Bad ending:Season 3 episode 21

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   •3rd person pov:
   Steven is seen playing a difficult video game on his TV while the Gems cheer him on.
"Oh my goodness!" Pearl yells, moving her hand over her mouth in shock.
"Go for it, bro!" Amethyst cheers, raising her hands in the air, smiling proudly.
"This is your last chance." Garnet warns, using her future vision to see him dying if he screws the controls up.
"No... No...! Jump... Jump...!" Steven yells, sweat rolling down his face as he strains himself in concentration.
Steven's character dies as he misses a jump, ending the level with a 'GAME OVER' screen.
"Aww!" Steven yells in unison, along with Amethyst and Pearl. Garnet just chuckles and ruffles Stevens hair.
"Dying a bunch in video games is emotionally exhausting. Huh?" Steven says, a noise to his right gaining his attention.
   Steven and the Crystal Gems all turn to spot lion shuffling around Stevens belongings, only for Lion to pull out one of his t-shirts.
"Lion!" Steven yells, disappointed in his big pet.
    Steven runs down and tries to pull the shirt away from Lion's mouth.
"Drop it!" Steven yells, pointing at lion and lowering his finger.
   Steven successfully pulls the shirt from Lion and falls backwards on the ground.
"Lion, you can't chew this up." Steven warns looking down at his shirt. The shirt reads "Thunder Bird- Always Remember"
"How else am I going to remember the time I rode the Thunder Bird at Funland?" Steven jokes to Lion.
   Steven puts the shirt on his dresser, next to his Thunder Bird badge and Thunder Bird photo frame. Steven then walks back up the stairs to his bed and sits in front of the tv, turning on his game console.
"Okay, I'm sure this time...." Steven begins, only to get caught off guard by the sound of rustling of things to his side catching his attention.
Steven turns and sees Lion, who has climbed onto the dresser and grabbed Steven's shirt once again.
"Lion! Don't even think about it!" Steven yells, jumping up off the ground and down the stairs and back to Lion and his dresser.
Lion attempts to head for the door, but Steven jumps in to block his path. He then grabs the shirt and pulls it away from Lion again. "Since you can't play nice, I'm gonna have to put this where you can't get it: In ya mane!" Steven yells as he teasingly pokes Lions nose.
   Lion grumbles and begrudgingly lays down. "Thank you, boo." Steven says, laughing and jumping into Lions mane.
    Steven is then teleported to his quiet place, the pink grass waving as a slight breeze wheezes past him. He keeps his mouth closed, holding his breath and not wanting to breathe due to the lack of oxygen inside of Lion. He walks over to the hill, his flip flops flopping and he reaches the tree. He jumps up and onto a branch, draping the shirt over the branch he's currently on. 'There we go. Now it'll be safe forever, hanging in this perfectly stable magic tree.' Steven thinks, taking in his surroundings from his high ground.
   The tree branch soon snaps, sending Steven plummeting to the ground. Only Steven doesn't land on the pink hill, instead he's bounced off of two bubbles and launched back through Lion and into his living room. Steven lands on his back and hears the Crystal Gems cheering for Amethyst.
"Jump! Jump!" Garnet cheers, her fists moving up and down.
"I am jumping!" Amethyst screeches, never taking her eyes off the screen.
   Lion chews on one of Stevens shirts as Steven yells:
"I've made a horrible mistake!!"
"Wha?!" Pearl shrieks, looking down at Steven on the ground.
   Amethyst loses the game, the screen going black as the words "GAME OVER" are showed in big, bold, red letters.
"Aww man...." Amethyst pouts, tossing the controller on the ground.
"Hold on, I can fix it!" Steven yells, diving back into Lions mane.
   Steven walks over to the hill in Lions pocket dimension and attempts to bubble up the two gems that are laid on the grass, only for the rectangular rainbow gem lights up and lifts itself off the ground, a big, buff, gray body forms around the gem. The gray gem is soon formed, her rainbow dreadlocks laying softly on her shoulders. She gets in a fighting position, looking down at Steven's head, ready to strike at this unknown thing. Steven falls back in fear, being tossed outside of the pocket dimension and back into his living room.
   Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all surround Steven, looking down at him with curiosity.
"There are gems inside of Lions mane!" Steven yells, startling the gems.
"Gems?" Pearl asks, resting her hand underneath her chin.
"Describe them." Garnet says, looking down at Steven.
"Uhh...hang on a sec." Steven says, diving back into Lions mane.
   Steven pokes his head out of the grass, his mouth closed once more to hold his breath. He spots the gem as she looks around, she spots him as he watches her.
"Hey wait!" The gem yells, running over to Steven.
   Steven ducks back out of the grass and back into reality. He looks up at the gems as they stare down at him in concern.
"She's big." Steven begins, putting his head back into Lion, the gem right in front of him.
"Huh? Hey! Don't go!" The gem yells, bringing her hand out towards Steven.
   He dives back into reality with the gems.
"With rainbow hair and tattoos!" Steven says.
"Rainbow hair?" Pearl says, looking up at Garnet.
"What does her gem look like?" Pearl asks Steven.
"It's an innie." Steven exclaims.
"It can't be...." Pearl begins, grasping her chin with her hand.
"What does the other gem look like Steven?" Amethyst asks, crouching down to Steven's height.
"Uhhh, there was only one reformed gem. The other one hasn't reformed yet. But I think it was....a weird bluish purple color." Steven explains, focusing on the thin gems characteristics.
"A weird bluish purple?" Garnet asks, looking down at Pearl and Amethyst.
"What was the shape of it?!" Amethyst yells, grasping Stevens shoulders.
"Uh...uh...the gem had a circular bottom and then a pointy top." Steven answers, looking into Amethysts eyes with determination.
"Y/N...."Pearl whispers, covering her mouth with her hands, shock drawn on all of her features.
"Wait but we have Y/N here, right?" Amethyst asks, looking up at Garnet.
"Well Lion is somehow connected to Rose, so perhaps Rose put Y/N into Lion. Steven, bring them out!" Garnet says, looking down at Steven.
   Steven nods and dives back into Lion, his head poking out. He looks around, not spotting the gem at all. The gem is suddenly in front of him as she bounces in front of his face.
"Hey little friend!" The gem yells, causing Steven to scream inside of his mouth.
   Steven backs away slowly, making the gem shake her hands spastically.
"No, don't go! I believe I'm lost. And there's no one here but us, so how about a little help?" The gem asks.
   Steven nods but holds up his finger, as in saying to wait for a second. He begins to walk over towards the hill once again, picking up the bluish purple gem and leaving it in the palm of his hands. Steven walks back to the gem and grasps the gem in his left hand and holds out his opposite hand, asking for the gem to take his hand. The gem takes his hand and he pushes himself out of the pocket dimension, bringing the gem out of Lions mane and into his living room.
   Lion looks back at Steven and the gem, his eye wide in shock. Steven looks over at Pearl to see her covering her mouth as tears fall from her eyes, Garnets jaw is just clambered open, shock evident on both of their faces.
"Wow. A total stranger." Amethyst says, rolling her eyes.
   Garnet gets rid of her visors, her three eyes staring at the rainbow gem in disbelief. Her eyes watering with tears.
"Pearl...Garnet..." The gem begins, only to be cut off by Pearl.
"BISSS-MUUUTH!!!!" Pearl screeches, running into Bismuths arms. Bismuth picks up Pearl and tosses her lightly into the air, then catching her once more.
"Ahahahaha! You're back!!" Pearl yells.
    Steven and Lion both look at Pearl and the new gem, confusion on their faces.
"Woah!" Bismuth yells as Bismuth picks up Pearl and tosses her lightly into the air, then catching her once more.
"Hehehehe! The Pearl I know never jumps into my arms! Hey, did somebody lose a Pearl? Who do you belong to?" Bismuth asks playfully, looking down at Pearl with a wide smile.
"Nobody!" Pearl yells happily, laughing along with Bismuth.
"Ha-HA!" Bismuth yells, laughing loudly.
"Alright, alright, settle down." Garnet says, walking over to Bismuth.
"Oh, you're one to talk, oh, oh, excuse me, you're two to talk." Bismuth says.
   This causes Garnet to scoff, and casually summons her gauntlet and punches Bismuth in the arm playfully.
"Hey, cool it, your Ruby is showing." Bismuth jokes.
   Amethyst shuffles over to Steven and looks down at his hands in shock.
"Uhhh, guys. We forgot someone." Amethyst says, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Huh? What do you-" Pearl begins, only to look down at what Amethyst is looking at, aka, the Holly Blue gem in Stevens hands.
"Garnet....."  Pearl begins, her hands cupping her mouth once again.
   Garnet looks over at Bismuth one last time before looking at what the rest of the gems are looking at.
"That was in there?" Garnet asks quickly, taking her visors off again.
"Yeah. Uh can you explain who this is?" Steven asks.
"Yeah I'd like to know that too." Bismuth says, crouching to look at the gem.
"I haven't seen her in so long...." Pearl whispers.
"I missed her so much...." Amethyst says, wiping away the tears that are falling down her face.
"I can't believe Rose had her all along in her Lion. I could've sworn I saw her with all the corrupted gems just a few days ago. Why did Rose hide her from us?" Garnet asks, looking down at Pearl and Amethyst.
"Uhhhh. Earth to gems, who is this?" Bismuth asks again, this time joking slightly.
"This was Y/N...." Pearl says slowly.
"Y/N? But that looks like a Holly Blue agate gem." Bismuth states, going to pick up the gem, only for Pearl to smack her hand away from the gem.
"Don't." Pearl says, sadness washing over her face as she picks up the gem from Stevens palms.
"I'm sorry Bismuth but you can't touch her. She was too special...." Pearl says, tears falling down her face.
   Pearl begins to sob as she hugs the gem, holding it close to her chest. Garnet puts her hand on Pearls shoulder, along with Amethyst who touches Pearls knee softly.
"Y/N was a human. She was special, had special powers, could read peoples minds. She was treated horribly at her home, her grandmother dying by cancer. Her grandmother was a gem, who could use warp pads and even went to Homeworld. Y/N's grandmother poofed Pearl and took her gem, making her into jewelry a bit after you went missing Bismuth. Pearl was gone for hundreds of years, as Rose and I wondered where she went off to. But Y/N found Pearl, and they formed a great relationship. Y/N loved Pearl with all her heart. But Y/N was human. Until White diamonds workers took us all from the beach and onto Whites ship. White knew Y/N liked Pearl and a Bismuth tortured Y/N into a gem, removing her belly button and replacing it with this old Holly Blue agate. She survived though through the torture and turned into a gem. She fought with us, laughed with us, even found Amethyst in the Kindergarten. Without her, we wouldn't have all been happy together. She was amazing, until one day she was poofed as we fought a corrupted gem. Rose thought it best that we bubbled her up so that the original Holly Blue that belonged to that gem wouldn't reform and make Y/N lose those memories if she ever reformed as herself. Y/N was close to us all, and we were all heartbroken when she was gone. It was difficult for us as time went on. Rose tried to be like Y/N in the way of cheering us up whenever we were sad, whenever we felt bad. Rose tried her best...." Garnet explained, looking Bismuth in the eyes as tears fell from all of their eyes.
   Bismuth and Steven just look at the three Crystal Gems that sob and cry by the memories of this fallen gem. But their sobs stop as the Holly Blue gem shakes and begins to light up. Pearl gasps along with Amethyst as Steven, Bismuth, and Garnet step back. The gem lowers itself onto the ground and soon a white body forms around the gem, the gem on the bodies belly button.
"Can it be?" Pearl gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Is it her?" Amethyst asks.
    The body fully forms around the gem, the gem looking down at the past and new Crystal Gems.
"Y/N!" Pearl gasps, tears rolling down her pale cheeks.
   Pearl goes to hug the gem but is stopped as the gem raises their hand, glaring down at Pearl.
"Halt!! You're the rogue Pearl that fights my diamond with your horrible leader!" The Holly Blue gems yells, summoning her whip and wrapping it around Pearl.
    Amethyst sobs out and summons her whip, wrapping it around the Holly Blue agate and squeezes as tight as she can, poofing the gem that is no longer their friend. No longer Pearls lover. No longer......Y/N.
                              ~The End~

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