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Hey! So I've been wanting to write a smut and or a smut book but I don't know who i'd write about. I'd love some ideas. Thanks!
•Y/N's pov:
"Mom!!!" I scream. My mom's breathing gets  more rapid and she falls to the floor. She lays on the ground on her back and her chest heaves up and down. I sigh and pull Amethyst through the doorway, then I close the door behind us and crouch down to look at my mother. I grasp her face and move her head around, then I look down at her body. She seems like she's doing fine physically but I don't know how she feels mentally. I grumble and stand, I grip her hands tightly in both of my hands and I pull her towards the living room. Once we reach the living room I pull her onto the couch, I place a pillow underneath her head and then I look for a blanket. When I don't find one, I mumble under my breath and walk up the stairs to my room and when I reach it I open the door. When I walk in I see that my room is completely different, my bed is missing and the carpeting is taken out and replaced by the wooden floor from underneath. My dresser is gone, and everything that was on my wall is missing. 'Of course. I've only been gone for a week and she's already tried to throw my shit away? She deserves a fucking award for the shittiest mom!' I chuckle at the thought of my mom ever winning an award. I walk towards my closet and see nothing in there except for my mom's clothes. I sigh and slam the door closed, once I realize I can't find anything I walk out of my room and towards my mom's room. I turn the door knob and open the door, I look around as I walk to her bed. I grab a pillow and a blanket and walk back downstairs.
"Ahhh!!! Get away from me you monster!!!" I hear my mom yell and then I hear footsteps. I hear a snapping noise and something hitting the floor. I run towards the noise and see my mom holding a purple whip that's wrapped around Amethyst. She looks beyond scared and looks at me for help. I guess my mom heard me because she turned around and stared at me down her nose.
"Who the hell are you and why are you in my fucking house." My mom said, glaring at me and then at Amethyst.
"Don't you mean our house?" I ask. Mom just stares at me and laughs.
"No one else has lived here! You stupid bitch! You and this grape can get the fuck out of my house!!" My mom yells at me.
"You just make it seem like I never existed? You just forget you had a daughter?! I haven't forgotten how horrible you treated me! How small you made me feel! How you would call me a defect!! How you never noticed the scars all over my arms!!! How you let grandma take care of me because your fucking back hurt too damn much!!! She fucking died from cancer and when she complained you never did shit!! How dare you say no one lived here and make it seem like every bad thing never fucking existed!!! How dare you fucking forget grandma!! I am Y/N!! Even if you might want it to seem you never got knocked up, I still fucking exist!!!" I throw the pillow and blanket to the side and step towards mom. She drops the whip and strikes me across the face.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that!!! I am your fucking mother!!" My mom tells me and I growl. I summon my whip and move my wrist so the whip ties around her feet, then I pull and she falls to the ground. I stand above her and point her in the chest.
"How dare I talk to you like that? You treated me like shit my entire life, you treated grandma like a piece of shit. You never treated me nicely, even before grandma died. I am your daughter and you should treat me with respect. I came here wanting to at least see you one more time and so you could meet my new friend, but yet you still don't treat me with respect." I tell my mom and I glare down at her. I look over at Amethyst and see that she's still wrapped up in the whip. I sigh and unsummon my whip and my mom isn't trapped in my whip anymore. I walk towards Amethyst and untie her but a light shows up and it disappears. I look at Amethyst amazed as I see her gem glowing. She laughs and hops towards me on all fours. I chuckle and ruffle her light purple hair, she seems to purr as I do this.
"Come on Amethyst, we're leaving. We can go some place better and away from this house." I tell Amethyst and she nods. I begin to walk away from my mom and Amethyst follows me, we soon reach the front door but a hand on my shoulder stops me.
"Y/N. Before you go, I think she would've wanted you to have this." I hear my mom's voice and I turn around. In her out stretched hand are two things, the chain to my grandma's necklace that once held Pearl, but also my grandma's bracelet. I only remember my grandma wearing this bracelet once, it had three gems on it. One was my grandma's birthstone, which was a Garnet and it also had my mom's Ruby birthstone and my b/s birthstone. When I saw my grandma wearing it she said that it would keep all of us connected. Knowing my grandma now, that Ruby and Garnet might actually be from that actual gem.
"I might not have been the best mom in the world, but I know that you might need a reminder for what makes you stronger. Obviously you've been through something hard, your skin is fucking blue! You even have this little cutie. So please take them, your grandma always wanted you to move forward, it's almost as if she knew something like this would happen. Anyway, you can leave now. Just don't forget about how wonderful your grandma was." My mom tells me and I nod. I take the jewelry out of her hand and grip them firmly in my right hand.
"I'll never forget about her. Ever." I tell her and she smiles. Tears roll down her face but she doesn't make any noises, she steps forwards and wraps her arms around me. She cries into my shoulder but soon pulls away. She rubs her eyes and kneels down to Amethysts height.
"Take good care of her." Mom tells her and Amethyst chuckles. She brings her left hand up to her forehead and whips it down.
"Sir mam sir!" Amethyst solutes and my mom giggles. I chuckle and look at my mom. Her brown hair is beginning to turn gray and her blue eyes are fading. This might be the last time I see her, I might never come back.
"Mom, can we ever come and visit? Maybe we can come back in a few years or something." I tell my mom and she stands up and looks at me.
"Sure thing. Come back next year, maybe we can make it a yearly visit. And bring this cutie!" My mom laughs and boops Amethysts face. She giggles and shape shifts into the wrestler and boops my moms nose. My mom stands and stares at Amethyst in amazement.
"How the hell?" My mom asks.
"Don't ask mom. Well let's go Amethyst!" I say. I grab Amethysts hand and unlock the front door and I walk out but I turn back around.
"Goodbye mom. I'll see you next year. I-I love you mom." I tell mom and she smiles.
"I love you too." Mom says and slowly closes the door behind me as I walk with Amethyst to our destination.
"Who was that woman Y/N?" Amethyst suddenly asks.
"Well every human has parents, each parent is usually a man and a woman. That was my mom. My dad left when I was a kid so it was always me and my mom. Then my moms mom, so my grandma, started to get a little too old so she moved in with me and my mom. My mom was never nice to me but my grandma always was. I guess that's why she gave me these." I tell Amethyst and show her what I still had in my hand. She stands on her tip toes and looks up at the jewelry in my hand. She reaches up at the bracelet but I pull my hand back.
"Oh! I'm sorry Y/N. I just wanted to help you put it on." Amethyst tells me and stands back on her feet flatly.
"Oh. It's okay Amethyst. Please, help me put this on." I tell Amethyst and she giggles. I crouch down and hand her the bracelet, she unhinges it and wraps it around my right wrist, then she fastens it. It's a simple silver band bracelet with a Garnet, Ruby, and a b/s embedded on it in the center. Amethyst then grabs the chain and looks at it underneath her eyes.
"What's this?" Amethyst asks.
"Well do you remember that Pearl I told you about?" I ask. Amethyst nods her head and smiles.
"Well that Pearl was connected to this chain and my grandma would wear this necklace. Now that that Pearl is reformed, the chain is just leftover. You can have it if ya want." I tell Amethyst and her eyes widen.
"Hah! Really?!" Amethyst asks. I nod and she unclasps it and pulls it around her neck and has difficulty putting it on and she groans. I chuckle and spin her around and fasten the clasp. I hear her giggle and she steps forwards and turns around to look up at me.
"How do I look?!" Amethyst yells at me. I chuckle and nod.
"You look absolutely stunning." I tell her and she spins around and laughs. I place my hand on her head and she stops spinning and she looks at me.
"What?" Amethyst asks as she tilts her head to the left.
"It's getting a bit dark, we should go to the factory. We'll be safe there." I tell her and she nods. I grab her hand and lead her towards the old barn, we walk on the gravel path. I hear Amethyst sigh and I grab her hips and pick her up, then I place her on my back. She laughs as I touch her hips and she wriggles around in my grip. I laugh and run towards the barn, she laughs as I move from side to side like a plane. Once we reach the factory I push the doors open and close them behind us. I crouch down and take Amethyst off my back and place her on the ground.
"So. You can choose where we sleep. Where would you like to sleep?" I ask as I tap my chin with my index finger. She looks up at me and places her hands on her hips. She looks around and then looks up the stairs to the old office.
"There!" Amethyst yells and points up the stairs. I laugh and nod my head, I walk towards the stairs and walk up them. I push open the door and I turn around to see Amethyst bounding up the stairs by jumping on all fours. I chuckle as she hops into the office and onto the leather chair. As she pats around the leather chair and she moves around in a circle and finally stops like a cat. I walk towards the closet in the room and open the door, I grab the sleeping bag at the bottom and pillow I kept here and then close the door again. I roll out the sleeping bag and lift it into the air and let it fall to the ground, then I put the pillow down. I lay down on the sleeping bag and lift half of the sleeping bag over me. I lean my head back and look at Amethyst.
"Do you need to sleep?" I ask. Amethyst looks down at me from the chair with sleepy eyes.
"Well I don't really sleep, I'm just exhausted." Amethyst tells me and I nod.
"Well I guess the little bit of human still in me helps me sleep. Sleeping just eases your mind. If you ever want to be lazy or just want to clear your mind, just sleep. Now do you wanna stay in that chair or do you wanna sleep with me?" I ask Amethyst and she smiles. She jumps off of the chair and hops towards me, once she reaches me she dives underneath the sleeping bag.
"I was pretty cold." Amethyst tells me and I smile. I hug Amethyst close to my chest and I close my eyes, Amethyst nuzzles my collar bone and I feel her breath hitting my collar bone. The last thing I think is what my mom is doing right about now.
•Y/N's pov. The next morning:
"Eek!!" I hear someone scream and I pop up off the ground. My tiredness is suddenly gone and I look around, now alert. I notice Amethyst is gone and sun peaks through some of the decrepit boards of the roof. I stand up and look down the stairs and see that the factory doors are open. I walk down the stairs and look around, I look out the open factory doors but see no one. I then close the doors behind me and jump as I see Garnet holding Amethyst. Garnet has a smirk on her face, obviously amused.
"Jesus Garnet! You scared me!" I tell Garnet and she chuckles.
"Sorry Y/N. Everyone has been looking for you and I figured you'd be here. I just so happened to see you and this cutie sleeping on the floor. This little gem was very brave and tried to protect you. Unfortunately she can't really seem to summon her weapon. Maybe we could help her." Garnet tells me and gently puts Amethyst on the ground.
"Why are you guys even looking for me?" I ask. Garnet looks at me and then looks down at Amethyst.
"Can you go upstairs for a little bit cutie? I need to talk to Y/N." Garnet tells Amethyst and she nods. She hops off upstairs and soon I don't hear her footsteps.
"You might believe Pearl doesn't care about you, but Rose and I care about you. We'd love you to come back and become a Crystal gem. Pearl might even surprise you." Garnet tells me and I nod.
"Fine. I'll come back with you, but only because you want me too. Can we keep Amethyst?" I ask.
"Let's start Amethysts training. We should get her down here." Garnet tells me. I still look up at her with hope in my eyes.
"So we can keep her?" I ask. Garnet smiles and nods.
"Yes, yes we can." Garnet tells me and I squeal.
"Oh thank you Garnet!! Amethyst! You can come down now!" I yell and I hear Amethysts clomping footsteps. I turn to see Amethyst already by my side and Garnet chuckles.
"Can we train now?" Amethyst asks. I nod my head and crouch down to her height.
"Of course we will. Can you help me learn how to shape shift?" I ask Amethyst and she giggles.
"Of course! I just wanna know how to summon my weapon first, then i'll teach you." Amethyst tells me and I nod, then I stand and look at Garnet.
"Where should we train? I don't want anyone seeing us." I tell Garnet and she nods. She raises her hand to her visors and I see her eyebrows furrow.
"We're better outside. There's a huge chance the roof will cave in. No one will see us outside." Garnet tells me and I nod. I look down at Amethyst and she looks very confused. She moves from my side and walks over to Garnet.
"How do you know that?" Amethyst asks amazed. Garnet chuckles and picks up Amethyst. Garnet holds Amethyst in one hand and then takes off her visors with the other hand. Amethyst stares at Garnet with a look filled with wonder. All three of Garnet's eyes look down at Amethyst.
"I'm a fusion of two separate gems, one's a Sapphire and one is a Ruby. The Sapphire part of me can see the future. If you want to know what type of fusion I am, I'm just a Garnet made of love. I also know that you are an Amethyst. You're a lonely gem because you've been stuck in the Kindergarten for a few hundred years, you love tricks and enjoy messing with things. You're a true trickster." Garnet tells Amethyst. Then Garnet places Amethyst on the ground and walks towards the factory doors, and she pushes them open. She steps out and I follow her, Amethyst stays close to my legs as we walk out of the old factory. Garnet leads us into the tall wheat and sits and crosses her legs over eachother  on the grass.
"Sit down, just like me." Garnet tells us and I nod. She motions towards the spot in front of her and I sit down, just like her. Once Amethyst see's that I sat down she quickly sits next to me. We both sit like Garnet and she holds both of her hands out to the side.
"Now. Amethyst, each gem has a different way of summoning their weapon. The way I summon my weapon is by closing everything from my mind. Then I link myself to the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power through your gem. Which helps you....." Garnet begins and then moves her hands and her gauntlets replace her hands. I look over at Amethyst and she looks at Garnet awe struck.
"Cool! Let me try!" Amethyst tells us and she closes her eyes and scrunches her face. I look down at her hoping that Garnet's way of summoning her weapon will work. I look at Amethysts gem but it doesn't glow and soon Amethyst opens her eyes and looks down at the ground.
"It's okay Amethyst. Like Garnet said, everyone has a different way of summoning their weapon. When I was taught to summon my weapon the person training me told me to just clear my mind and think about what I love the most. I would think about my grandma and the stories she used to tell me, once I thought about those things....." I begin, and then pull my electrified whip out of my gem.
"I summon my weapon. Now, you try." I tell Amethyst. She stands up and looks at me, then she moves her hand to her gem. It begins to glow but the weapon doesn't come out.
"Aww. I can't do it!" Amethyst yells, kicking the ground. I chuckle and think back to when my mom had that whip. Then it dawns on me, it was Amethysts whip!
"Wait, Amethyst! How did you summon your weapon when you were with my mom?" I ask and Amethyst snaps her head and looks up at me.
"Oh!! Well I was eating some food and then I noticed she woke up and I just summoned it." Amethyst tells us and I nod. Garnet stands up and looks down at Amethyst.
"Hmmm. I don't think it has anything to do with your mother. Amethyst, think about how your weapon looked. Think of what your weapon looks like and think about summoning it." Garnet tells Amethyst and she nods. She closes her eyes and furrows her eyebrows and she holds her fist in front of her gem again. It begins to glow and then suddenly she pulls the whip out of her chest.  Her whip is somewhat like mine but it has a dark purple handle with an Amethyst below the handle, and it's a black whip with tiny Amethyst gems on it, then on the end of the whip are a little bit bigger Amethysts. Amethyst opens her eyes and looks down at her whip.
"I did it!!" Amethyst yells. She jumps up and down and moves the whip back and forth. She laughs as it cuts down the wheat around us. Soon she unsummons it and twirls around.
"Good job Amethyst!! You did great!!" I tell Amethyst. Garnet starts to clap and Amethyst giggles.
"Yay!! Now that I've learned how to summon my weapon I can teach you how to shape shift!!" Amethyst tells me and runs around me in circles. Soon I stop her in front of me and she looks up at me.
"What?" Amethyst asks.
"We need to teach you how to fight first. Then you can teach me." I tell Amethyst and she nods.
"Okay!" Amethyst yells. She summons her weapon again and me and Garnet summon ours.
"So, Amethyst, Y/N and I will come at you to try to hurt you, you try to dodge and attack us. Got it?" Garnet asks. Amethyst nods her head and gets in a fighting position. Garnet and I back up so we aren't too close to Amethyst. Garnet and I get into a fighting position and I turn to look at Garnet.
"Amethyst! We'll go easy on you at first but then we'll start going hard on you. Do you understand?!" Garnet yells at Amethyst and she nods. Amethyst stares at us and I run towards her, I move my whip and tie it around Amethysts short hair, then I drag her towards me. I stop running and dig my feet into the grass, then I start pulling her quickly. Amethyst does a barrel roll and begins to move forward, as quick as light. She rolls like Sonic and quickly ties my own whip around my legs. I fall on my back and Amethyst stops and stands beside me. She points down at me and laughs as I struggle in my own whip. Garnet soon comes out of nowhere and pounds Amethyst into the ground. I grab the handle of my whip and pull it fast enough to make me spin around but I soon stop. Now that i'm out of my whip I look at Amethyst and Garnet and see Garnet punching Amethyst in the stomach. Amethyst makes weird noises and I know Garnet is hitting Amethyst too hard. I move my wrist quickly and I tie Garnet up, then I pull her towards me. She tries to fight against me but once she's close to me I let go of my whip and lay her on the ground. I look over at Amethyst and see her laying on the ground with bruises all over her face. I crouch down and look at Garnet.
"What the hell did you think you were doing?! You could've poofed her!" I yell at Garnet and she looks up at me.
"She could've poofed you." Garnet tells me simply and I sigh. I fall to the floor and bring my knees to my face.
"Was Pearl right? Do I not belong as a member of the Crystal gems? I could easily die and never come back. You want me to be a member of the Crystal gems but i'd just slow you down. I'm not good enough to fight along you, Pearl and Rose. I'm just defective. Just leave me here and take Amethyst, i'll just slow you down....." I say out loud. I hear Garnet sigh and then footsteps. I then feel a hand on my shoulder.
"You're not defective Y/N. You weren't supposed to be tested on to become a gem. This isn't your fault, it's White's fault. It'll never be your fault. Rose and I want you back, we know you're powerful. We actually trust you. We all love you Y/N. We want you to always be there with us, always side by side. We'll be with eachother. Forever. We'll always protect you. You're family now. I don't know why you can't see that." Garnet tells me and I wipe the now rolling tears off my face. I stand up and hug Garnet. I put my head against Garnets shoulder and she chuckles.
"I love you guys too." I tell Garnet and suddenly I feel something weird. I now have three extra eyes and I'm much taller. Light emits from me and I look down to see that Amethyst is much shorter than usual. She looks up at me with a shocked expression on her face. What just happened?

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now