A hell of a day keeps the bitches away

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•Y/N's pov:
"Let's" pearl says, stepping forward. She opens the door and steps in the class room, I follow behind her and leave the door open once I step inside.
"Hey Mr. Jefferson." I say, waving and walking towards my desk.
"Hello Y/N. Who's this new face?" Mr. Jefferson asks. Pearl walks towards his desk and holds out her hand.
"My name is Pearl. I'm new here, which class is this?" Pearl asks formally.
"Oh a new student! This is English. Something tells me you'll do great in this class. Where are you from?" Mr. Jefferson asks, eyebrow raised.
"Oh, me? I'm from Beach City." Pearl answers.
"Oh I've heard of that place." Mr. Jefferson says. Pearl seems taken aback but recomposes.
"You have?! Do you know how far away it is from here?!" Pearl asks.
"Uhhh about a 3 day drive maybe. Shouldn't you know that though? You're the one that came here." Mr. Jefferson states.
"Oh! Uh I was just curious." Pearl says.
"Well class is about to begin, you can sit next to Y/N." Mr. Jefferson tells Pearl. Pearl just nods and I walk towards my desk, Pearl follows me and I pat the desk next to me. I sit on the outside of the row and Pearl would sit on the inside. I sit down and place my books on my desk and Pearl just sits down. The bell rings and I hear lockers open and close and then footsteps. Students soon file in and walk towards their desks and sit down, once they sit down they realize Pearl. Some of the students look at her weirdly but she just shrugs it off. Once everyone's in the class Mr. Jefferson closes the door and stands in front of his desk.
"Good morning class! Today we're going to study Shakespeare and learn to use some of his insults. Before we start this though we have a new student joining us today. Please introduce yourself Pearl." Mr. Jefferson says, pointing at Pearl. She doesn't stand up and stays in her seat.
"Pearl you're supposed to stand." Mr. Jefferson says. Every student chuckles or laughs at Pearl and I see a faint blush tint her cheeks. She stands up and puts her hands in her pockets.
"My name's Pearl. I'm from Beach City and I'm interested in meeting and learning all of your names." Pearl tells everyone and she sits back down. Mr. Jefferson smiles at Pearls statement, then he sits down.
"So, does any student have any questions for Pearl?" Mr. Jefferson asks. Multiple students raise their hands and I have a feeling I know what most of those questions are going to be.
"Yes, Jaime." Mr. Jefferson says, pointing at Jaime Wilson in the back of the class.
"Oh uh, Pearl what's that thing on your forehead?" Jaime asks. Pearl turns and looks at me and then at Jaime.
"No insulting questions Jaime." Mr. Jefferson states. More than half of the hands drop except for Amber's and her side kick Esmeralda. I chuckle at how many students wanted to know what was on Pearls forehead, I was correct on my assumption that mostly everyone would ask that.
"Yes, Amber." Mr. Jefferson says, pointing at Amber.
"Yes well, uh Pearl is it?" Amber asks, Pearl nods and Amber continues.
"Why exactly do you choose to talk to Y/N if she's just a dirty, skanky, slut when you're sooo much better than her?" Amber asks. Mr. Jefferson doesn't say anything this time because Amber flashes her cleavage towards him. Everyone laughs at her question and I put my head down, I feel eyes on me and I just close my eyes.
"Well I talk to her because she's a mature and genuine person, unlike you and your friends. Also she doesn't need to use her body to get good grades, she works for it. I bet everyone knows that the reason you use your body is because you want people to know you're made out of silicone and plastic, at least Y/N is 100% real." Pearl says, I look up and see Amber blushing and multiple students covering their mouths with their hands and chuckling. Amber looks over at Mr. Jefferson but Mr. Jefferson has his eyes closed, probably pretending to be sleeping like last week.
"Mr. Jefferson!" Amber yells, Mr. Jefferson shoots up surprised and looks at Amber with wide eyes.
"What is it Amber?" Mr. Jefferson asks.
"Pearl just called me fake!" Amber yells.
"Well you are Amber....." Mr. Jefferson states, his eyes drifting closed.
"Take that back bitch!" Amber yells.
"Sorry barbie girl. I mean what I said, I could also easily tell the office about this morning in class." Pearl says. Amber suddenly closes her mouth and her eyes are wide. Students cheer at Pearls statement and Mr. Jefferson opens his eyes.
"Okay okay, I'm up! Calm down students, open your books to page 327." Mr. Jefferson tells everyone, some students sigh but open their books anyway. I open mine and push it to the edge of my table for Pearl to see, she stops looking at Amber and turns her head to look at my book. Soon Mr. Jefferson stands up and opens his book, then class begins.
*Time skip to Lunch*
Pearl and I step out of social studies and I head to my locker to drop off some of my books. Once we reach my locker I put in the combination and open my locker, then I put my Social Studies book and English book in and grab my Math and Chemistry books. I then slam my locker and head towards the lunch room. Pearl follows behind me and we speed walk, wanting to get there before anymore bullies show up. Once we reach the lunch room I wait in line and Pearl finds us a spot. I pick up a chocolate milk carton and a salad bowl and put it on my tray, then I reach the lunch lady. Amber soon comes out of no where and skips me, shoving me out of the way. I stumble a bit back but don't fall over.
"Move out of my way skank!" Amber yells, turning and seething at me. The lunch lady looks at Amber and smacks her on her head with her spatula.
"Don't call her that Amber." The lunch lady tells her. Amber sighs and I just chuckle. Amber drops her money on the counter and walks off, I step forward and the lunch lady looks at me.
"I'm sorry you have to go through with her everyday Y/N. I always try to keep her in line when I see her bully you and others. It's on the house sweetie." The lunch lady tells me. I smile but shake my head.
"No I insist. I feel rude getting a free lunch. I don't even know your name." I say, holding out my money to her. She just shakes her head and holds out her hand, pushing my money away.
"My names not important darling." The lunch lady says, smiling.
"Okay, okay. Thank you?" I ask, still wondering what her name is.
"Caitlyn. Now go eat your lunch!" Caitlyn says, waving me away. I just chuckle and walk to Pearl, until I stop. I notice about 5 or 6 people are sitting by her. I look at Pearl hoping for her to catch my eye, she doesn't at first but soon turns and looks at me. She smiles and waves me over, I furrow my brows but she sighs and stands up. She walks towards me and wraps her arm around my shoulders.
"C'mon Y/N. Don't be shy, they're actually really nice people." Pearl reassures. She walks us towards the table and I follow her. She sits down and then I sit next to her. The people look at me and then at Pearl.
"As I was saying, Pearl you were awesome when you stood up to Amber! She needs to get put in her place. Sooo many people hate her and you were brave enough to say that stuff to her." A student says. I look at him and realize I've never seen this guy before.
"Well I only did it for Y/N. She's my best friend, and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here." Pearl says, turning to look at me. She smiles and I smile back, slightly blushing. Then someone else asks a question.
"Are you guys like a couple or somethin' ?" A girl asks. I instantly look at her, eyes wide and a very heavy blush.
"W-what? N-no. Of c-course not. We're j-just friends." I say, stuttering. I feel my face heat up and I turn my face away, trying to hide my blush. Pearl awkwardly chuckles and I have a feeling she's blushing as well.
"Oh, sorry. Uh, I don't mean to offend you, but are you sure? You guys seem like you like eachother, especially by how heavy you guys are blushing." Someone else says, cutting in. I scoff, pick up my books and then rush to the bathroom. I rush through the halls and quickly look for a bathroom. My eyes scan the halls and my eyes soon spot a bathroom door, I shove it open and go into a stall. I close the door but don't lock it. I soon smell cigarette smoke but I close my eyes. I feel tears rolling down my face, and I cover my mouth with my hand. I then hear the door opening and I look up, I see Amber smiling like a mad man and grabs my hands. She pulls me out of the stall and shoves me against the wall, her hand around my throat.
"Awww, is little baby slut crying like a bitch?! I guess that pale vampire broke up with your sorry ass! Why don't you just kill yourself?! Everyone including the Pearly whore wouldn't even fucking miss you!!" Amber yells.
"Ahhh!" A girl yells, running towards the bathroom door. I hear it open and close and soft footsteps hitting the ground.
"She's not. My. Girlfriend!!" Pearl yells. Amber loosens her grip on my neck and turns. I put my right hand over my throat but turn to my right, I see Pearl with a spear and a cigarette in her mouth. She points the spear at Amber and Amber holds her hands up in surrender.
"What the hell! Are you crazy?!" Amber yells.
"No I'm not crazy. I'm just protecting my best friend. Now leave her alone Amber." Pearl says, holding her spear up higher.
"Fine, fine! I'll leave her alone! Just don't hurt me!" Amber yells.
"Then go!" Pearl yells back, she lowers her spear and Amber runs out of the bathroom. The door opens and closes and Pearl moves her hands up to the cigarette takes a puff, and then takes it out of her mouth and throws it on the ground. She steps on it and twists her ankle, stomping the cigarette out. She lifts her spear up to her gem and it disappears in a flash of light. She walks over towards me and wipes the tears off my face.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't know you would run out." Pearl tells me.
"I.....Pearl......I just felt like they were making fun of me. In the past people made fun of me being a......a lesbian." I say, closing my eyes. I hear Pearl sigh but I soon feel her hand on my face. I open my eyes and see Pearl looking at me with blue cheeks.
"You don't need to be scared or insulted Y/N. On Homeworld we don't have names for a gems sexuality, on Earth it's so much different. On Homeworld you wouldn't call me anything but a Pearl. Here though, i'm a Pearl and a lesbian. It shouldn't matter if you're straight or a lesbian or gay, what does matter is you. Someone shouldn't be judged for the person they love, it's just your personal preference. Someone should still treat you the same for your preference because it doesn't effect them unless you like them. Garnet is a fusion of 2 gems, on Homeworld you'll get shattered for falling in love with another gem. On Earth no one judges Garnet because me and Rose know that she's made of love. So you should never be judged if you like girls or if you like men, to me you'll still be Y/N. So don't be nervous with telling me things, especially about your sexuality." Pearl tells me. She seems like she's thinking of something but she also looks upset.
"Thanks Pearl. Now I'm gonna help you, we're gonna have to find a way back to Beach City. I think there's a platform around here somewhere. We can search whenever you want to." I say. Pearl moves her hand from my face and steps back.
"We have another class Y/N." Pearl tells me. I nod and walk towards the bathroom door. I pull the door open and step out into the hallway and I hear Pearl's footsteps behind me. I hold my books close to my chest and I walk to Science class, and I sit in my seat.
"Hey Mr. Jameson. This is my friend Pearl, she's new." I tell Mr. Jameson. He pushes his glasses up his nose and looks up at Pearl.
"You can sit next to Y/N. I hope you like my class." Mr. Jameson says, pointing next to the desk at my seat. I walk over to my desk and Pearl sits next to me. I open my Science book and shove it over to the edge of my desk. Soon the bell goes off and I hear students walking in the halls. They soon walk into the class and each student sits in their seat. Just 3 more classes.
*Time skip to after automotive class*
Pearl and I step out of the schools huge garage and towards my locker. Once we reach my locker I place all my books back into my locker and I grab my bag. I slam my locker shut and walk to the schools front door. I push open the door and walk hand in hand with Pearl. I slightly blush but Pearl and I have been holding hands every time we walk in the halls. I'm still not used to it though. We walk down the street and surprisingly Amber and her minions aren't picking on me or trying to start a fight. I smile, happy at the thought that Amber will stop picking on me out of fear of Pearl. We continue walking until we reach my house, I turn left and walk up the stone path that leads to the door. I pull out my keys and open the door. I push the door open and hang up my bag and take off my shoes, Pearl steps in and I hear her close the door behind her. I turn around and see Pearl taking off my leather jacket and jeans. She picks them up off the floor and folds them, holding them out to me.
"Here you go." Pearl says. I just hold up my hands and shake my head.
"No, keep em'. They look good on you, you might need them another day. So keep them." I say. Pearl looks at me and then the clothes. She moves her mouth to the side and contemplates my offer.
"Okay. Sure, i'll keep them. Thank you." Pearl says.
"No prob Bob. Now lets head upstairs, I have some homework but I can just do it later. We should make a plan to start looking for those crystal platforms." I say. I turn back around and walk up the stairs, I turn right and head to my room. I open the door and step inside, then I hold it open for Pearl and she steps in. Then I close it behind her and I walk towards my bed. I sit on it and Pearl sits on it gingerly. She places the clothes beside her and pulls her legs up, sitting Indian style. I then turn to look at her.
"So, those platforms."

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now