The Kindergarten

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•Y/N's pov:
"Welcome to the Crystal gems Y/N." Rose tells me. I smile and pull away from Pearl and I look at Rose.
"Really?!" I ask. Rose pulls away from Garnet and Pearl and chuckles. Pearl and Garnet then look at me, Pearl looks at me with wide eyes and then looks at Rose. Garnet just smiles and walks towards me, then she ruffles my hair. I chuckle and Garnet soon stops and steps away. I look at Pearl but she avoids my gaze. I frown at the thought that she's sad that i'm apart of the Crystal gems. I look at her and an idea pops in my head. I close my eyes and focus on the thought of Pearl, soon I hear her voice.
'Oh no! What is Rose thinking? Something bad might happen!' I hear Pearl thinking but I soon stop listening. I was right, she really isn't happy with me in the Crystal gems. I open my eyes and look at the sandy ground, no one notices that i'm not listening and I feel tears roll down my face.
"Pearl, aren't you happy?" I hear Garnet ask. I keep my head down and let my hair fall over my face.
"Of course I am. Can I talk to you both?" Pearl asks.
"Yes." Garnet says.
"Of course Pearl. Should Y/N join us?" Rose asks.
"Uh, no it's fine. Come over here." Pearl tells them. I hear them crunch away and I bring my head up. I look around and see if I run away from the beach, my eyes soon land on the bright blue, sparkly warp pad and I instantly run towards it. Once I reach the pad I stand on it, then I think of a place I should go to. My mind quickly comes up with the idea of the Kindergarten, a place that White told me about. I think of that place and the blue light surrounds me. I look out and see the gems running towards me.
"Y/N!!" They scream in unison. They quickly disappear and a dark blue replaces them. My heart beat quickens and I just breathe. The blue light is then replaced by tall, purple hills. These huge hills have holes in them, these holes are shaped like a human though. I begin to run off the pad but I tumble to the hard, dirt ground. I land on my face and I hear laughing. I place my hands on the ground and pull my face and body off the ground. Tears roll down my face and I taste dirt in my mouth. I stand up slowly and once I stand I wipe the tears and dirt off my face. I still hear laughter and I look around the Kindergarten. I see piles of rocks but the one I notice the most is a pile with a weird looking thing on top of it. I walk towards it but the laughing stops. I stop and look around again and just see the holes in the hills. I walk towards the rock again and soon stop when I notice something about it. It has short pinkish white hair and purple pants with no shoes and a purple top. It doesn't seem to be an outfit but is instead imbedded in her skin. Lines mark it's arms and legs evenly I walk closer to it and notice it's a gem. This gem has a purple gem just a little bit between her breasts. This gem has wide eyes and big plump lips.
"Hello?" I ask. The gems eyes get wider and point to her chest, then she mouths 'me?' I just nod and this gem jumps off the rock and walks over towards me. She's short and reaches just a little bit above my knees.
"Wait! You're a gem?! Where did you come from?!" The gems asks. I kneel down but i'm still way taller than her.
"You're a gem too. I didn't know gems were here. How long have you been here?" I ask. This gem scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"I asked first! Now tell me where you came from!" This gem yells. I chuckle and stand up.
"I'm a Holly blue agate and I'm from a group of gems called the Crystal gems. Now what are you doing here?" I ask.
"Oh! Well I was made here! I've been waiting here ever since I was made! I was waiting for my friends to come back! I've been waiting here for about 400 years. I guess I was finally lucky to find someone!" This gem told me matter of factly. I chuckled at how cute she was.
"Can you tell me about this place?" I ask.
"Of course! Well gems were made here. From what I know, Pink diamond made the Kindergarten to make gems like me! I'm supposed to help serve Pink diamond, that's why I was waiting! I was hoping I could finally be of service to the diamonds! Have you met any of the diamonds? You must have met them if they sent you here to get me!" This gem tells me. I look in her eyes and see so much hope, it hurts me to know that I have to tell her the truth.
"Well actually, no one sent me here. I came here to run away from some gems. I have met Pink diamond and White diamond, but they aren't nice gems at all. Actually White diamond tortured me to become a gem. I was actually a human before some gems came looking for Rose quartz, White diamond made me a Holly blue agate against my will. Pink diamond on the other hand is nice, but you shouldn't trust any of the diamonds. They will do just about anything to be feared, they also don't know you're here. They aren't the gems you think they are." I tell her honestly and her bottom lip quivers. I crouch down and grab her shoulders.
"Look at me sweetheart." I say. She doesn't look me in the eye and stares at the ground.
"Please look at me sweetie." I say, pleading with her. Tears begin to roll down her face and she begins to pout. She finally looks me in the eyes though.
"I know it's the truth!!! I just didn't want to be unloyal!! Please don't tell the diamonds that i'm unloyal!! I ran into a human a while ago and she told me I was ugly!!! Please take me with you!! I'm so unhappy!! I just want to be free from this horrible place! Please, please, pleeasssee take me with you!!!" The gem pleads with me and I wipe her tears away.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I can take you with me. I was in the middle of running away from the Crystal gems before I found you. We can stay here for a few days and I'll make a plan. I can take you somewhere other than here. I promise." I tell her.
"Do you promise?" The gem asks. I smile and nod.
"I promise. Now tell me your name cutie." I say. The gem smiles and wipes the leftover tears off her face.
"I'm an Amethyst. You sure don't know other types of gems, huh." Amethyst tells me, laughing.
"Well I was a human. I just know Bismuth's, Pearl's, Garnet's, a Rose quartz, White and Pink diamond, Jasper's. Oh, also a Ruby and a Sapphire. Now i've finally met an Amethyst. I have never met any other gems." I tell her. She nods and wipes tears off my face that I didn't notice were there.
"Humans have names right? What was your name before you became a gem?" Amethyst asks.
"My name was Y/N. I prefer it anyways. Do you prefer Amethyst or something else?" I ask. She chuckles and shakes her head.
"Well I've never met anyone else, I have never had a nickname before." Amethyst explains.
"Well I'll give you one." I tell her. She looks at me with big eyes. I lean towards her and boop her nose.
"Cutie pie." I say proudly. She laughs and slaps my hand away.
"Why were you running away Y/N?" Amethyst asks. I look down at her and close my eyes.
"I'm sorry Y/N....." Amethyst tells me.
"No, no. It's fine. Well there's this gem, she's a Pearl. When I was human I found out my grandma took this Pearl and made her a Pearl necklace. One night the Pearl lit up and Pearl reformed and we became really good friends. I started to gain feelings for her and I thought she felt the same way. After we came back from Homeworld I read Pearl's mind after Rose told me I was apart of the Crystal gems and she didn't want me to be apart of the gems. I thought she liked me but she didn't want me to be apart of the Crystal gems, I just feel betrayed and that she was lying to me. I just had to get away from them, I couldn't face her. I can't face her. So i'll make a plan so we can get out of here." I tell Amethyst. She stares at me for a few minutes and sits down.
"You're too pretty to be upset Y/N." Amethyst tells me.
"Thanks Amethyst but i'm far from pretty. I'm not even pretty as a gem. I have bluish purple skin and ugly pinkish purple hair, if my mom saw me now she would have a heart attack. She would try to kill me, she would probably believe that I ate her daughter even though I am her. She probably doesn't even care if i'm gone. No one back home does." I tell her. I lay on the ground and look up at the dark grayish pink sky. I feel weight on my legs and I pick my head up and see Amethyst curling up on my legs. She reminds me of a very purple cat, she seems to purr too. I drop my head back on the ground and close my eyes, I think of my old house and when mom was so young and nice. Then suddenly it all changed once grandma passed away.
~Flashback 6 years ago~
"Hey mom?" I ask. My mom looks at me while mixing the pancake batter.
"Yes sweetie?" My mom asked.
"What's wrong with grandma? She's been acting weird lately. She stopped telling me stories." I tell my mom and her eyes widen.
"You're getting too old for those silly stories
Y/N. Just grow up for once." My mom tells me and starts pouring the pancakes on the cooker. I sigh and turn to walk to my grandma's room. When I reach the door I don't bother knocking and I open it, I step in and see my grandma breathing heavily. Her heart monitor is slow and echoes in my ears.
"Hey grandma." I say. She turns and looks at me, her brown eyes show sorrow and tears roll down her face. I walk towards her and wipe the tears away, she smiles and grabs my hand.
"Hello darling. What's wrong?" I stare amazed at how my grandma can always tell if i'm upset.
"It's mom again. She's been getting aggressive. I just wanted to know what was wrong with you. You've been so sad lately." I tell her. She let's go of my hand and brushes my hair behind my ear.
"I'm dying Y/N....." My grandma tells me and I stare at her. I sit on the side of her bed and I slip underneath her blanket.
"What do you mean you're dying?" I asked.
"Well I have cancer dear. I haven't been feeling too well lately and I went to my doctor, unfortunately they found a lump. I'm sick." My grandma tells me and I feel my throat burning.
"But you're not supposed to die! You're too young!! I thought you'd never die! You can't leave me here!! Please, don't leave me!!" I yell, pleading with her. More tears roll down her face and I realize some are rolling down my face as well.
"Everyone dies Y/N. My time has just come. You might not want me to go but I have to. I need you to make a promise for me Y/N." My grandma tells me and I nod.
"Anything! Absolutely anything!" I yell.
"I want you to be patient with your mother. She's mourning even though I haven't passed away yet. She might be mean now but she'll soon understand. I also want you to love yourself as much as me and your mother do. You're really special dear. In the future you'll be one of a kind. Keep fighting for me. And take care of your mother. We both love you, even if you don't from time to time. When I pass away, take care of her for me. She really really loves you. Don't ever forget that." My grandma tells me and I sob. I give her a hug and soon pull away.
"I promise."
•Y/N's pov, present day:
"Y/N. Wake up! We've gotta go!" I hear a voice tell me and I slowly open my eyes. Standing over me is Amethyst, her hair is messed up from sleeping and she stares down at me.
"Amethyst?" I ask. Amethyst nods her head and crouches to get close to my face.
"Y/N, we gotta go. People have been looking around the Kindergarten. I hid us in my hole, but I think they're still here. We gotta go!" Amethyst whisper yells and I prop myself off the ground. I look around and notice the sky is missing and it's dark. I try to stand but I bang my head on the ceiling of this hole, Amethyst fits perfectly though.
"Where should we go?" I ask, rubbing my head.
"I don't know. Just come up with an idea! We just need to get out of here." Amethyst tells me and I nod. I lay my head on the ground and think of a place that we can hide out, my mind thinks of a place but I can't help but think it's a crazy idea.
"Well there's one place." I say. Amethyst looks at me and her eyes gleam with hope.
"We can go to my mom's house. She might be surprised to see me again, especially with different colored skin and you. The worst thing that can happen is if she says no." I tell Amethyst and she jumps up a little in the small space.
"That's a great idea!! Let's go!" Amethyst yells and runs out of the hole, I turn myself over and crawl through the tight hole. I soon see light and then i'm out of the hole. Amethyst stands by the hole and survey's the area. Once she see's that i'm out she grabs my hand and pulls me towards the warp pad. We stop once she realizes that we have to walk up a hill but I grip her hand and jump up and onto the platform. I keep her next to me and I think of the warp pad by the old farm. Amethyst points at something though and I notice it's Garnet.
"Look!" Amethyst whispers. I look at Garnet and she instantly snaps her head towards me and Amethyst, she begins to run towards us but the light surrounds us and then she's replaced by the dark blue light outside of the light blue light. Then the dark blue light is replaced by sunlight and wheat.
"This place is gorgeous Y/N!" Amethyst tells me in awe and I chuckle. I keep a hold of her hand and lead her through the wheat. When we're out of the wheat we walk on the grassy path and Amethyst grumbles something under her breath.
"Hey Amethyst. How did you pull me to the hole in the wall?" I ask Amethyst and she seems to perk up.
"Oh! Well you're kinda heavy, so I shape shifted into a wrestler. Do you wanna see what I look like?!" Amethyst asks me with pride in her voice.
"Of course." I tell Amethyst and she chuckles. She closes her eyes and a purple light emits from her, soon a purple somewhat tall wrestler with short purplish white hair and black pants with suspenders. She has a hairy chest and hairy armpits and a gray mask, her gem is in the center of her hairy chest and she wears a huge smile. Then purple light emits from her again and she's her regular height.
"Wow. That's awesome Amethyst! You should teach me how to do that." I tell Amethyst and her eyes grow huge.
"Of course! Just as long as you teach me how to summon my weapon!" Amethyst tells me and I chuckle. I ruffle her hair and continue walking forward. We soon reach the end of the grassy path and start to walk on the sidewalk. We turn left and walk down the street, but Amethyst lets go of my hand and stops. I turn around and see her rubbing her feet with her hands. I turn around and walk towards her and I kneel down.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask. She stops rubbing her feet and looks up at me.
"My feet hurt!" Amethyst yells. I chuckle and pick her up, I put her on my back and I carry her towards my house. We walk for a few minutes until we reach my old house, I walk up the stone walkway and I ring the door bell. I hear footsteps walking down the stairs and then the door unlocking. The door opens and my mom stares at me with wide eyes. I wave at her and place Amethyst on the ground.
"Hey mom." I tell her. She stares at me in shock and I know instantly that she doesn't know it's me.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" My mom yells and points at me.
"Help!!!! Help!!!" She screams.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now