The necklace

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•Warning: Talk of self harming
Y/N's pov: 11 years ago
"There's this place far away, called Homeworld. I actually got to go there years ago, there were many aliens. The leaders of this place were tall women, both blue and yellow. You could imagine my surprise by all these multi colored aliens, and if you can't, I was very surprised. At one moment I was sleeping and the next I'm on a whole other planet. I walked on this planet and I found a necklace." My grandma told me and pulled out a pearl necklace on a gold chain.
"I picked up this necklace and found a place to stay and hide out in. It was a small cave that was cold and damp, and had stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites on the ground. I laid on the ground and drifted off into sleep. I woke up back in my room with that necklace in hand. When I die, you will have to wear it, I don't want you to forget me." My grandma told me and I laughed, I didn't believe my grandmother would die because she didn't seem to age.
"You'll never die grandma! And I'll never forget you." I told my grandmother and she chuckled.
"You're too kind." She told me.
Y/N's pov: 5 years ago
I watched as my grandma was lowered into the ground. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I cried into my moms shoulder. Not many people surrounded me or my mom and I couldn't help but feel useless. My grandma was always there and helped me when I was sad and now I don't have anyone to tell my feelings to. My grandma might be dead in this world but she isn't dead in my heart.
Y/N's pov: 3 years ago
  I hold the razor in my left hand as I ball my eyes out. The kids at school keep saying I'm useless and I'm a waste of space.
'Useless, fat, ugly, whore! No one would miss you if you died! Just go kill yourself Y/N! Then you can be just like your grandma. I'd say you'll meet her in Heaven but everyone knows you're going to Hell!' My high school bully yells at me as she slammed me in my locker. That's how I got here, in the girls bathroom. I take in a breath and glide the razor over my arm, my anger comes out and I slice more and more. Blood drips from my arm as I roll down my sleeves. What would grandma think?
Y/N's pov: Yesterday
  I look through the boxes in the attic that belonged to grandma, and I can't help but smile. I see picture books of grandma when she was younger, and I see old teddy bears that were hers. I put the things I wanted to keep in a single box, and the things I wanted to donate in the others. The bad thing is pretty much everything that she owned, I wanted to keep. I soon frowned as memories filled my head. All the stories she told me about the planet named Homeworld, and about her adventures of traveling to places with her mind while she was asleep. When I was younger I used to believe I had her same abilities, I would dream about the diamonds and about this group of gems. The group of gems was well known as The Crystal gems, and their leader was a pink haired beautiful woman named Rose Quartz, and her group of friends. My dreams then stopped when I tried on my grandma's necklace. I put that necklace in these same boxes and I've been looking for it. My dreams have come back but instead of dreaming about the so called Crystal gems, I've been having dreams of a bright tall woman but I have no idea who she is. All I know is that she's tall, wears heels taller than me, and a bright aura. I can't help but feel scared of what this woman can do. I hope she doesn't hurt me.
Y/N's pov: Today
  I continue looking through boxes during lunch and I finally find it.  My grandmothers pearl necklace. I smile as I undo the clasp and hang it on my neck. I grasp it in my hand and I feel tears roll down my face. I grab one of my grandma's old teddy bears and I walk towards the ladder leading downstairs. I climb down the ladder and I walk to my room. I place the bear by my pillows and I look in the mirror, looking at my grandma's necklace. I heave a sigh until I hear a loud banging noise.
"Ouch! Y/N why didn't you put the ladder back up!?" Mom yells out at me.
"Oh! Sorry mom! I completely forgot!" I yell back and I rush into the hallway. I see mom picking up some junk she must've dropped when she hit the ladder. At least, I'm assuming she hit the ladder.
"Sorry doesn't cut it Y/N. Why do you keep the ladder down? There's no point in going upstairs. Just because you think you can do anything in the house, it doesn't mean you keep the ladder down. Now put it back up!" Mom yells at me as she walks down the stairs. I just nod and I push the ladder up. I hear a clicking noise and I know it's latched, then I go back to my room. I push the door open and I slam it behind me. I can't help but feel like grandma thinks little of me, if Heaven actually does exist that is. I take off grandma's necklace and I place it on my bedside table, I then open the drawer and I look for my razor blade. My eyes soon land on it and I pick it up. I close the drawer and I sit on my bed. I look down at the razor and I place it next to me, I roll up my sleeves and I see all the scars I've given myself over the years. I sigh and I pick the razor back up and I glide it across my wrist. Blood drips down my wrist and I pass out.
•Same day: Dinner time
  I wake up and I look down at my wrist. I see the dried blood and I sigh, that's the 10th time this month that I haven't died. I look at my clock on my bedside table and it reads '9:26.' I roll down my sleeves and I stand up, I pace back and forth until I hear a weird noise. I look to where it's coming from and I see that grandma's necklace is shaking. I walk towards the necklace as it keeps shaking. It soon falls off the table and a bright light emits from it. Soon the necklace floats up and I see a body form around the pearl, I step backwards and trip over my feet. I land on my butt and the body soon becomes a pale, tall woman, I open my mouth in shock as this woman with a gem on her head looks at me. She quirks an eyebrow and looks at me. She then opens her mouth to speak,

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now