Can dreams get worse?

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•Y/N's pov:
I run down the hall of the space craft and I hear footsteps behind me. Blood is all over the walls as I run and I look back, only to see no one. I look forward and see an angry Pearl shoving a spear close to my face. She wears a weird gown with a pink skirt, it's not too long of a dress, it goes a bit above her knees and she has a rose in her hair.
"How did you get here human?" Pearl asks, shoving her spear a bit closer to me. I raise my arms up in surrender but she doesn't move.
"I don't even know how I got here. I swear! I was at school and then I was here. Then alarms went off and you started chasing me! Now you're shoving a freakin' spear in my face!" I yell. Then I hear more footsteps behind me and I turn around, only to see a tall pink woman with pink hair and a pink outfit with floofed out pants. Suddenly I'm surrounded by two people and I don't know what either of them will do.
"Hello my diamond. I caught the human." Pearl says, making the spear disappear and bows to 'her diamond.' I turn and see 'her diamond' smile and look at me.
"What's your name human?" She asks.
"My name's Y/N." I reply. She nods and looks towards Pearl.
"We're not taking her back to her home, she knows to much. Do you think a human running around telling people about us is a good thing?" The woman asks Pearl.
"If we take her back home she'll just seem crazy my diamond." Pearl says, bowing again. Pearl moves her hand towards her gem, and it begins to glow. She pulls out a pink scabbard holding a sword and walks towards the woman and hands it to her. The woman pulls out the sword and looks at me, and holds it out. She pushes the sword towards me and I look down, it's merely inches away from my belly button and I gulp. She sighs and lowers the sword.
"I can't do it. Pearl, here." The woman says, handing over the sword.
"My pleasure my diamond." Pearl says, taking ahold of the sword. I look her in the eyes as if pleading but she avoids my gaze. Before I know it I feel the blade through my stomach and it coming through my back. I look down and see blood on my hands and shirt.
"Ahhh!" I scream.
•Pearl's pov:
I jolt awake and look at Y/N only to see her screaming in her sleep. Her eyes are closed but yet she seems so awake. She pants and her hair is disheveled and wet, I brush it behind her ears. Her eyes pop open once I touch her and she props herself up with her elbows.
"What just happened?" She asks, taken aback.
"You just screamed in your sleep. Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare." Y/N tells me. I just nod my head and rub her back.
"What was it about?" I ask.
"It was about you with a pink woman with fluffy pink hair. You were chasing me on a space craft and once the woman reached us you handed her a pink sword and you told her to kill me. But she didn't and you killed me with her sword!" Y/N tells me, freaking out.
"Pink! You saw Pink diamond in your dream?" I ask. Y/N looks hurt for some reason as I ask this though.
"I've never seen her before in my dreams. She was tall and had a weird gem where her belly button should've been. She seemed kind of nice I guess. But you killed me!" Y/N yells.
"We've just met Y/N. We barely know eachother. You should know I'd never hurt you though, The Crystal gems protect humanity. We don't kill them. Pink would never hurt anyone on purpose. I promise." I say, patting Y/N's back.
"That was Pink? Why was she in my dreams?" Y/N asks.
"I don't know, maybe you got it from your grandma. You said she had dreams involving The Crystal gems and the diamonds. I don't know what your dreams mean. God I wish Garnet was here to help me." I say, sighing.
Y/N looks over at her bedside table and reads the clock.
"It's 2 in the morning. I just wanna go back to bed." Y/N says, laying back down. I just nod and lay back down myself.
"Goodnight Y/N." I say, closing my eyes. I just roll back over and hear Y/N snore, I kinda wish I could sleep like that.
•Y/N's pov:
I walk on the space craft, looking around for any life. I can't find anything or anyone, and I feel stranded. I continue walking around and I can't seem to find anything. I finally find a door and it opens when I walk towards it. I step in the room and I see a queen bed and a woman laying on it. I walk towards the bed and I see my grandma, she smiles at me once she see's me. I smile back and sit on the bed next to her, I brush her light gray hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek.
"Hi grandma. How are you?" I ask.
"Good my dear. I really have missed you, I love seeing your bright E/C eyes. I love you in general my dear." Grandma says, stroking my face. Tears roll down my face as I see her smile again, I missed seeing her so happy. So alive.
"I missed you too grandma. I haven't seen you in about 5 years, I loved seeing you smile." I say, tears falling on my hands. Grandma wipes the tears off my face and frowns.
"You're too pretty to cry sweetie. I hate seeing you cry." Grandma wheezes out. Then she starts to breathe deeper and rougher and her chest goes up and down quicker than before and I freak out. I look around us as I begin to hear beeping, like when she was in the hospital. It gets louder and louder, and I don't know what to do. I look back at grandma and her face gets rougher and wrinklier. I hear the doors open behind me and I turn around. I see Pearl in the outfit from my last dream and she's holding Pink diamonds sword. She walks towards the bed and stands on the other side of it.
"What are you doing here Pearl?" I ask, scared of what she'll do with that sword.
"What are you doing on my diamonds spaceship? How did you get here?" Pearl asks, picking up the sword.
"I don't know. Please don't hurt my grandma. I've already lost her once, I don't want to lose her again." I say, tears rolling faster down my face. Pearl smiles and raises the sword up higher, she brings it down quickly until I don't hear the beeping anymore. Blood covers my face and Pearl, and especially my grandma. Her eyes are still open and her mouth is also open, Pearl picks the sword out of my grandma and walks towards the door.
"No!! How dare you kill my grandma!" I yell, running towards Pearl. But she turns around quickly and stabs me in the stomach, I place my hands on the blade of the sword and I pull it out. Blood is all over my hands and my stomach, my vision gets blurry and I sway back and forth. Pearl stares at me in shock and raises the sword back up and pushes it down quickly.
"Nooo!!!" I scream. Pearl soon impales me through the heart.
I pop up in bed, sweat rolling down my face. I look around my room and see nothing but darkness, I look over at Pearl and see her sleeping peacefully. Her gem projects her and the woman that looks like Rose quartz dancing. Pearl looks happy and so does Rose quartz.
They dance and twirl around a sandy beach and Rose quartz dips down Pearl, Pearl leans in to kiss Rose but a tall gem with poofy hair walks towards them and Rose drops Pearl. The tall gem that looks like Garnet chuckles and helps Pearl up off the floor, Rose looks shocked and holds back a laugh. Pearl blushes but looks sad and disappointed. I feel sorry for Pearl as I watch her dream this and I look at the clock. 4 Am it reads. I sigh and flop back on the bed and Pearls projection disappears and Pearl pops up a little.
"Y/N?" Pearl asks, rubbing her head.
"Pearl I had another dream." I say. Pearl looks confused but also hurt, as if knowing she was in the dream.
"What was it about?" Pearl asks.
"My grandma was on Pink diamonds spaceship and you killed her with Rose's sword. Then you killed me." I say, sighing. Pearl looks surprised but kind of hurt.
"I'm sorry that you didn't get to continue dancing." I say, scratching my arm.
"What?" Pearl asks.
"Your dream. You were dreaming about dancing with Rose until she dropped you." I say.
"Oh that. It's fine Y/N. I should be the one apologizing, I don't want you to think i'm going to kill you. I would never do that to anyone, please believe me." Pearl says.
"It's fine. I haven't had my dreams that bad before, they felt so real. Usually I just dream of seeing people but I'm not actually in them." I say, scared of how real my dreams are getting.
"Just try to go back to sleep Y/N." Pearl tells me.
"You're right, I have school in the morning. I need to actually sleep." I say. I lay back down and look over at Pearl. She stares at me with worry in her eyes. She wraps her arm around me and I close my eyes.
•Pearl's pov:
Y/N tells me about her dreams but it worries me. She said her dreams are becoming more realistic but I'd never hurt her on purpose, and neither would Rose or Garnet. She said I killed her grandmother but I've only met her one time, and that time was when she took me away from Pink and Garnet. I guess I should be happy I was a part of the gem war, many of my partners and friends were shattered or corrupted and I should be glad I got to meet such wonderful gems. I look at Y/N to see she's fallen asleep again and I smile, at least she won't be that tired tomorrow.
•Y/N's pov:
Pearl and I walk towards a crystal like pad and Pearl stands on it. She holds out her hand and I take it, once I step on, a blue light surrounds us and I float up. Pearl pulls me down and I stand back in the pad. I look at Pearl and see her looking at the blue light in front of her. I put my other hand through the light and my hand grows cold. I quickly pull it back towards me and the light begins to fade away. Once the light fades, sand is in front of the pad. Rose and Garnet are around the pad looking shocked, and Pearl lets go of my hand. She rushes towards Rose and she envelopes her in a hug. Garnet wraps her arms around Pearl and Rose and I can hear sniffling. They don't seem to notice me as I stand there, until Garnet lets go of Pearl and Rose. Garnet looks me up and down and so does Rose.
"Pearl who is this?" Rose asks.
"This is Y/N. She helped me get back here by finding one of our old warp pads. You should thank her." Pearl says, smiling. Rose walks towards me and holds out her hand.
"I think this is what humans do when they meet people, but thank you for helping Pearl get back here safely." Rose says. I look at Garnet to see her holding the corner of her glasses. She looks me up and down and then smiles. She walks towards me and pats my shoulder.
"Thank you Y/N. We really needed Pearl back, she's part of our family." Garnet says.
"I think she should come on trips with us. I know I shouldn't make plans like this but she can helps us on small and less dangerous missions. I trust her." Pearl says, blushing. Rose looks a little surprised but Garnet smirks.
"What do you think Rose?" Garnet asks, slightly smiling.
"I don't know. Would you help us Y/N?" Rose asks me.
"I would love to!! My mom probably won't care that i'm gone and I'd want to help people. This is my home." I say. Rose smiles at my response but the sky getting darker makes all three of them turn around. In the sky is a pink pair of legs. It floats towards us and lands on the beach. Once it lands on the beach something moves out of the heel. Light shines from the heel and a tall figure walks down the steps. The steps move up into the ship and the woman doesn't even look back. I can't really get a good look at her, but the gems look surprised. I then look back at the figure and she's gone.
'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now