her knees holding her hands up almost as if she's praying. I can't see her eyes due to the fact her blue hair is covering her face. I crouch and look at her, she jumps backwards a bit, almost as if she was scared of me.
"Shh, shhh. I'm not going to hurt you. I just heard your singing and I wanted to know where that beautiful voice was coming from." I tell her, then she sighs and unwraps her hands from eachother.
"Y/N?" The gem asks.
"Yes, how'd you know?" I ask, confusedly.
"It's me Y/N. I'm a Sapphire, i'm apart of Garnet. What happened to you?" Sapphire asks.
"I was tortured by one of White diamonds Bismuths' and then forced this Holly Blue's gem into my stomach. I am now about half of a Holly Blue gem. Ruby has been looking for you. She asked me if I had seen you, she seemed really worried." I explain. Once she hears Rubies name she instantly shoots up.
"Ruby?! Where is she?!" Sapphire exclaims.
"She's a few floors down, I've also seen Pearl but I haven't found Rose. I'm making a plan, so get ready to get busted out of here. It might take a few days though, I have to tell you that none of us will get shattered. I'll make sure of that." I tell her, a slight smile on my face. She smiles until she hears someone's voice, I shoot up and stand. I turn to see Bismuth looking at me talking to Sapphire.
"Holly? What are you doing here? Did you get lost?" Bismuth asks.
"Oh! I thought I remembered where I was going, I guess I got lost." I lie, but she smiles anyway.
"Oh that's fine! This place is super huge. It is your first day on this ship, so it's fine. Let's go though, White diamond is waiting for us." Bismuth tells me, then she grabs my hands and pulls me forward and towards the door I just passed through. We walk up a flight of stairs and reach another door, Bismuth types something on the pad by the door and they open. We walk through the same hallway from when I first saw Pearl and we turn right. We walk forward but I stop once I hear a familiar voice.
"Y/N?" Someone asks. I turn around and see Rose in a cell.
"Y/N, what happened to you?" Rose asks. I walk towards her cell and I look at her. She reaches out a hand but it gets zapped away.
"I was turned into a Holly Blue gem. I'm trying to bust you and the rest of the Crystal gems out of here. So get ready, call me Holly for now though. Don't want anyone getting suspicious." I whisper to her. She nods her head and I turn back around and head back beside Bismuth, she doesn't seem to notice I stopped walking beside her. We soon reach the door that leads to White diamond and she types things in it. The doors open and we step through to see White diamonds heels once more. I look up and see her Pearl floating next to her. Once White notices we're in the room she instantly stops talking and looks down at us.
"Well, well, well.....Look what the Bismuth dragged in. You look like you have a lot of fight in you. Bismuth, you can train her for a few days. Once she's trained she can lead a new group of gems, she will also need to shatter her tiny stupid Pearl. Do you understand Bismuth and Holly?" White asks. Bismuth shows a weird hand signal and I follow her, then I show the signal as well.
"Yes my diamond." Bismuth and I say in unison. White chuckles and snaps her fingers, then Bismuth moves her hands down and turns around to head back out the door, then I follow close behind her.
"Let me go!!" I hear Pearl yell. I look up and see the Jasper from before gripping and throwing Pearl into her old cell, then the bars move back over the front of the cell and it seals her in. I rush towards her and stand in front of her cell.
"Pearl! Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, yeah. I am. Have you seen anyone else?" Pearl asks.
"Yeah, i've found everyone else. In a few days I think all of us can get out of here. Trust me." I say. She nods and offers me a smile, I just smile and turn to see Bismuth glaring at me.
"Time for training Holly!" Bismuth yells.
•4 days later, Y/N's pov:
Bismuth runs at me, her left hand like a hammer and her right like an axe. I summon my electrified whip and thrash my arm forward, hitting Bismuth square in the face. Her body shakes and writhes as she walks, but she brushes it off, running towards me. She tries to smash the hammer across my face but I dodge by jumping and back flipping, then I land on both of my feet. I brush off my shoulder, then I grip the whip again and I push my arm forward and I tie Bismuth up. I grip the whip with both hands and pull her up off the floor, then move her forward like a yo-yo trick, then she lands on her back in the floor. I laugh as she's still tied up, she tries to get out of her hold and she sighs when she realizes she's stuck.
"Fine, you won! Let me out Holly!" Bismuth yells. I chuckle and use both of my hands on the whip to hoist her up off the floor, then I unwrap my whip with a hard pull. She spins around and around until my whip reaches the end of the strand. She stands, dizzy in front of me and I laugh as her eyes roll from side to side. I unsummon my whip and it disappears in thin air.
"Good job Holly. You're getting a lot better. We should go see White diamond, she said she wanted to see you after training today. Let's go!" Bismuth yells, running towards the door behind me. I turn around and head out the door once it's opened, then Bismuth steps from behind me and leads me to White's room, even though I already know the way. I look in some of the cells that I remember the Crystal gems in, but none if them are in their original cells. We walk up some stairs and through doors until we reach White's door. Bismuth opens it and we step in, we look at her heels and I spot her Pearl floating by her feet. I look up at White and she smiles down at me and Bismuth.
"Holly! Bismuth! I've been watching you train for a few days. Holly, you sure have gotten better. Today will be your favorite day! Each night we show you what the Crystal gems are really like! You have grown quite strong, you hate the Crystal gems as much as everyone else on Homeworld does. So today, you will shatter each member of the Crystal gems. Bismuth, show her where to go and then leave her to have her fun. That will be all!" White orders. Bismuth nods and solutes White, then I do. I then stop and Bismuth does as well, then we turn around and head out the door. Bismuth leads me to a door I've never seen before and she types in a code, then the doors open.
"This is the room. When you're done, just come out and we can start training again. Hurt them a lot, just for me. Alright?" Bismuth asks. I nod and smile.
"Hell yeah." I say. Bismuth smiles and turns around, the door then closes behind her. I turn around and run straight, ready to see the Crystal gems again.
"Y/N!!" Multiple voices yell. In cells I see Sapphire, Ruby, Rose, and Pearl. All of them have bulking eyes, all except for Sapphire. I walk to Pearl's cell and type a code into the pad, then the yellow bars disappear and Pearl can step out. I type the code into each cell and soon all of them are out. Sapphire and Ruby run towards eachother and hug, Ruby grabs Sapphire by the waist and throws her up into the air, Ruby then catches Sapphire and a bright light emits from them and Garnet stands where they once were. Pearl looks at me and runs towards me, then envelopes me in a hug. I spin her around and she laughs, I then stop spinning and she kisses my cheek.
"Thank you Y/N." Pearl says, with a slight blush on her face.
"I did it all for you."

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now