What is a diamond on Homeworld?

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•Y/N's pov:
"Okay. Rose quartz is actually-Oh why am I telling you this?! It's stupid and you wouldn't even know who I'm talking about! You have no idea what Homeworld is like and who runs it! You're just a human on a planet far away from my home. You don't even know anything about my home or my diamond, you don't know any-" Pearl begins, but I snap.
"Stop! I know I am!! You tell me everyday! Just-Just please stop!!" I yell. I fall off the bed and I cover my head with my hands. I begin to cry in my knees and I think Pearl's ignoring me until I feel a hand on my back.
"Shhh, shhh. I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't know what's wrong." Pearl tried to calm me down but it didn't work. I continued crying in my knees until I remembered the razor in the bathroom. I quickly stood up and ran towards the bathroom. I heard light footsteps behind me but I didn't look back. I shoved the door open and ran down the hall. I quickly pushed the bathroom door open and I locked it behind me so Pearl couldn't get in. I moved the mirror from the wall and behind it I saw my kit, it consisted of my razors, some gauze, and a needle and thread. I kept the thread because one time I had an accident where I slit my wrist but the cut was too big, so I had to sew it back up. That was at a time where I cared if I died or not. That was the first time I started getting bullied and I needed a friend. I watched a movie about a teenage girl who went through some messed up stuff and she cut herself, and I thought I should try it when I was upset or needed a friend. Even when grandma was around I'd hurt myself, anyway I could. Then grandma passed away and I had even more reasons to do it. The bullying never stopped and I never did anything to make them stop, I keep bottling it up and Pearl making it seem like I was a nobody, I snapped.
  I got out of my thoughts and I reached my hand towards my favorite razor. I picked it up and pulled up my sleeve with my other hand, and I took in a deep breath. I inched it close to my arm until I heard knocking at the door. It wasn't loud knocking but it wasn't soft knocking either. I heard a sniffling noise from the other side of the door and I instantly knew it was Pearl.
"Y/N.....I'm sorry, I truly am. I don't know what made you break down, but I know what it feels like. I know what it feels like that nobody cares, or you're useless, I've felt that for a while, thousands of years even. Yes I've hurt myself, sometimes on purpose and sometimes on accident, but I'm a gem. Gems can't die, they can be shattered which is very painful, but a human life is worth it. You never realize how much you want your life until It's already gone. You might feel like hurting yourself or even killing yourself, but I don't want you to think that's your only option. It's not, it will never be the only option. I have hurt myself multiple times, but I still come back feeling the same, I feel worthless, I feel like no one wants me, and I can't get rid of that feeling. The thing I can do is choose to keep going, my friends always have my back, even if we get mad at eachother, even if one of us does something idiotic, we still protect and love one another. Everyday I choose to help humanity and hold my head up high, and you can choose to do that too. So do whatever you want, just know It's not the only option." Pearl says quietly. I look at the door and then down at the razor.
"I'm tired of people telling me I'm nothing, I'm tired of people saying I'm not loved. I'm just tired of....Of feeling like nothing. You're probably the first friend I've had in 10 years. My last friend turned against me and told all of my secrets behind my back, after she died I found out what she did. While she was alive I was called a "freak" and even  a "dyke." I'm starting to think they're right, Pearl." I say, tears rolling down my face. I hear her sigh and I place the razor on my arm, but yet I don't add pressure and I don't slide it, I keep it still. I then take it off my arm and put it back on the shelf, then I pick up the mirror and I place it back against the wall. I roll down my sleeve and unlock the door. Pearl instantly shoves it open and almost hits my face. I feel the air get colder by my nose and then I feel cold arms wrap around my shoulders. It's weird how Pearl and I got along so quickly after she tried to kill me. My shoulders soon feel cold and wet, and I turn to look at Pearl. Her eyes are closed but tears fall from them. She shakes in my arms and she seems fragile and that she'll break in my arms. I rub her back with my hands but she doesn't seem to feel any better.
"Pearl It's okay. I'm fine." I say, trying to reassure her.
"She was Pink diamond. Rose quartz is Pink diamond. Pink found out that life on Earth was worth saving but Yellow, Blue, and White didn't believe it and wanted her to let Earth go through It's course and let the cluster destroy this planet and the people on it. So Pink chose to become a Rose quartz for one day because I thought she could change her form and turn into a Rose quartz, and that's exactly what she did. We have found along the way a fusion made of a Ruby and a Sapphire, a Bismuth, and many others. The only survivors are Garnet and Bismuth, but Bismuth has gone missing. No one knows where she is, not even Garnet knows." Pearl whispers in my shoulder.
"Did you say White diamond?" I ask. Pearl pulls away and looks at me. She looks confused at what I just said.
"Yes, why?" She asks.
"I saw her in my dreams a few days  ago. She was very bright and beautiful, but her aura was very....Very scary and controlling. She's also very tall and her dress flows down onto the floor." I say, thinking about the tall woman in my dreams.
"In your dreams? How is that possible?" Pearl asks.
"When I was younger I would have dreams about Homeworld and The Crystal gems. I would also dream of Rose quartz. Those dreams stopped, but a few nights ago I dreamt of White diamond. My grandma also used to have dreams, she had dreams of Homeworld. A place she could run away to at the age of 20." I say, telling Pearl about my crazy dreams.
"Now let's go to my room Pearl. I've had a long day and I'm very tired." I say. I grab her hand and turn off the lights. I pull her to my room and close the door behind us. I let go of Pearl's hand and I rush to my bed and turn on my lamp. I turn around and see a very confused Pearl.
"Can you turn off the light?" I ask. She soon seems like she gets knocked out of her thoughts and nods her head.
"Hm? Oh yes." Pearl says. She flicks off the light on the wall and walks towards me. She sits on my bed and looks around my room. I walk towards my closet and look for a different pair of clothes to sleep in. My eyes quickly spot a black tank top and some black shorts. I don't really want to walk all the way back to the bathroom though.
"Pearl can you turn around?" I ask, slightly embarrassed. Pearl looks at me confused.
"I'm about to change my clothes." I say.
"Oh! Sure." She says, blushing.
She turns her head to the side and I turn around myself. I take of my shirt and put on my tank top and then I slide my jeans off of me and I pull the shorts on. I turn around and see Pearl glancing at me from the corner of her eye.
"I'm done." I say. Pearl turns her head and looks at my different set of clothes. She blushes but I just brush it off. I walk over to my bed and sit down.
"Do you need to sleep?" I ask.
"No. I don't. I've only slept one other time but that was a long time ago, and I don't even need to sleep. Gems don't need sleep." She explains.
"Well It'll be weird if you just stay awake and do nothing. Do you wanna lay down with me?" I ask. Her blush darkens at my question and part of me regrets it. She puts her back on my bed and slides to the side of my bed against the wall. She slips under the covers and turns to look at me. I blush and crawl in next to her. I reluctantly turn off the lamp and I turn to look at her. I can barely see her due to us being in the dark, but I see her gem.
"Hey Pearl?" I ask.
"Yes Y/N?" Pearl replies.
"What is a diamond in Homeworld?" I ask.
"A diamond's meaning on Homeworld is like a queen on Earth. Diamonds make rules and every gem must follow them, and if they don't, they get shattered and never exist again. Diamonds will do anything to make them known, even if they have to shatter gems apart of their royal court. Diamonds are relentless and ruthless, I wouldn't even call them royalty, more like garbage. Except for Pink, Pink is a rare type of diamond, she's one of a kind." Pearl tells me.
"You must really love her." I say, somewhat feeling jealous.
"I really do." Pearl says.
"What happens when she finds someone else?" I ask.
"She'll never find someone else. She loves me. She just doesn't know I love her, and she doesn't know I feel the same way." Pearl says. Though she sounds like she doesn't believe what she's saying.
"Well if she does find someone else, please don't take it personally. Just because she doesn't love you and wants to actually be in a relationship with you, she still loves you as a friend. She even tells you secrets no one else knows. You're her sole confidante." I say.
"Thank you Y/N." Pearl says.
"No prob Bob." I say, closing my eyes.
"It's Pearl." Pearl says, dully. I just chuckle and turn towards the door. I open my eyes and see the light coming from under the door and I just close my eyes again. I begin to drift off until I feel an arm wrapped around my hip.
"Goodnight Y/N." Pearl says quietly.
"Goodnight Pearl." I say, drifting off.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now