The Truth

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•Y/N's pov:
Thoughts and voices travel through my head, I step from side to side but my footsteps make crashing noises. Birds fly from the wheat and I stare, the sun begins to set and it seems beautiful from this height.
"What am I?" I ask, my voice deep but surprisingly femininer. It's loud but full of energy and love. (She would sound like Laverne Cox). My voice echoes and Amethyst stares up in full shock and amazement.
"What the?" Amethyst asks, her pupils now stars. I chuckle and kneel down to pat her head, but unfortunately my hand is to big for her small head.
"Garnet what happened?" I ask.
"We fused Y/N." Garnet answers, but still in my voice.
"What's fusion?!" Amethyst asks, instantly taking the words that I myself was thinking. Part of me chuckles that isn't even me, but before I know it I begin to speak.
"Fusion is when two gems become one. They're together mentally, physically, and emotionally. Some fusion's are unstable because their personalities don't mend well together. When fusions are unstable they break down or treat other gems horribly. They cause utmost destruction. Usually fusing happens by a dance, or sometimes when you're used to fusing, it just happens. In the past i've fused with Pearl and Rose, we've made different fusions, each having their own personalities and different forms. My fusion with Rose made a fusion called Sunstone. My fusion with Pearl made a fusion named Sardonyx. You can feel each others emotions and hear their thoughts." Garnet explains slowly, then it all clicks.
"Garnet I remember now. I remember everything." I say out loud and before I know it I hear a loud popping noise and I soon fall to the ground. I look over and see Garnet staring over at me, Amethyst runs over towards me and sits next to me.
"What do you remember?" Amethyst asks. I sigh and rub my head, everything running in my head. I seem to give myself a headache and I groan in pain.
"Let's just go back to Beach City. I can tell everyone there." I say.
"Y/N do you not want to talk about what just happened?" Garnet asks but for some reason I can't look at her. I stand up and grab Amethyst's hand and I go towards the warp pad. I stand on it and soon Garnet stands next to us on the pad, the light blue light surrounds us and then we're back on the beach. I let go of Amethyst's hand and sit down on the ground. Amethyst sits in my lap and curls up like a cat, Garnet goes over to the door behind us and opens up the door. The red and blue gem on the door light up and it opens, she steps through the door and it closes behind her.
"What happened Y/N?" Amethyst asks.
"Yes, what's happened? You look upset." Rose comes out of nowhere and surprises me.
"I've always known about my grandma." I say slowly. Rose wrinkles her eyebrows and stares at me.
"What do you mean Y/N?" Rose asks.
"Ever since I was a child I knew what my grandma did. When I fused with Garnet I realized that when my grandma went to Homeworld, she didn't magically appear home, she used a warp pad to get home." I explain, suddenly Pearl and Garnet come through the door and stare at me.
"What are you insinuating?" Pearl asks.
"My grandma wasn't a human Pearl. My grandma shape-shifted into a human form and posed as a human. My grandma was like me, she was tested on. She learned how to shape shift and lied to everyone she loved. That's why her parents treated her differently though, they knew that she changed. That's how she knew about the Crystal Gems and how the warp pads worked, she had seen all of you and had used a warp pad herself. The stories she told me were the adventures she had on Homeworld and with other gems. She hid her gem with her clothes, her gem was placed on her belly button. She had two kids and when my mother was younger my grandma always paid more attention to my aunt, but my aunt was also like my grandma. My grandma gave my aunt the gem, then my aunt had a kid and disappeared. But her child has that gem, but I haven't seen him in years. My mom hated when my grandma would tell those stories to me at night, and once she died my mom treated me like she did her own mother. Garnet you made me remember that i've always known that, I just forgot because it was so long ago." I finish my explanation and they stare at me in slight confusion until Garnet comes over and places her hand on my shoulder.
"That's why you knew who the diamonds were. You can put your thoughts into someone else's mind Y/N, and the thoughts of Homeworld seemed like a dream because your grandma put those thoughts and memories in your head. Her thoughts and memories live on in your head because she put them there on purpose. Y/N you figured it out. How did us fusing help you remember that though?" Garnet asks and I rub my head.
"Sapphire can see the future, but when my mind was connected with hers I could see the past, like things I've never seen before about my grandma. It's like I was watching them but I wasn't there." I explain and Garnet smirks.
"So our fusion can see the future and the past. That's fun. Ready to go again?" Garnet asks and holds out a hand and I smile, I lift Amethyst off my lap and grab Garnet's hand.
"Wait! You two can fuse?!" Pearl asks, sounding quite shocked. I stare at her and jump.
"Yes!! It felt so good! I could feel loved and trust and actual happiness!! It was amazing! We were sooo tall too! You can even ask Amethyst." I say quickly. Amethyst yawns and looks over at Pearl.
"They were super huge! They also looked so pretty. And what human's call 'motherly.'" Amethyst tells Pearl, adding finger quotations. I grab ahold of Garnet's hand and pull her onto the beach.
"How do we do this Garnet?" I ask. She chuckles and let's go of my hand.
"Just do what feels natural. Whatever you want." Garnet answers and I smile. She looks at me and takes off her visors and she winks at me. I slightly blush and close my eyes, I listen to the waves and nod towards Garnet. I clear my mind and twirl, I kick up my leg and close my eyes. I feel my hair fly as I stop and hold out my hand, Garnet takes it and spins me around in a circle. She picks me up and I wrap my legs around her waist, I let go of her hands and let my body fall to the sand. She grabs my hips and I unwrap my legs from her waist, she keeps a tight firm hold on my hips and I kick my legs out from behind me. I feel like i'm flying, and if Garnet were to let go, I would definitely eat sand. She lets go of me and I open my eyes wide, before I know it she catches me. She laughs and chuckles, I look up at her and her eyes shine as she looks down at me. She places me on the ground firmly and quickly so I grab her hips. I step backwards and take her with me, I twirl and twist her around and stop her as I come up from behind her and grab both of her hands. I pull up her arms towards me and I wrap them around my neck, I lean in and place kisses along her chin. She laughs and soon enough I'm tall again. My laughter fills the air as I twirl around on the beach, soon enough I feel loved again and I crave the feeling. I smile and look down at Pearl, Rose, and Amethyst and each of them stare up in horror and amazement. Amethyst runs over by my feet and tries to hug my leg as best as her tiny arms can. I chuckle and kneel down and look down at Rose and Pearl.
"What do ya think?" I ask them and they just look up in pure shock. Suddenly Rose chuckles and grabs Pearl's hands and they dance strangely at first, but then it blends together. Rose twirls around and Pearl kick flips, then Rose dips her down and touch their foreheads together. Soon a bright light emits from them and a tall pink skinned gem looks up slightly at me. She had four eyes and rainbow colored hair, she wears a cute little outfit and I smile. I stand up and lean down, I kiss this new fusion on the cheek and she blushes. Once she blushes I can tell it's Pearl whose the one whose embarrassed. I smirk and pick up Amethyst, I keep her in my palm and she giggles. I put her back on the beach and look down at my four arms, I look down at my entire body and I hug myself. I giggle as I feel everything from Ruby and Sapphire as it seems to radiate from them in our fusion. I feel all the happiness, love, trust, hate, and passion. As I see arms that seem like mine I can notice the very evident scars. I sigh and think of all the bullies that tormented me and how Pearl helped make me feel better when I opened up about it to her. I feel my face heat up, I look at the new fusion in front of my face and I see how much Rose and Pearl care about each other. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Jealousy I assume. I hear a loud*pop* and I'm suddenly flying through the air. I close my eyes, scared of what will happen if I accidentally poof myself. All of a sudden a firm form picks me up, I open my eyes to see the gorgeous new fusion holding me. She smiles as she looks down upon me, she places me on the shore and then Pearl and Rose's fusion unfuse. They laugh as they are both now standing on the shore as well. Amethyst comes bounding towards me and stops once she reaches me. Rose and Pearl talk as they walk towards me, Garnet, and Amethyst and stop once they reach us.
"So Y/N, where did you find this Amethyst anyway?" Rose asks me and I chuckle.
"I found Amethyst in the Kindergarten. Ever since then a few days back, we've been close. I'm happy I brought her with me, me and Garnet even trained her. Maybe she could become a Crystal Gem?" I ask, I look at Rose and she looks over at the others. They look at me and Amethyst and look somewhat confused.
"Maybe. We barely know her though." Pearl says out loud.
"The Kindergarten can be very dangerous and if Amethyst survived a few hundred years at the Kindergarten she must be tough. And maybe we could train her and Y/N at the same time." Rose tells us, she wrinkles up her eyebrows and thinks.
"She was great at fighting. You can even ask Garnet." I say defensively.
"She's right. Amethyst was pretty tough." Garnet tells Rose and Pearl as she puts her visors back on. Pearl looks at me, then down at Amethyst.
"She is pretty cute, huh?" Pearl asks and I nod.
"Okay! I've come up with a decision. I've chosen to let Amethyst practice with us, then we'll make her a Crystal Gem if we see fit. How does that sound?" Rose asks and I laugh. I hug Rose and turn around and pick up Amethyst. Amethyst beams as she looks up at me. I then go over to Pearl and as I look at her, I see love in her eyes. She soon leans in, and before I know it, her and I are captured in a kiss.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now